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To tr-y tfie Snriu lië BEFÓSE YOU BUY. It is Simply Wonderfiil IT IS SOLD AT J. F. SCHÜÏFS Hardware Store. rpHE LARGF.ST A1VJD DB8O7 STOOK O3? FAINTS, OILS, ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMERICAN AND FEENCH WI1TDOW GLASS AU Sizes. -A.T SOKG-'S. 26 and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOR. I SELIi ALL GRADES OF TOBACCOS & CIGARS At Wholesale and Iietail. TRY MY FIVE CENT CIGARS ! I KEEP CliZE.A.IEsr BATH TtTBS Aml the BEST .Tonsorial Artista in the city. IK5" Short hair cuttin; done with Clark's pntent Cnppcrs. It cuta the hair much nicer thnn wlth shears. No. 5 North Main Street, Ann Arbor. G. 0. SCHUTT. FIFTYGTS. TOWHÍTMORELAKE! Cittzens of Ann Arbor should remembor that tho passenper faro to Whitmore Lake Tia Brighton stage is only FIFTY CENTS. It Is nnnecessary to htrefl ril? itt un expense of f3 or $4 for yon can take the Britton staire at the Leonnrd House at 10 a. m. on TBMdaya, Thursdars and Hatnrdays, returningon Mondny, Wednesduyê and Fridays. This stage ruin rcgñlarly and can accointaodttte gix pei-sona. C. H. 8MITH, Proprietor. Ann Arbor, July 24, 1879. Y)y HITMOEELAXE I The unflersined has flttedup the bonutiful prove on the ennt side of Whitmore Lako, for the neeplion of guests and boarde. Tranalent pleasnre seekers as well as hoarders seekiug a quiet, genteel summer reiiort, will find nt our place the most chnrmingñcenery, and, vro. trust, a hwpttftble, klad ly home. To partios 6ending their orders aay bcfore iheir arrival we will serve meals na ffood as rcquecstcd, otherwisc a good culd lunch, with tea or coftee, will be held to order at all times, at a veiy reasonable priee. Good tubling1 ia a)so providcd for, Give us a trial, and wc think yoti will leare us satisfied. P. WIDENMANN. Priccs of Lime Reduccd ! Kelly IslrtRd Linto, M ets. per bush. Itlonroo Lime, 25 cents per bitsbcl. ITIacoii liimr, 23 cents per busliel. FOR SALE. Calcined Plnstor, Wntcr Lime, Cement, PlaKtcring Httir, and Lnnd Piaster, at my Liine-Kilnnear Central Depot. lOtf JACOB VOI.IvASÍ. pRESERICK KISAUSK, ATTCTIOITBEB, Will attend to all sales, on Rhort'notice, at reaeonable charpe. For fiirlber particular cali at tbe AiiGL's Office. HOW IT PAYS PHToNoLLy. 1. It is lnteresting as ft game of chrnn. and may be learned by any boy or qlrt. 2. It is instructiva in the philotophw and correct une of langnage. 3. It disciplines the mind and cultivates the memory. 4. It prepare young men lor succeaa in any of the profestiortë. 5. It enable8 young men and young women to obtain profttable employment, as reporters, at lesa cost of time and study than any otber profession. 6. The telephone, the new method of telegraphing by the voice, will woon requive many thoutanda of J'honographem as operators, in order that they may keep pace vri th the new instrument. The AMJEniCAX MASVAI, OW PHOJfOGItAl'IlX is the best self-instructor in the art. It will be sent, with Copy-Book, to any addresa, on receipt of $1. THE rilOifETIC JEDTTCATOÜ, devoted to Correct Spelling, Good Keading and Speaking, Rapid Writing, and genera) Self-ImproTement, 13 published monthly, at $1.50 a year. Address, LKOKLL 1. LOXUIEÏ, Cinctaaati, (X T) I.NSEY SISABOLT'S Bakery, Grocery, AND FLOUR AND FEEB STORE., We keep constantly on hiind BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c, For Wholesale and Retail Trade. We shall also keep n stipply of J. M. Swift Co's Het White Theat Flonr, Rye Flonr, Bixckvheat Flonr, Corn Mel, Feed, &c, c, &c. At wholesale and rcfail. A general stock of BBOCEEIES AND PE07ISI0NS consfantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonnble terms na at any other hoose in the eity. 455 Cash puid for Butter, Egs, and Country Produce generalij. GoofladüÜTered to any part of the city without extra charge. BTTfSET A sEABOIT. Adq Arl)fr, Jsn. 1, 1879. A NEW GieOEUY AT 16 EAST HU ROM