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- Corunna has a fuuiaiu barbur. - 7,000 persons tvtteuded Ikjyü's lake picnic. - A Port Hurón man has the contract for building the Holly water works. - A gun club has been organized at Norvell, and the snipe are packing up for other haunts. - President Ilayes nnd wifo are to be in Detroit onThursilay and Friday, September 18th and l'Jth, during the State Fair. - W. G. Gorman of Jaspor, Lenawee Co. has been arrested on a capias for jrnach of protnise and soducticn, with damages placed at $3,000. - The Clinton Neics is 19 weeks oíd, and tho proprietorisreudy to " take taters iuhi3'n"at 50 cents a buahel on subBcription. - The Greenville Independent tells of a snake with legs,,reoently killed near tuut city. This is the worst case of jiinjams on record. - Mrs. Hazlett, the Hillsdale orator, addresaed the farmers' picnic at Dovü's lake, in Lenawee county, on the 20th inst. There was a largo attendance. - The Lansing liqmblican. states that the largo telescope reoently ordered for the agricultural college has arrived and will bo put ia operation in a few days. -E. II. Morrison, of I. O. O. E1, fame, has now sued Parker & Austin, of Sturgis, for $20,000 data ages for solling his goods while ho was in jail at Mason last winter. - While the family of Wm. Cornelius who livo in Eaisin were attending a funeral, some burglars entered the house and carried off a considerable quantity of plate and jowelry. - M. B. Hatch, charged with adultery with Mrs. Horace Jackfield, of Oaklaud, Kent county has been discharged because the woman's testimony proved the crime to be rape instoad. -Frank Eandolph hidGö in aparlor stove at Waterloo, and forgot it until tne cool aays came on and a fire was built when he suddenly remembered that he was minus that amount. -The liquor tax of Kalamazoo county arnounts in the aggregate to $7,000, all of whioh has been paid except one assessment, and the papers are in the hands of the sheriff for its collection. - If there's anything a Morenci thief won't steal it isn't movable. One Payne lately stole a paper of coffin taoks, and probably would have stolen bis own funeral sermón, if he could have found it. - Tho total reooipts of the Lansing Spiritual Liberal camp-meeting were $1,021.02. The total expenses were about 700, exclusive of compensation for time and expenses of those actually engaged in getting up and tnanagiug the meeting. - Hon. Georgeillard, of the Battle Creeh Journal, says " All roads from the republican party, if followedfarenough, will be found to lead to the democratie party." Mr. Willard ought to know. - He followed one of the branch routes about six months, just before the last congressioual eleotion! - In spite of all the vigilance of the shrewdest officers of the county and Detroit, the gang of burglars went through the citizens of Eochester, Pontiac, Birmingham, Clarkston, Davisburg and Holly, all in the course of a week, then went to Monroe and shot a watchtnan and got off scot free with their plunder. - The Coldwater Republican tells a funny story about a small boy in one of the families of that town who caused a visit from at least twenty tramps in one day by marking on the gate of the residonce that peculiar sign which makes the average tramp's hearfc leap forth with joy and which alone is ever known to accelerate his steps. - The bodies of the Hubbard boys, Edward and Eobert, were found in Lake St. Clair Sunday. They were drowned in a storm eight days previous, and search for thein had been diligently prosecuted. Their father waa Bela Hubbard, a rich Detroiter, and were both highly respected youths, Edward bcin a gradúate of Michigan University, class of '78. - James E. Burgess of Leoni, has already sold $300 worth of meions produced on a six-acre patch, from which he will realizo as much more tefore the season is over. Last year ho donated 1000 meions to the prison, and the year previous 750. Mr. B. sold over $800 worth of strawberries last spring, and will realizo quito a noat income this season from his littlo farm of only 20 acres. - Jackion Patriot. Coekection. - In setting up the type of the new ad. of Wines & Worden last week we left out the word "Carpets." They have one of the largest stocks of carpets and dry goods kept in the state, and the fact should be remeinberod that notwithstanding prices havo advancod considerably they advertiso to sell carpets as well as all otlsor kinds of goods in their line at old prices - they having bought very largely of carpets, oil uloths, mats, mattings, and all kinds of dry goods before tho advance in prices.


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