- Mrs. Dr. P. B. Rosb is visiting friends in Marshall. - Prof. Watson of Madison, "Wis., Uni versity ia in town. - Dr. Breakey has just returned from a trip up the lukea. - Miss Sophia Broas of this city is visiting friends in Owosso. - Charles Thayer, Esq., of this oity has become a resident of Clinton, lowu - Mrs. J. D. Warner of Cincinnati is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bach. - A. W. Ames of the news depot has gone to McGregor, losva, to visit his daughter. - Miss Nellie Drake of this city returned last week froin a fortnight's visit in Marshall. - Rev. Fnther Loveti, forraerly of Niles, officiated in St. Thomas church on Sunday. - Supervisor Purtell of Northfield accompanied the military excursión to Put-in-Bay. - Prof. De Pont and fainily, Mr. Van Wert and Eddie Pitkin are in camp at Notth Lake. - J. V. Sheehan left town Wednesday for a vacation of a week in and about Port Huron. -The faraily of Presidont Angelí left town Monday to spend balance of sumrner at Block Island. - Miss Kitty Flynn of Detroit has boen sponding several 3ays latolj vioifeing friends in the city. - Clarence J. Peck of Manchester is visiting James Robison, of ths firin of A. V. Robison & Son. - Edwin Mack, son of Christian Mack ot' this city, arrived at New York from Europe on Monday raorning. - E. B. Abel of the dry goods house of Bach & Abel has gone to New York city after a fall stock of goods. - Prof. Sohmid of Colutnbus, Ohio, returned on Tuesday evening from a visit to Lansing and Saginaw. - Mrs. A. J. Shively and daughter, Grace, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are in town visiting Mrs. S's mother, Mrs. Best. - Lawrence Maxwell, Jr., and wife of Cincinnati are in town visiting Mrs. M's inother, Mrs. Barry of Fourth Street. - A gradúate from the Western Union telegraph office, Charles S. Hicks, bas secured a position at Osooda, Iosco po. - Mrs. J. B. Kemp and son of Detroit and Mrs. Sophia Schraidt of Chicago are visiting Mrs. X. H. Drake of this city. - A. L. Noble of the Star Clothing House left the city yesterday for the east to purchase his usual stock of fall goods. - George W. Knight is acting teller of First National Bank in the absence of Chas. M. Jones, rusticating at Port Huron. - Prof. Perry of this city addressed teachers at Eaton Rápids Instituto on Monday on " How to Organize District Schools." - Rev. Father Fierle, the new pastor of St. Thomas church in this city, will offioiate at the Catholic church in Northfield on Sunday. - A tea party WftB givon by the Mitjees Schuyler of West Huron strret on Saturday evening for a yisiting friend Miss Colby of Chicago. - Mr. A. W. Chapman, agent of the T. & A. A. R. R., has sufficiently recovered from his iilness as to be able to attend to his business. - Chas. F. Meyers, the well known, polite, and accommodating clerk will be retained in the new clothing house of Douglas, Henderson & Co. - JoeT. Jacobs, the one-price clothier, left town for the east on Tuesday to return with a fall Btock of clothing, gents' furnishing goods and bats. - Rav. Mr. Thorwold, pastor of the Germán Methodist church of this city attended the Germán Methodist camp meeting lately held at Lansing. - Members of the coming new clothing store, Messrs. W. W. Dougrlas and W. R. Heuderson, left for the east early in the week for a stock of goods. - E. P. Anderson, University class of '79, has accepted the professorship of mathematics in the Normal School at Hol! y Springs, Miss. Salary $700. -Dr. D. C. Wright of Detroit visited this city Wednesday evening and addressed the members of the Mutual Benefit Association at Firemeu's Hall. -Col. Dean, H. C.Waldron and Alex. W. Hamüton, who are to work up subscriptions tor the Pontiao road at Wixom, will commence active operations at once. - Chas. H. Richmond and D. Cramer of this city have engaged to address the assemblage of Bridge water farmers at theannual festival in Juni's Short'sgrove on Saturday next. - Mr. Braisted, assistant auditor of the Michigan Central, has inoved his family froni Romulus to this city for ihe purpose of educating his children, and rented the dweiling, 26 William street. -Col. Goulding of Toledo addressed the Reform Club of Chelsea on Sunday and Monday evenings. Spoke at Dundee on Weduesday and at Milan on Thursday. On Saturday he goes to Whitmore Labe to look on and hear. - Capt. M. Mansfield of Ann Arbor was here over Sunday on business, it being his first visit to his former home since his removal two years ago. His daughter, Allie, aocompanied him and will remain a week or so, but the Cap tain returned home yesterday. - Coldwater Repuhlican. - Mrs. Harriet Row, mother of Commi8sioner Row of this city, is visiting friends in Washtenaw county. On Thursday last she attended a pioneer picnic at Sharon, where she located with her husband in 1831, and lived until her removal to Lansing a few years since. - Lansing Republican. - Atnoug the Ann Arborites who visited the Toledo Saengerfest this wook were George Halier and wife, John Heinzmann and wife, Jacob Heinzmaun and wife, David Allinandiqger, Prof, JF. Sohaeberle, Mrg. August Graf, George Hus, Ludwig Bolz, Michael Fleming, Alderman Heiman Hutzel, and Leopold Blaeas of Lodi, ■ i i - ■ ii ,
Old News
Michigan Argus