STREET, CASPAR RIN8EY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, eompriing everjrthing in the line at bottom piic - and purehsaed exclusively for caah. Trom long perieiet ia the trad, leUil n! wholeul, hê belitres lia lu teil zocas mm olman u tk ehep. CALL AND SEE HI8 PEICES! All Goods Warrantèd FIrst-CIass. Farmers produce wonted for which the higheat cash príce will be paid. t-SF" Eemember the place, 16 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. AND UPHOLSTERYI A.MUÊHLIG 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Announces o he public that he is liet ter thanever prepared to show thcm complete stock of Furniture, comprising BED ROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, BOFAS, TETES, CHAIRS, &c, &o., At priccs Tronderïully Ion1. ÍW Cali and seo onr stook. Esíaíe oí , Tuinen Morrifl. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT of Washtenuw, ss. At a sesstan of the Trob'e Court for the ('ountjr of Washtenaw, holden Rttho Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tbnrsday, thefourtcenthday of August, in thevearono uioiuand eisht hundred and seTonty-nine. Present, William D. Itarriman, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of James Morris dcccïisod. ' Georse C. Page, administrator of estnle, oomea i uto court and representa that. he ia now pic prepareci 10 renner nis nnal account as srch udminUtmtor. Thoro upon iti ordered, thntWcdnesday, the tenth daT of Heptomber next, at ten o'clock ín the forenoon, be assigned for cxniriining and allowinft auch account, nnd that the heirs at la of said decettied, and a!l other persons interested In said estáte, are requlred to appear at a session of said court, then to be hoi'lcn at the Pro!te Ofiice in the city of Ann Arbor, In said eountj, andaba cause if any thero be, ulii the said account should not be ailowed : And it is further ordered, tUi'.t said administrator give notiee to the persons interested in said rslnie, of the p.naency of said account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Atï bus, a oewapaper prlnted and cfrculatlng in said county, three successive weeks preyious to said da of hearing. WILLIAM D. IIARRIMAN (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. Gk Dott, Probate Register. Ksbite of J31lsha Frcer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw rh. At f Hesaion of tlie Probate Court for the County of VViishtonaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Arm Arbor, on Fridny, the elffhth dny of Auguflt, ín the year one thonsand eifïht nundrAd and seventy-nine. Present, WihiamD. Harriraan, Judcreof Probate, In the matter of the estáte of Eliaha Preer, dcce.'ised. On readinp and ñlinsr the petition, duly verifled, of James A. Freer, praying that a certun Instrument now on ftlo iti this court, purporOintf to be the Uut will and testament of snia deceaort, mav bc admitted to pro hut e, and thai be and Amanda Freer may be appoinfrd exeeutor and exeentrix thereof. ThfTftipori it ia ordered, that Mondny, the eiffbth dny oí September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be naaien ?d lor the heannK of said petition, and that the devinees, leyatNfl and heirs at law of aaid clecertsed, and all other persona intereatnd in puid estafe, are required to Rppenr it a nañon of eaid Court, t.hen to be holden at the I'rohate iHicGinthe city of Ana Arbor, and show canse, if any tbere bo, why the Braver of the petitioner fthould Tiot be irronted: And it iè further ordered that 'n petitioner ive notice to the persosi Interested in Raid estáte of the perulency of said petitiou nnd the henrinur thweof. by eaumnf? a copy ot this order to be pbbUafaedin theMicniftAN Arocs.a newspaper prinied and ciroulated in n:iid oounty, throe siiccessive weeks previous to said day of heannff, WILLTAM D. HAKRTMAN, f A true eopy.) Jutlgo of l'robute. "Wm. O. Doty, rroïjnts Begiater, LEGAL N0TICE8. Estáte of Edward Pacey. