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E IV. COOPER, UI. I., Aei-oucheiir nnd Gynaecologist. Office corner Main and Huton streets, Ann Arbor. NNUAL SCHOOL IWCEET1TVGÍ-. Notice is hereby given, that the annuul meeting of School District No 1 of the city of Ann Arbor, will be held at Fircmen's Hall, in said oity, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1879, for tho election of three Trustees in place of William D. Harriman, Philip Baoh and Patrick Donovan, iiuil for the transaelion of such other business as may legally come before Haid meeling. Tho polls for the election of officera will open at 10 o'clock a. m. and closeat 2 o'clock p. m. The business meeting will commence at 2 o'olook p. m. üjt order of the Board of Trustees, JOHN L. BURLEIGH, Stonturj. Ann Arbor, August 21, 1879. I SELL ALL GRADES OF TOBACGOS & CIGARS At Wholesale and ltetail. TRY MY F1VE CENT CIGARS I I KEEl aiE.A.rcsr bath tubs And the BEST Tonsorial Artista in the city. K?" Short hair cutting done with Olark's patent Clippers. It cuts the hair much nicer than with shears. No. S North Main Street, Ann Arbor. G. C. SCHUTT. Estáte of Edward Gardiner. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Piobate Ottice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the twenty-tírst (lay of August, in the year ODe thousand eifiht hundred and teventy-nme. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Edward Gardiner , ï':CiiüId EUzbethGayr gggfeg to heraeif or somother suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the flfteonth day of September next, t ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asaigned for the hearing of said petition, nnd that the heirs at law ot said deased , and all other persons interested in s lid estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any tiere be, why the pr.iyer of the petitioner shouid not be granted : And it is further ordered that said petitioner give nottee to the persons interested in said estáte, ot the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causins a copy of thls order to be pnblished in the Michigan Anous, a newspaper printed and circulnted in aaid county, three suocessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. W. G. Dotï, Probate Register. JlFTY GTS. TO WHITMORE LAKT! Citizens of Ann Arbor shouid remember that the passenger fare to Whitmore Lake via Brighton stage is only FIFTY CENTS. It is unnecessary to hire a rig at an expense of $3 or $4 for you can take the Brigbton stage at the Leonnrd House at 10 A. m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, returningon Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This stage rune rtgularly and can accuuimodate uix persons. C. H. 8MITH, Proprietor. Ann Arbor, July 24, 1879. TjTTHITMOEE LAXE Tho undersigned hasiittedup theboautifiil prove on the euBt side of Whitmore Lake, for the recojrtion of gu est s and boarders. Trausieut pleusure seekers aa well as bo:irders sceking a quiet, genteel sumiuer resort, will find ttt our pluce the most charmin scenory, and, we trust, a hopitable, kun 1 - ly home. To parlies eending their orders a day bofore their arrival we will serve rneals as goud as re(ueMted, otherwise a good cold lunoh, with ten or coffee, wil] be held to order at all timea, at a very reasonable priee. (ïood atabliug is a!so provided for. Give us a trial, and we think you will leave ua ■atiified. T. WIDENMANN. 5% 1f% I RlVpfl A Send for Bain]les and I ItllV I &üBtU Board and Printer' Supphea to GE15IIAKï & KUAMEK, t6 and 8 Kast Lamed St., DKXKOIT. wow TT p a vm t learn i XllTT Al tAliS PHONOGRAPHY. i 1. It Is intereeting os a game of eJiesi, and mny be learned by au y boy or girl, 2. It is instructivo in the philofuphjj and correct e of language. 3. It disciplinas the mind and cuttivate the memory, 4. It prepares young men lof suecesa in any of the professions. 5. It i enables young men and young women to ohtain ! profltable employment, as reporters, at lesa cost of ttme and study than any other profession. 