Positively Cash
TH I RTY D AYS ! TH I RTY D AYS ! I will sell my entire stock of R,ady-Made Clothing, lints and Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Goods, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, In many instances less tlian tLey can be replaced tliis fall. Those avIio come first will find the Lest assortment. The terma of this sale are I haven't the space to name pnces entire, bnt for example: Linen Collars, former price 15 and 20c, during this sale 10c; Linen Cuffs, former price 30 and 40c, now 20c. Slimmer Clothing and Winter Clothing, Summer Underwear and Winter Underwear, Summer Hats and Winter Hats, in the same proportion as above. Oall and seO. JOE. T. JACOES, The On Price Clothior. . -
Old News
Michigan Argus