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 0 of Washlenaw, ss. At a cssion of the Probate 3onrt for the County of Waslitenaw, holden at the !robate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tnursaay, the twenty-dshth day of August, in the ycar one thousf.nd eii;ht hundred and eeventy-nine. Present, William D. Hal riman, Judgé of Probate. In fhe matter of the estáte of Edward Pacey, decetised. On readinff and fl'.inirthe pctition, duly rerificd, of George C. Page, praying that a certain instrument now on fliein tliia C'ouTt, pmportinir to be the ast -will and testament of aaid decyascd, may he admitted to probate, and tliat he may be appoinlud xecuïor thereof. Thereupon itisordered, that Monday, the twentyecond day of Septemoer nert, at ten o'clock in the orenoon, ba assigned for the hearing of said pettion,and that thedevisees, leñatees, and heirsatlaw f süid deeeasd, and all other persons interetiti-d in lid estáte, ure rtquired íoappearat a sesuion of aid Court, tlien to be holden at the Probate oilre, 1 the City of Ann Arbor, and Bhow causa, if any here be, why the prayer of the petitioner ehoald ot ba granted: And it ia furiber ortïered that aid petitione gine notice to the persons iülerested n iüd eatate, of the 'endency ol said petition, nd the hearina thereof, liy causin? a copy of thia rderto be published ia the Mk'hiomh AaGus, a ew-ipaper prmled and circnlatwi in sa:d ennnty, hree suceessive weeks prerioas to said day of earing. TTILLIAM D. HARRI3Í AI?, (A trne copy.) Ju Uje of Probate. William G. Dott, Prubate Eegister. Estafe of Elwrd Oardiaer. ÜTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY KJ of Washtenaw. sa. At a seasioa of the Probate Cotirt for the Oounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Picbate Office in the city of AanArbor, on Thursday, the twenty-first day of Angust, in the year ■ one thousand eight hundred and seventy-E'ne. Present, William D. Harriman, Jcdge of Probate, i In the matter oí the estáte of Üdward Gardiner, j decee.p.i. On rending and flling the petition, dnly verifled, of ; Elizabeth C. Gardiner, prayim; that adniinistratioii : of said estáte may be granted to harself or aonie ! olher suititble peraon. 1 Thereupon ït is ordered, that Monday, the flfj teenthdayof September cextf t ten o'clock in the i forenorn, be aswigned for the hearing of e;tid pptiI tion.and that the heirs at law oí eaiddoeeased, and i nll other persons intereated in h tid estáte, are required to appear at a session of said conrt then to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, nndaboT cause, if any there be, why the praver of the petitioner sliould not be grrauted : And it ia further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons Interested in said estáte, ot the pendency of said petition and the hearing caushiff copy of thls order tobo published in the Michigan Ar.aus, a newnpaper ■ print ed and circulated in aaid county, three succeahíto weeks previous to 8aid day of hearing-. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, ( A trne copy.) Jndge of Probate. Wm. O.Bo-fr, Probate Register. f HEAT WKSTKRW RAÏLWAYt] VT Depots foot of Tliird and Brush slreets. y Dotroit timo. Detroit time, js Ijeave. Ar rive. jfl Atlantic Expiess, Ji.'to a. ra. ïin.oo p. m. Duy BxpTn, 8.35 a. m. 6.C0 p. m. T, New York and Boston L. Expresa, 7.00 p.m. tö.45 a. m. Detroit Exprew, #l2.4ó p. m. p( Stcamboat Express, 7.00 a. m. ÍDaily. Daily exccpt Sunday. tExcept Monday. S For inforraation and tickets apply to H. W. Hayes, Agent M. C. R. R., Aun Arbor. W, H. KIRTH, WM. EDGAR, Weatcrn l'ass'r Ag't. General Pass'r Agenf. n OOIiKÏCH HOUSE, SALINE, MICH. Best Hotel in town. First-elass in every res poet. " l wpficioiis fifunjile room. Gucsta conveyed to and rom Rallroadfred. A. H. GooDRiorr, Prop'r. EW COOPJSU. Iff. !., Afcoucheur and J Gynaecologiat. öfllce corner Malo aud I t uu atraets, Aan