6. The telephone, the new method of telegraphj Ing by the voice, will soon require tnany thtru Bands of PhonographcrM as operators, in order that they may keep pace with the new instrument. The AMERICAN MAXVAI, OF mo NOORAPIIY is the best self-instructor in the art. It will be sent, with Copy-Book, to any address, on receipt of $1. THÏ PHONETIC XUUCATOR,áevote& to Correct Spelling, Good Reading and Speaking, Bapid Writing, and general Self-lmprOTement, Is published monthly, at $1.50 a year. Address, LEONEL A. LONÜLEY, Cincinuatl.a T IïïSEY & SEABOIT'S Bakery, Grocery, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, 4c, For Wholesale and Betail Trade. "We shall also keep a supply of DELHI FLOtJE, J. M. Swift & Co'g Best White TVheat Floor, Bye I'lour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, i'eoil, Jfcc, &e., ifcc. At Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PEOVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. ÍW Cash paid for Butter, ligga, and Country Produce generally. 8 Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. BINSEX & SEABOJLT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1879. A NEW GROCERY! ATWEAST HU RON STREET. CASPAR RINSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, comprising everything In the line at bottom prices - aad purchased exclusive! y for cash. Trom a long experience in the trade, retail and Wholesale, he believea be can sell goods as cheap as the cbeapest. CALL AND SEE HIS PEICES! All Goods Warranted Flrst-CIass. Farmer prodnes wnted for whieh the hight cash prioe will be paid. t3F Eemeifiber the place, 16 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. AND ■ UPHOLSTERYI A.MUEHLIG 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Announces tothe public that he is better than ever prepariid to show them a complete stock of Furniture, compriskig BED BOOM SUITES, PAELOR SUITES, SOFAS, TETES, ' CHAIRS, &c, &c, At prices ivonilcrfiilly luiv. í Cali and see our stock. Estáte of James Morris. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a sessiou of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, hulden at thn Probate Office ie. the cifcf '"'". ' ""■ A-.-. - iuijIrvIUI il;y of August, in the year oue thousand eiiilit hundred and seventy-nine. Present, William I. Harriman, Judge of Probato. In the matter of the estáte of James Morris, deceased. George C. Page, adminiatrator of said estolo, comes into court and represeuts that he is dow pie prepared to render his final account as such administrator. Thereu pooit isordered.that Wednesday.the tenth dav of September next, at ten o'clock iu the foreDoon, be assigued for examining and aflowing such account, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested íd said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, aod show cause if any thure be, why the aalti account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said administrator give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said accoiiDt and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan ( gfs, a newspaper printed and circulatie in said , county, three successive weeks previous to said day i of hearing. . WILLIAM D. HABRIMAN, ( A true copy.) Judge of Probate. , Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Bstate of Elisha Freer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT ' of Washtenaw bh. At n session of the Probate J Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the ( Probate Office in the city of Ano Arbor, on Fríday, { the eïghth day of August, in the yearone thouaand eiht hundred and serenty-nine Present, William D. Harrinian, Judge of Probate, In the matter of the estáte of Elisha Freer, ' ceased. , On reading and filing the petition, duly vetifled, of James A. Freer, praytng that n certuin inatrument now on ftle in tliis court, purporting to be the Iaat will and testament of said deceased, may be admitted to probüte.and that he aud Amanda Freer uiay beappointed executor and executrix thereof. I Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the eighth ï day ot September next, at ten o'clock in the torenoon, be (issigued íor the hearing of aiiid petition, I and that the deviseee, légateos and heirs at Ihw of S said deoeased, umi all other persons, interested in eaid estáte, are