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Superintendent Perry's Report

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From Superintendent Perry's report we make the fbllowing condenaation. The ordinary statistics for the ycar aro as follows : i. PERTAnfrro to the pisthict. 1. EquAlized Yaluation of district property 51,271,500 00 2. Cash valuatlon of school property 140,500 00 3. Kaliince on hand from preceding year 51 03 4. Amount rweived from primary school fnnd 11,163 04 5. Amount received from local taxation ( two mili tax 2,543 20 Í votert on property 21,665 00 6. Arnonnt ruceived from tuition j non-residents 3,833 60 resident) y70 00 7. Amount receiTed from all other Bourcss 87 60 Total recelpts Í3O,813 47 8. Cosí of suprintendence and instruction Í17.453 88 9. Cost of incMcntals 4.S4959 10. Amouut paid on bonds and interest 5 180 00 11. Amount paid for permanent improvemcnt 1,381 26 12. Balance letnainüig 1949 74 13. Vopulation of district (eütimatcd) 7,500 14. Gensus of school age (between 5 and 20 years) 2 483 Total 330,313.47 II. PERTAINING TO THE SCHOOLS. Í 11, g 3 S o L -i Enrollmeat of pupils.transfers not included 445 535 865 1,815 Areragenuinberbclonging 323 424 608 1,86 Average dfiily attendance 308 405 578 1,291 Per cent. of Rttendance 95.35 95.53 95 95,27 Numberof non-residenta... 2-12 5 32 330 Number of men teachers... 3 4 7 liumberof T7omen teachers 58 10 132 29 Humber of f pecil (cachera „ 2 ATrage nttendftnccof each pnpü i tly ,. 1ÍS UI 1 140 Act. ag of highsat p!m promoted It.l H.T 10.J Ifnmbcr of pupil to ch teacher S7 'I 4S 41 Coitper cnplt for initruoon rM.10fl3.í9?9.37n2.!W Cost per capita for lncidcntals 319 f3.10 $3.15 13.19 Total cost of education per cpia 23.20ïl5.58ïl2,6 516.07 The flret three of the followinp; items are eommonly ealled for by the Educational Bureau at Washington : No. of pup]] unrter 6 years of age lis No. of pupilK between 6 and 16 years of ago, 1,838 o. of pnpik, over 16 yoars of age 407 No of pupÜB ovftr 20 years, 87 Our annu al roll of honor eonsists of thocc pupila who maintain a perfect attendance, i. e., are neither absent or tardy. This year it is as follows : High School - Rebeoca Brown ; for two years, Carrie W. Frazer. Graramar Department - Louis Comjtoek, Bertha Graham, Mary Miller, Riidolph Lutz, Willie Loonris, Harry Price, Fred Schmid, Philip Whitman ; !br two years, Arthur Mumroery, Paul V. Perry. First Ward School- For tliree years, Gertrude B. Rose, Newton Phelps. For two years. Lulu M. Koee, Arthur Tagge. One year, Kddie Ottloy, Charles Meyer. Second Ward School - Two years, Kmihe Gwmner, Anna Gniner, Ida Glatiel, Victor Mogk, Ella Matthews, Lydia Weitbrecht, Herman Kirn, Charles Seitï. For tliree years, Robert Gwinner. Fourth "Ward School - Alsworth Wapples. For two years, Alvin Dodsley. Fiah Ward School- i'or four years, Katie Belle LoTejoy. Number not absent or tarrlj for two term, 70 Nuinber not absent or tardy for one term, 246 The items of attendance show a slijjht dimnution, due, however, to unusual sicknesa. The flrst and second ward schools were closed for thres weelis in the winter on account of scarlet fever and measlos. The increaeo in the cases of tardiness ia to be deplored. Aa to discipline the present year, there were 24 cases of corporal puniahtnont and 7 1 of suspension as against 146 and 111 respectively laat year. The following is a list of branches taught in tho lower grades, with tho number of pupila in each braneh : GKAHMAB DEPARTMENT. A i i A. JL A Arithmetic 297 243 630 Writillg 237 218 4-la Geography 191 187 368 Oral Lar.gnages 117 101 21S Urawing 263 223 47i; Mmic 195 187 3K2 Vrimary liotany 144 132 27B ReadiiiK anrl Spelling SO0 230 530 Book-Keeping 50 35 &) kngliyli Grammar 24-1 233 477 Uinted Sttites History 44 44 88 Science of Government 83 23 56 Elementary Cheuiíttry 30 28 58 Elementary Fhysics 28 21 49 PKIMARÏ DEPAUTMEXT. i. I 3 A il A Rcading anrt Spelling 488 377 8C.r Wriling 4'W 3:3 713 oography 287 213 500 Arithmetic 12O 94 "II Oral Numbera 3.13 289 682 Oral Language 120 92 212 l'nmary ilotany 60 87 97 Muic 427 211 671 Drewlng 218 177 395 Object l.esson 166 133 2a9 Some important romarks iro raade n rcjrard to the f'act that pupils are supposcd to be enp:a(íed upon a too preat variety of aubjocts. Occasionally a pupil can go forward fhstei than the course requires, and lie is allowed to 'li' f"i 'i"ilo as oiten, a pupil carmot moet the requirementa of the course- carmot keep up with lúa class. TUE SCHOOL LIBHAHY ia recatalojrued and otberwige rc3torcd to a more eCiciout condition. The library, oomposed of only G00 volumes, s too mragre, and should be enlarged. Attention a callea to the fact that while the eonstkution provides that cerfcain fine moncys should be applied to tho support of such librarle, m Ann Arbor these monoys are devoted to pnyinpr tho curren t expense of the city government. ín regard to tho EXAMIVATJON OP TEACHERS it ia said tliat tliere were thirteep applicnnts for the porftiona as teachers iii grades below the High School. "VVIule the general resulte wero fairly satisfaetory, innrked deficiency was shnwn in the Einffiish branches. Theexamination Btrooglj aujïfreuted tiie propriety of l'urnishing reviews ot earty studies in tin last year of' thrt High School courses. i'ive corlificates of the ftrst grado and oiglit of the second grade were gnmted. SCHOOL ACCOMMOHATTOXS, At th Central Building, it ha been npcessary to continue thn ush of the hall for c!tw purposeH, with no inconToniecoc, except prtWMiDg ehpel eit'rcises. NetwiíhjtandÍDjt tlie dition to tb Tinrt Wrd Houe, a yer igo, the priKA-y rouw in both Jirst nd oixi Ward Schooi wr quite crowded diirinj? the spring term. The alternatiTe seemed to bo either to prohibit the admiasion of new cias.