Ar'ior, LEGAL NOTiCEST" Keal Estáte for Sale. STATK OF MICHIGAN, COTJSfl of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of tbeüt of George Fischer, Annie Fischer, John Fi Ijewis Fischer, uncí Mary Fischer, minora. SotkH lierebygiven.that inpursuiince ufan order gW totheundersigned, guardián of the esta toofsaidi ors,by the Hon. Judge oí Probate for the cotuiï Washtenaw, on the 2d day of July,A. D.1879,ti will be suld at public vendue, to the highest bilí' at the sonth front door of the Court House in 3 eity of Ann Arbor, in the county of WashteM'' said State, oa Mosday, the TiiriiTEENTH ba!' Octobek, A. D. 1870, at teu o'clock in the f noon of that day (subject to all encumbraDWi mortgage or otherwise existingat the timeof sale), all the right, title, aud interest of said mif in and to the following described real estáte, to1Lot number three in block number three " Tange six east. The northeast part of lot nart three in blonk number one south range non four east, being eixteen and a huif feet froninl flltyfcetdeep. AIko sixteen feet off of the eide of lot number two in bloek number one of raae four est ; all in the city of Ann Arta the State of Michigan. Also a pieee of land odü tion nnrnber thirty-two in town Itto sonth r iixf.-.3t, in fin 8taíe of Michigan, beginning o north and soclh qnaiter line eleven chaina nol" the center of said section, thenee north aioM qiiarter line thnteen chaina and twenty-six I" thenee east along the sonth line ol Brown 4 addil ion to the city of Ann Arbor fourteen b nnd thirteen links to a stake. thenee eoutb chains and six links to the half (uarter line. tin east along the half quarter line flvo chaiw '" eighty-eigfct links to the north and south half q tsr line, tlicnce south nine chaina and eeTeBW links to a stake, which is eleven chaina north oí east and west quarter line of said section, Ünf west twenty chains to the place of beginning, W twenty-fourand nineone-hundredths acres od'J moro or esa. Also a piece of land on the n weat quarter of tUe northwest quarter of K nnniber thirty-two in the tovrnahip of Ann Al county of Waolltenaw and State of Michi,1 oepting the west seven chaina and ftfty links aeróse said quarter of said section, eontainingtf1' ty-flve and forty-foar one-hnndredths acres. the north half of ihe Southwest qnarter of se'11" number flve and the sontheast quarter of sOJ number tire, town onesouíh ranífesix east.esrtlf ing the west forty aerea, in Michigan. Also number fire, bíx, eeTen, eight, nme, ten, ek" twelTe, thirteen, and fonrleen in Brown'ssM1 adrlition to the city at Ann Arbor in said !'! Also lots flfteen and siitetn in Brown's secooi1; dition to the city of Ann Arbor in the ti Vlichigan. Alto lots one, two, Ihree, fonr, S"1 he north twenty-two links wide of lot nnuit"? n block four, soath of range number two eait the eity of Ann Arbor in the state of Michigan Dated, Augnst 27, Itñ. LEOXIIAIlü GRUNER, Qnardli yO THE FAEMEES OF WASHTENAW Tt ia n well-known fact and has not been áej lint the Toledo and Ann Arbor railrosd the PJ rear has put in the pockets of the farmers of ounty, at least three cents on all of their ?ï' iow three cents on 1,500,000 boshels is iS.WÖ "% irs; qtnte a savlng. Now we say, brinp ï?j rhoat mía patronize the road where yon will or.i' old frionds, Tbxadwell & OeitonNKt'A'liJ] ay the hiffhest possible priee that can be v'l Ve trust, bvfair dealing, we will recuive a titiV ortion of patronage. Yours truly, ,tf TREADTVEIA & OSBOE Ann Arbor, July 23, 1819. arhi ron sai.k. 60 aeree, ?ell imprtjved, otf the west sidcof' est half of tlio southe.ia: qnarter of section el" ithe township of rittofii-kl, Washtenaw Cm rill be sold eheap. Ternis cny. Enquire of l; c. kisdüN. „., 27Ann Arbor., ÏOAEDTNG SCHOOI. FOB BOYS.) , MICHIGAN M1L1TAKY ACADESIJ' ;, .Sendfor CaU.loue. .rrrü. oncn.M;i) lake, HK-"


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Michigan Argus