required to appear at a session of eaid Court, then to be holden at the Probate T 3iiiee in the city of Anu Arbor, and show cause, f any there be, why tho pruyer of the petitioner ahould not be grauted : And it ia lurther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons Z interested in said estáte of tho pendency of saiil I petitiou and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy ot thia order to be published in the Michigan a Anous,a newspaper printed and circulated in said f, county, three euccessive weeks previous to said day m of hearing. -w WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, J ( A true copy.) Judge of Probate. ,Wm. Q. Dotï, Probate Register, LEGAL NOTICES. Lstate of Jacob Haab. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COIINTY of Washtenaw, as. At a sessionof tho Probate Courb for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oiïice, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the thirty-örst day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Present, William D.Harriman, Judgeof Pr ate. In the matter of the estáte of Jacob Haab, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Lewis Haab, praying that a eertain instrument now on Üle ia tnis euiut, purpcriing to be the last wül and testament of said deceased, may be admitted to Probate, and that h may be appointed executor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the first day of September next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon,betwsigcíd for the hearing oí said petition, and that the devisees, legatees, anti heira at law of said deceased, and all othei persons interested in eaid estáte , are required to n ppear at a session of siö court, then to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, íf any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be ra"nted : Aad it ia iurther ordered that said petiionergive notice to the persons interested insaid estáte, of the pendency oí said petition, anÖ the learing thereof, by cansí ng a copy of this ordet ;o be published in the Michigan Argus, a newsDaDur prid and circulated in snid county, tliree utcnf woüIcb pxovioit ■" 'oia tuy of hennL. WILLJAM D.HARP-lMAiS, (Atruecopy.j Jude of Probate. Wm. &. DoxfY, Pobte Regtster. Estáte of Clmrfo-tte A. Holt. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a seeeion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in tho city oi Ann Arbor, on Friday, the first day of August, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Present, William D. Harnman,Judeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Charlotte A. Holt, deoeased. On readïng and fiïing the petition, duly verified, of Kflit' .7. High, praymg tlmt adiaintstration of the estáte of said deceused may be grantedto Augustus High or some other suituble person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the first day of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenooii, be assigned for the hearing of aaid petition, and that the heirs at law t said dece;itied, and all other persoDE ïntereuted in sftid estute, are ■' quired to appear at a session oi said Conri, tites ' to be holden at the Probate Onice ia the ! city of Ann Arbor, and show caupe, ïf any there be, why the prayer of the petitioners '. should not be granted: And ifc is further ordered ' that said petitioners give notiee to the persons ' terested in said estáte, of the pendency of said f petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thïa order to be published in the Michigan Ai;r,ü-i, a nowspaper printed and circulated in suitl county, three suocesBive weeks previous to e id day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HABRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge oí Probat. "Wm. Ö. Dott, Probate Register. ' pREAT WESTERN RAIIVAY- V M Depota foot of Third and Brush streets. Detroit time. Detroit time, Leave. Arrive. Atlantic Expiess, Í4.00 a. m. Í10.00 p. m. Day Expresa, 8.35 a. m. 6.30 p. m. New York and Boston Express, 7.00 p.m. t9.45 a. m. Detroit Express, #12.45 p. m. Steomboat Express, 7.00 a. m. ÍDaily. Daily except öunday. tExcept Monday. S For information and tickets apply