Real Estate Transfers

Daniel Thomas to John Ooyle. 52 acres in Webster for $1,560. Arthur Burns to O. and O. B. King. t acras in Superior fur $250. Geo. W. Fairbrothen to Soiomon O. ïamlin. Ypsilanti city property for J6O0. Andrew Ten Brook to Conn. Mutual Life Ius. Co. Laúd in Auu Arbor city lul' fl. Herman Volland to John Burkhardt Manchester village property for $80. John II. Warner to Gilbert M. Brown. Lands in York for $2,500. L. and G. W. Kloek to John Spann. Let in RuwHonville for $'200. John Kellogg to Edward P. Kellogg. Pareéis of land in Scio for $2,000. QU1T-0LAIM. John Leslio by heirs to Jo'in Lcslie, Jr. 48 acres in Webstor for $80. - Dr. Haanel of Coburg, Ontario, was tho guest of Dr. Cocker last week.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Michigan Argus
Daniel Thomas
John Coyle
Arthur Burns
C. King
C. E. King
George W. Fairbrothen
Solomon C. Hamlin
Andrew Ten Brook
Herman Volland
John Burkhardt
John H. Warner
Gilbert M. Brown
L. Klock
G. W. Klock
John Spann
John Kellog
Edward P. Kellogg
John Leslie