AttextioN !- To whom it inay concern : It is hereby requested by the undersigned that all parties wbo have been or now are mem berg of Co. A, or wei e members of Co. B, return to Henry Hatck tbe quarter master of Cotupany A, all or any articles of State property i ncluding Uniforma or any part thereof. Also any Company property, Tactics or any other articles that belong to said Co. A. Any pergon having any of the aboye inentioned articles in their poggesgion, Will confer a favor apon Yours respectfully, C. H. MANLY, Capt. Coin. Co. JACOB HALLER & SON, DEALKRS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Spoctaeles, PLATEO WARE AND GOLD PENS, 24 South Main Street, W Specinl üntion givon to repairing atcche clocks, and jewelry.
Old News
Michigan Argus