to H. W. Sayes, Agent M. C. R. R.t Ann Arbor. P W. H. FIRTH, WM. EDGAR, Weatero Pass'r Ag't. General Pasa'r Agemt GOÓÜ1UCH HOUSlü, SALINE, MICH Best Hotel in town. First-class in erery respect. J L spaciouíí sample room. Guesta cosveyed to and rom Railroad free. A. H. Goodkigu, Prop'ï. BOAItOINO SCHOOT. FOH BOYS., " , MICHKiAN MILITARY ACADEMY. " Send for Catalogue. ORCHARD LAKE, MICÜ, LEGAL NOTICES. Egtate ot K.rü C. Seamin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTTT of Vnli tevmw, as. At a session of the Probate Court íor tlie Cuuaty of Washtenaw, HtHden at tinr Probate Office, in the city of Anu Asbos, o Mooday, the twenty-first day of July, in the year on thousand eight hundred and seveuty-niite. Present, William D. Uairtman, Judge oí Probate. In the matter of tbe estáte oí Ezra C. Seamun ,- deceased. On reading and ïiline tbe petition duly verified of John M. Wheeler, praying that a certain instrument now on tile in this Court, purporting to be the last Wiil iind Testament of said deceased, may ber admitted to probate, and that be may be ajjointei executor thereof. Thereupon it iaortfered, that Friday, the twentyninih day of August m-ii, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aswig-ued Í01 tbe hearing of said petition,and that thedevisees, legateeaand beirsat Uw oi tsrti'l tït'L-easedt and nll other persons intvrettted in said estáte, are reqnired to aopear al a session of said court, then to be holden at th Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why tbe prayer of the pelitioner Hhould not be grnnted : And it is turthex ord&fC1 tkt saiá petitioner gire notice to the persons interestftd in sarid estáte;, of the pendency of aaid potition and the hear ine t.hereof , by eauein a copy of this order to be publiölied in the Michigan Aróos, newspaper priDtud and circalated in said county, tbre ue cessive wee-ka prtTions to eaid d"ayof hearidff. WLIXIAM D HARKIMANV f A tme copy,) Judge o Piobatb. Wm. G. Doty Probate Betiater. Chancery Xotice STATE OF MICHIGAN, TWENTTsevond Judicial Ciietut- i Cltaneeiy. Sni pending iu tbe Ciictiit Coant fï the eounty of Washtenaw- in Chancery. At th tj 4 Ypif lanti in aid county, on the twelfth day of Jnly, A. I). 187, Maria L. Hrt, conipfainant, vs. David CHart, dvlendunt in said suit. It sutUfactorily appearing to that tbe defendunt, Darid C. Hart, is a non-resident of this state, tapon proof by affidarit of that fHct, and on moüou of Albert Crane, solicitor und of counsel for complainsnt, it is ordered that tbe said defendant, David O. Hart, cause nis ['pettrnnce to he entend m this canso within threa tuofHh fiiuït Viöae díte ví thï order, anti ibiBtt ia cs jï his Hi]peftrane fce awme fcis an.swer to the com- plaiiiftDt'íi bilí to be filed and a copy thereof to ba ierveU on the complainant's solicitar within tirenty ïavsafter service of a copy of said bill pd noticc r this order, and in default thereof hat tbe saidfc ill be taken as confesscd by the said dttfendans David C. Hart ; aui Ét i furtaar ordvrvd that withn twenty days the said comptainaut cause such or Ier to be pubfished in some newspaper printed in laid county once in each week for six weeks ia ioc- :essiou. Dated, July 18, 1879. FKED A. HUNT, Cireoit Court Commissioner, Wasbtenaw CoMHt v, Michigan. Aliïebt Chake, Cuinp3t'aSlieifcOr. pO THE FAEMER8 OF WASHTENAW! It is a welf-Ynowü fact and hxa nt bee dntcd hat the Totedo and Ann Arbor rarlroad tb paai earhaspmi ia the pocket oí he farmeci of th sunty, at least thrce cents on aïl of their vrhest. tow threecentB on 1,500,000 bushcls i 45,000 dpK ir&; quite a saring. Now we sayt brinr foca 'heat and patronize the road where you will find our old friends, Tbkadwei-i ie OöBOBNBreftdy to ay the hiifhest posBible price that can De pid. - Te trast, by fair dealiox, we will rive a íair pro jr t ion of pat ronage. Youra ti uly t TREADTVELL. OSBOBNE. Ann Arbor, July 23, U79. AUIH FOR SAL.E. 60 acre, well fmproved, off the west side of the et half of tbe soulheast qnartor of section clcvua the township oi PittsSeli, WauktcMw Coonty. 'ill be sold eheap. ïerms caay. Enquire of JL. C, EISPON, 27. Ana Arbor Micd.


Old News
Michigan Argus