- "Kulnmazuiu " is good, and will stick. - The Coldwator Republican advocates buttermilk at a beverage. - White pulliug weeds in a garden, Fred Hurlbutt üf Norvell waa bitten by a snake. - Ward's elevator at Port Huron received 10,000 bushels of wheat in a single dajr. - Oscar Doolittle of AdrUn sold a $220 Buff coohin rooster to W. H. Tallman of Hillsdale. - Robert Owens of Teoumseh is in Adrián juil charged with selling liqaor to a minor. - Benjah Soaman ia ruminating in jnil at Adrián for twenty days for exercising mnscle upon Mrs. S. - The cost of feeding the prisoners has been rsduced to 8 1-2 cents per man per day at the Ionia prison. - Au Adrián chap got out a writ of habeas corpus to sea if he could bo tried for drunkenness when he was sober, - It is expeoted that twenty hose companies will be in Battle Creek and take part in the state firemen's toumament. - Official announcement is made of the consecration of Bishop-elect Harris at St. Paul's ohureb. in Detroit, Sep. 17. - Martin Paluier, of Napoleon, who broke his arm by a fall from a pear tree, is not expected to live erysipelas having oei lll. - The Adrián canning lactory has coutracted for 40 acres of tomatoes at 20 cents per bushei, and tho erop is said to be immense. - Mrs. Mary L. Davis was found dead in the woods in the town of Woodbridge, Hillsdale oounty. Supposed to be a case of haart disease. - Rather than stand trial on charges of being a common drunkard Cyrenus Kapp levan ted from Adrián, leu ving his bail of $100 in the lurch. - The Port Huron Times says there are nina cities down in New Jersey deeper in debt than Port Huron is. New Jersey always had a bad reputation. -Mrs. John B. Tylerof Marshall attempted suicide on the 12th by taking a dose of stryohniuu, but the doctor saved her. No reason for the aot isgiveu. - Early on the morning of Tuesday a ñre bioke out in the news depot at Hilladiilf.consuminga large numberof business places and offices above. Total loss estimated at $44,000. Insurance $32,000. - Adrián is rapidly deoreasing in population. The exodus, however, is of a class not necessary to hold fast to, and is in the direction of tho Ionia reforniatory. - Loren Keep, while threshing at his residence ia Clarendon, feil from the seaffold, running his arm into the cylinder and sustained injuries necessitating its amputation. - Niohols & Shepard of Battle Creek, have manufacturad a threshing machine engine which runs with the use of straw for fuel. About 100 pounds of straw will thresh 100 bushels of wheat. - Burglars made a raid on the quiet village of Holly last Friday night, visïted eight houses and places of business, takiug silvorware, watohes, money, anything and everything, and got off soot 'ree. - The Morenci chaps who pummelled a hotel keeper until he oouldn't teil the moon from a cabbage head, have been }ouud over to the circuit court, where ;hey eau defend thomsolves against the charge of oonspiracy. - Isaac Evans, an old resident and highly respected citizen, while hauling a load of strik w froui bis son 's place, one mile east of Lapeer, feil froin the load ireaking hig neck and killing him intantly. He was 69 years old. - A fifth wife called at the jail in Adrián the other day to see her bigamous huaband, bat declined to oonverse with him in the presence of an oliicer, according to the rules ; she is 18, pretty, and ran away froni home. Oh! A woman's love. - William A. Brown of Detroit suiciled by use of laudanum, after a drunken aproo. Brown, while at work in the ïarvest field in jcipio, Cayuga Gounty, 'T. Y., killed a man with a hay-rake a ew years ago, and, after trial, acquitted on the ground of self-defense. - In 1877 twenty thousand young whito flsh and thirty thousand eels were leposited in Graas Lake, but no traces of the former have ever been seen and t is supposed that the water was either ,oo impure for them to exist iu, or they were destroyed by other fkh. The eels, ïowever, Beem to do well and several wo feet in length have been caught and tnany others seen during the present ummer. - The frost of Saturday night cut corn and potatoes in Lansing and surounding townships badly. There is oarcely a piece of either within a radius of four miles that is not injured to ome extent, potato-tops in niaiiy intancesbeing cut to the ground. InLocke ownship the frost killed oorn, buckwheat, tomatoes, eto., and ioe formed on water In the open air ; bat the damage was not very extensivo. - Lansing Repuiiean. -At the Hillsdale fire Dr. J. W. Faley, an old pioneer, and wlio had been eoretary of the Farmers' insurance comany everginoeits organization 14 yoars ago, lost every vestige of papers and ooks of the association f rom its organzation to the present time. He also ost all the records of the county poorïouse and its inmates, together with the official papers belonging to the city chool board. The city clerk lost uil he books and papéis bolonging to the city. - Hine of the Lowell Journal, in a ïalf column of feound advice to young men, says: "Sinoko less, drive less, dre8 o better than your employers, dou't uy what you don't need, be steady and ellable, and keep a curb bit on until your habits and charaoter are firmly esablUhed. If you will do this for ton 'ears f rom now, you will be a man of nrlueuco liuij standing and eau uil' ml he lujuries your seniora are able to havo and enjoy. If you don't ten yeara heuoe 'ou will be wqrs,e off than you are now, vith no credit, np iiifluoiicö, uu monuy, na friends." '
Old News
Michigan Argus