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Stearns' Drug Store 57 WOODWARD AVENUE, DETEOIT. We keep in stock the largest variety of Medical Merchandize gathered under one roof in America. BST Visitor are cordially Invited te vislt our Store vhen in Detroit. PHYSICIANS, SUROEONS, STUDENTS, and DEALERS are invited to examine our large and complete a&ortment of Snrfiic allns tr nments and all kindred grood bufore malung thelr selec tious elsewhere, as we will make it to their advantage to obtain their supplies of us. FREDERICK STEARNS. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GÖODS ! And price LOWEE THAN EVER. I have parchased in New York, for cash, and 1 am now daily receivinu one of the lureest and mout select stocks ot Groeeries in Washtenaw County, consisting ot a f uil and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new crof - including (iuupowders, Impertáis, Young My■ons, 11} suus. Japans, Oolongs, tur. mosas, ((iLfoui, souclione, asd Twanhaya, Together with a full line of CÜFFEES, eonsietine of the following branda: MOCHA, OLD GOV'T JAVA.MAKACAIBO, LAGUAYRE.8ANTOS and RIO, both roasted and ground ; a full and well selected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line cf Ture 8pices,Canned fruits, and Vegetables. We have a full and complet line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Also, a choice asaortment of Ladies' and Qentlemen's Underwear. Cali and examine Goods and PrineB and we will insure satisfaction. EDWARD DUFFÏ. " llaynard's Block,' cor. Main and Ann streets Ann Arbor, Mieh. 3"H?heiit cash price paid fo; all farm j-roduce.-la RAILROADS. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Sunday March 23, 1879. GOIKQ NOIITH. OOIKG SOÜTH. kix. jKxp.Kxp.; Exp. Exp.,Mix A.M A.M. P. M.! A.M.PMIPM. 6 50 10 40J 6 00 TOLEDO 9 29l 2 60 9 25 6 53 10 42,6 02 North Toledo 9 2712 48! 9 22 7 07 10 50! e 11 I Detroit Junction 9 19' 2 39! 9 04 720 1058! 620 Hawthorn I 9 11; 2 31j 8 47 7 33 1106 6 28 Samarla 9 P3 2 23Í 8 30 7 42 1111 6 34 Seola ' 8 581 2 18 819 7 55 1118:6 42 Lulu 8 49 2 10J8 02 8 03 1123(6 47 Monroe Junction I 8 42 2 OS 7 51 8 35 1132 6 67 Dundee 8 35 155 7 32 8 46 1137 7 0?! Macon 8 30!l50 7 21 8 58 1142 T10 Azalia 8 24 144 7 10 9 25 1154 7 23 Noran 811 132 6 37 9 38 12 00 7 29 Uraa 8 05 I 26 6 25 9 52 12 0 7 86 Milnia 7 58 120 6 13 10 13 12 15 7 46 Ypsilanti June. 7 48 1 10 5 54 10 40 12 28 8 00 ANN ARBOR 7 36 12 58J S 30 The 7.36 a. m. expres south malees close connections at Monroe Junction for Adrián and Monroe and for points on the Lake Shore ; at Toledo with Columbus & Toledo and the Wabash. The 12.58 p. m. expresa south connects at Toledo with the 3 o'clock train east on the Pennsylvania Eoad thro' to New York. All trains run by Columbus time- 7 minutes faster than Ann Arbor time. J. M. ASHLEY, Jr., Superintendent. MICHIGAN CENTRAL KAILKOAD. MAY 25, 1879. ___ QOIKQ WKBT. A. M. A.M F.M. ;p. m. 1". M. p.H. Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 35 i 5 55! 3 55 8 10 9 ;o G. Ï. Junction, 7 15:10 Oo! 6 10! 4 10 8 26 10 10 Wayne Junction 7 52! 10 28! 6 42: 4 96 8 57 10 4" Vp.iilanti, 1 8 20 10 45! 7 05. 4 55 9 22 11 04 Geddes, 8 30 ! 7 20 AnnArbor, S 40 11 00: 7 35 5 20 9 38 11 20 Delhi, I 8 53 ! 7 46; Dexter, I 9 04 1 7 56 5 87 9 59 CheUea, 9 23 . 8 11 5 80 10 15 GniSB Lake, 9 50 ! 8 35 6 10 10 38 P.H A.M. Jaekson, 10 20 12 15 9 00 6 30 11 15 12 46 Albion, 110412 50 a 7.S6ÍU59J 120 Marshall, 1150 1 30 - 5 8 03 12 25 1 40 1'. M. CS A.M. BattleCreek, 12 19 1 55 i 8 32 12 50! 2 02 Galesbury, 12 52 9 06; 1 20! A.M. Kalamazoo, 1 15 i 37 5 00 9 25 1 38 ' 2 43 Lawton, i 1 63 5 33 ! 2 13 Decatur, 2 10 6 50' ,2 31 Dowagiac, 2 35 6 12 2 S7 Nile, 3 05 4 07 6 55' 3 301415 Buchanan, 3 19 1 7 07 3 45 Three Oaks 3 49 1 7 32 NewBuffalo, 4 03 4 67 1 7 45' 4 27! Michigan City, 4 30: 5 20 1 8 10 ! 4 55. 6 30 Lake, 5 13 6 02 8 53' 5 45! 6 19 Kensington, 6 00: 6 50 9 10 6 40' 7 10 Chicago, arrive, I 6 60 7 40 10 301 i 7 80 1 8 00 OOINGEABT. jT '" lis jj j, a ilüli! I A.M. A. M. p. M. P.M. p M Chicago, leave, 700900400 5 16 9 10 Kensington, 7 50 9 50 4 50 i 6 05 10 00 Lake, ' 8 33110 30 6 42 6 50 10 43 Michigan City, 9 2511 131 6 35 7 4uin 30 NewBuffalo, 9 47 11 30j 6 651 11 62 Three Oaks, 10 02! 