-es into the prima ry rooms during the spring term, or pro da nsore room lor them. The latter was adopied, and the board havo erceted an addition to the Second Ward building, whicfc will give to that ward as commodious school ccconimodations as thoy are in any part ot the city. Indeed, all the lower grades will now have bettur facilitèes, lor their purposes than has tlie High School. promothws to man school. The usual examinations of the Sth grade show that 45 pujiils piassed their studies and were recommended for admwsion to the High School. It ia an excellent of pretty miform standing. Only three ol' them reached an ayerage ot 95 per cent or more in the last term's studies, viz. : John Banister, Henry Ronuiüson, Eunics Vosmus. mGH 80BO0L. Tiio TTih RoV.,.1 facía (.nsea an excoedini? pleasimt and proh'bible year. Themimberou. rol'ed was noinewhat less than the year precedmg. In the higher branchos, however, inclndiug all the langnages except PYench, aa scen iu the table giren below of studie and nnrnber in each, the niimbers are larger; also the studies whieh are in the Englién course only. show increasing populftrlty, as was to be fxoocted, from the esta blish ment of the course in Le'.ters in the University. The cot of instruction in the High School was $20.10 per capita, a tritle bolow that ot last year. The sneeess of the dopartmerft is due largely to its exc.'llont corps oi' teacüèft'. The instruction given in the department was nerer better than during the last closed, improved methods in some of' the branches, being very noticeable. These ttiings I regard as results of retaining good teicüers" in their places lor a series of years. We lose, this year, two excellent, members ef the teaching corps in the reeigiitttion ot Miss S. W. Poase, teacher of Prendí, and J. Rose Colby, teacher of Algebra. The vacancy in the Frenen dppartment has been tillcd uy iuv uppoinuneiH ()[ Jirs. ft. tl. UJJupitl.who brings to that responsiblo pisition the bïjfheet testimoniáis ol' fitness lor her dutjes T!ie Museum ia an established tapt in the departmont. a room having been s-t part lor ït and supphed wilh cases, which are already respeetly tilled with illustrative material. Vahmbie coutributions were made in Phyeioiogy and G-eology by Miss Sager, teacher of those branches. Some fine specimens of copper and iron ore have been received, the former from Johnson K. Vivían, Ksq , Haneock, Ihe latter l'rorn Wm. Merry, Esq., ot' Negaunee, Upper Península. We shall soon have a fairly complete set, well mounted, ot' the birds in tina vicimty. Also, Dr. J. B. Steere has been authorized by the present Board to invest, while on hia present trip, some l'unds in specimens from Brasil, suoh as he shall doem most suitable for use in Natural History. The system of grading awarded diplomas in three ranks according to merit has now been in opcration through the graduation of two classes, and the effect has been all that we anticipated. It stimulates to high endeaYor and recognizns superior scholarslnp, both in a very sahitary manner. Sixty diplomas were awarded in the seTeral courses, as follows: Classical -iq Latln jg Seientiflc ,' 20 Engiish '.'.'.'.....'..".I..!.".'."!""!!; 3 sorto"re"Un"rv-ersiï?COmmended " " iniuü ui uie ciass who had not completed their studies will be examined for diplomas in September. Eight others presented themselves for ezamination at the University, and six were admitted. In regard to the single session per day, in the High it may be remarked that it seems to have operated as favorably as was expected by its advocates. On the whole, it is Btated that it conduces to the welfare of the departmcDt. NUMBÏB Of STCDKNTS IN DI77EBEMT DRAWCHI8. W . . H Branche. S S' 2 ."Fe. Iftin 146 81 2-27 QjKei.. 54 14 68 renen 42 44 86 erman n 26 37 Khetonc 13 22 35 Analysis 4 22 26 C'omposition 03 35 50 Grammar 74 4a 199 knglish Literature 11 19 30 Etymology 9 10 19 ReacUng 39 33 72 t:f0I5etry " 42 109 Algebra m 137 274 Book-Keeping 74 19 vi U.S. History 21 38 59 General History g gg 46 Roman History 29 15 14 (reek History 29 ,16 4ft English History 2 17 1!) Astronomy 10 jo 2Í1 Chemistry 17 19 3c Natural Phllosophy 24 81 65 oology is 22 41 Ihysiulogy 8 38 46 Botany 26 f,7 öeoJOKT 7 8 15 Anthmetic 65 161 Civil Government 21 29 50 Physical Geography 33 50 83 Geography 22 26 4f. UommerciaJ Law 16 . 16 Political Economy 10 ' "ïö 20


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