Chelsea, Aug. 20. - A few cases of chilla are reported in this vicinity. - D. B. Tajlor talked tempéranos to a good house at Unadilla Sunday night- The grist mili is now in good running order and getting a good local trade. - Metnbers of the Chelsea Eeform ülub will hold a meeting at Dexternext Sunday night. - The new school building is up and will be ready to occupy by the opening of the schools. - There was a uniou Sunday school rienio frmc this place to North Lake ast Wednesday. - The brick work uuv progresses on MCcKono's block. It is to be ready to occupy this fall. - Col. Goulding gave two temperance ectures here last Sunday and Monday uights and gave good satisfaction. - There's very little doing in town, the farmers ore haying and getting ready to sow more wheat than common this fall.
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