7 08 A.M. Iiuchanan, 10 32 7 35 Niles, i 10 45 12 151 8 05 9 0ü'l2 48 Dowagiac, ,11 W ! 8 33, ; 1 16 Decatur, 11 39 8 57! ! 1 40 Lawton, 11 57 1 9 15 a. M.l 1 57 Kalamazüo, 12 .V' 140 9 50 6 60 10 28 2 28 Galesburg, (12 6S . 7 oá ! Battle Creek, 1 28 2 15 j M 7 40 H lü 3 18 Marshall, 2 26 3 00 f 8 081137,3 46 1 A.M. ' Albion, I 2 52 8 21 a.m. ! 8 35 11 59 4 12 Jaekson, 3 45 4 05; 7 16 9 30 12 50 5 00 Grass Lake, , 4 10' ' 7 881 9 50 : 6 25 Chelbe, 4 40 8 02 10 07' 5 W Dexter, 5 00 8 16 10 19 - - ! 8 05 Delhi, 5 10 8 25 AnnArbor, 6 20 5 10 8 45 10 35 2 05 6 25 Geddes, 6 80' ' 8 60! Ypsilanti. 5 37 5 24 9O0Í10 4N 2 20 6 41 Wayne June, 6 01 6 45 9 23 11 OS 2 44 7 05 G. T. June., 6 83 6 15 9 55 11 35 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., ! 6 48 6 30 10 10 11 gol 3 35 8 o0 Sundays excepted. ISaturday and Huñday excepted. tDaily. H. B. LEDYAKD, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Wbntwobth, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. CANADA 8ODTHERK RY I.I1VES. The Only American Route Through Canada Trains leave M. C. R. R. Depot, Detroit, city time, as follows : Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. ni., Wagner car to Boston. Fast Day Express, daily, 12 noon, Wagner car to New York and Boston. Lichtning Express, daily except Sunday, 11 10 p. m., Wagner car to Buftalo and Rochester. Toledo trains leave 7 50 a. ni. except Sunday ; 3 10 p. ni. daily ; 6 50 p. m. except Sunday, For Fayette 6 30 p. ín. except Sunday. & For inforniation and tickets apply to H. W layes, agent M. C. R. R., Ann Arbor. M. C. ROACH, Pass. Agent, Detroit. FRANK E. SNOW, Qm. Pus. and Tiokt Agt Dttwiu To Nervoug 8uflerersThe Great Europa, Remedy - Dr. ,J. 1. Simpson's Speciílc Medicine. It i a positive cure for Spermatorrhea, Semi,,, Weakness, Impotency, and all dioeases niïïff from Self-Abuse, as i.i ore. Mental Anxiety, aftkr. j%r4áÍCl. Loss of Meinory, .j. ■ . . ,v . Pains in Back or gSÊètöl W - -è '':-V ttnd deanes SSSSiSga %; T Igsj that lead to (j-w. jj V, -i sumption, insanity A"ftfBw .JBfcgT-V.? and an early grave. 9-' i JKP&-A. The Speolflc Sg ? p6?' ' ' k, cine is being usc-dSPLr' v with wonderful snecess. Pamphletí aent freetoiii Wnte for them and get full particular Price Speciflc, $1.00 per package, or sil pací,, íor 5.00. AddresH all order to. J. B. SIMPSON MEDICINE CO., Nos. 104 and 106 Main Btreet, Buffalo, K,j For sale Ín Ann Arbor by Eberbícb & Son, , by all druggista everjrwhere. 1TOTICE. The undersigned has purchased the intereM u Goerge H. Winslow in the frame and picture bu ness No. 30 East Hurón Street, and will conti! the business at the same place, giving prompt i tention to all orders for frames, etc. A fine st of Chromos, Engravings, and Photographs on ban and for sale cheap. All debts due the late flrm of Winslow t McVii lan are payable to the undersigned, and any dek cóntracted during his connection with the S will be paid by him. Ann Arbor, Oct. 14, 1878. 1710tf D. McMlLLAN, Abstracts of Titles. AU partieswho are desirous of ascertaininittki condition of the title to their land, or parties%2 wish to loan money on real estáte will do welk cali at the Eegister's office and consult a Compaxed Set of Abstract Books. Said book are so iar advanced that the Reeifa can f urniBh on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title of any parcel of and in Wahtenaw Oounty i shown by the original records. __ C. H. MANLY, Regiiter, DETROIT ThroatiLunglnstituft MEEBILL BLOCK, corner of Woodward aal Jetferson aves., Detroit, Mlch. M. Hilton Williams, M. D., Prop':, Who personally receives patients at the Iniü. tute for the cure of all the various diseua of the Head, Throat and Chest, and their complications, through the system of inhalatïon, combined with proper Internal treatment. To those who have they are pleased to ei, ' lingerini colds " we would say unhesitatlnti, and ïf posaible with a voice that would awakenj from that pleasant delusinn, that without prooi and earnest effbrta in a rational and proper manna many will soon follow those who have found releu from their suffering In that "sleep which knon no waking." You have been conociom, but almoat afraid i confesa the fact, and unwilling to admit it to yo selves tbat the slight irritation of the throat, ti, annoyance of nasal catarrh, the aymptoma of bronchial inflammation of a few weeks or monti ajfo, which you confidentl y believed would " na off," has become firmly eatablished, and is ma eertainly, and by deg-rees. more or less rapidly, au with fatal precisión and unyielding grap, aüvau: ing to hopeless consumption. You may object i and shrink from the frank statement by your mei ical adviser ; you may deny the truthful convictin which forcee itself npon your obsèrvation an reason, but the plain fact, dirested of flattering ii suranoes that can only cheat you of even life itsel is that these throat diseasen, the bronchial intiat mations and other constitutional causes, are tellin agalnst you with unerring certainty, and the n surances - so pleasant to the ear - that all wiil lx well bye and bye, are the more delusiva and erm You do not want (o stupefy the senses by opiat nor take into the stoinach drugs that will foree i, .- Titstoneandimpairitsoffice. Youdonotvu lueitiy palliative treatment toconduct and lull into fancied security to the very brink of th grave, font is neither reasonable nor just to yoniselvcs. or those who regard your case with tra bhng solicitude and painful anxiety. The chilly blasts and stonns of advanced ai nmn, the inclement winter with it searchii winds and atmosphere charged with moisture, har had their etfect upon you - the great and rapid t cissitudesof spring, that, with the re-awakening vegetable life, is peculiarly fatal to consumptiveêthesechanges of seasons are now upon the invali as well as upon the robust, and it is wise to jui now stop and refiect upon the nature and progren of your disease, and the remedial measures y have employed, and eriously to iuquire if thera I a way open to you by which you may escape ti danger which isimpending. We say without nesitation, that thegreater nun ber of pulmonary diseases can be cured. We need not dilate upon theorie whiie we aft able to present living evidences of the efficacy judicious medication in a class of cases so long an persistently pronounced hopeless. Inhalations are applicable in all dieeases of th respiratoir orgaus, including catarrh, throat dise es, asthma, bronchitis, consumption ; and tbou aiïds of cases can be cured by this mode of tres. ment when nothing else can reacb them. Those who desire to consult me in regard to theL cases had better cali at the office for an examina, tion, but if impossible to visit the office personally may write for " List of Qnestions," and circular botn of which will be sent free of charge. Addw M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. B, Mekrill Block, Detroit, Mich. MMM C0MPA1 Capital, - $3,000,000, Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includigi Be-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Be-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. V. MACK, Agent, Ann Arbor. GET YOUK PROPEKTY INSUEED BY C.H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANK ARBOR. - MICB The oldest agency in the city. Estabïslrti I a quarter of a ceutury sgo. Represeuting tb following first class comnaniee' Home Insurance Co. of N.Y., Assets oyer $6,000,01 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Assets over $3,000,0 I Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Assets $1,412, f Girard ol Pa. , Assets over $1 ,000,0 Oriënt of Hartford, Assets $700,0 Rates low. Losses liberally adjusted au' prompt] y paid. C. H. MILLEN. M =COMPOUND EXTRACT 0Fv_r? CONTAININQ Bctitt)Jii]iipcr& Spirits of Nitrel IN A C0NGEKTI1ATED FORM, FOB I Siseases of the Kidneys k Bladder, I Gocorrhea, Weaknesses, OverEsertions, Gleet, Stricture, Otstruction of the Urine, I and all Dlseases of tbe t ri narjr I and Sexual Organs, I Ko matter of how loog stADdiog. and whetbcr In I U MALE OR FEMALE. ■ ■ Prioe, ... One Dollar. ■ I Preptrfd from tbe original recipe of DR. HIL1.. I nd sold by W. JÜHNSTON k CO., 161 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. FOK SALE BY AI.l. DBüeelSTS.


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Michigan Argus