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Wow Come to Time I I do nof mean wóol timo nor hnrvept timo, I say OUXCKTIHü! Tbetisoeis now np that ! iv;i to have Miy iiay and I mnat luwe it iimuedlately. My creditors atare ine in tlie fado as tliongh the'y were froing throuyb me body and breechcs ; they sopre arfully and I must íippease thr-ir wrath by paylng tnem. Nowlnskull good men tbat owo rae tocóme right up and do it. lt ia for our mutual benefit that these accounts be elosod up; I don'tsay sume futuro time, I mean tina present time. Thcre Ís a class of customers that I wish to gat rid nf; 1( s tlio-re tuiisy rascáis that coni}el me to pay tlvir debts aftei slgninír their notes toaccommodate them. ,Such men havelived too long in tuis worid. I only wish I had the power to remove them to tlie loiver reglóos. I would clean them out about as fast as I could throw potatoes out of a wagon w itii a scoop shovel. Hï. ItOfïEKS. Ann Arbor, Sept. 1, 1879. 3Gtu2 KM M kí I M VilQlYf Vj9f f (Of tïi" late flrm f Reíd A iMttia iff ffffikl isfffiiiMlflHlr Buceessor Co eftld flrm IP&WaBWEBiMpiiBBI in tjtiisa and LEi3 Business.) SIS 3' BI ! e GIhïs, SMver Plated 6jLjJiJUL3ñlnrjU-'Arfi fcsh Bars, Freneh and GerI ' ■ Pointa, etc. 12 & 14 Congres St. East, Detroit, Kích. Kstate of Frjincis J. Van Erp. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COITNTY of Washteuaw, sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of WashUmaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the cily of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the fouilh day of September, in tho year one thousand eiht hundred and seveuty-nine. Present, Wüiiain D. Hai riman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Francia J. Van Erp. deceased. On ruadincr and filinj? the petition duly verified of Charles Ryckaert, prayin that a certain instrument now on fiie in this Court, purporting to be the laat Will and TVptament of aaid deceased, muy be admitted to probate, and that he may be appointed ex cutorthereof. Thereupon it isordered, that Tuesday, thethirtieth day oi' September instant, at ten o'clock in the foronooD, be assigned for tlie hearing of said petition, and that the de visees, and hei raat law of said doceased, and all otber persons intereated in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said eourt, then to be holdtm at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and Bhow canw;, if :ifiy thore bo, why the prayer of the peLitioner should not be granted : And it ia further ordered that said petitioner givo notice to the persons interfsted in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearint? tliereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Anaus, a newspaper printed and ctrculated in said connty, three euccessive weeks previous to eaid day hearing. W1LLIAM D HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wji. U. Boty. Probate Register, Conimïssioiiers' Notïce. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oí Washtenaw,ss. The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Commissioners to roceive. examine and adjust all olaims and deüiauds of all persons agamst the estáte of EzraC. Senman, late of said county, deoeased, hereby give üotice tliat sis months from dnte are allowud, by order of said Probate Court, i'oi Creditor to present their clainis fi-ainat tïie estáte of uid dectascd, and that thöy will meet at tha Prob&to OiiJoe, iu tbe city of Aeu Arbor, in aaid ounty,on Monday the first dar of Noïmbï Bd on Monday tlie tlrtit day of March sext, t tea o'elock A. AÍ-, of each of ssid daya, to iseoiTU, examine and adjuit naid claims. Dated, Auguit 30ih, A. D. 1879. CHARLES H. RTCIIMOND, ELIHU B.POND, PH1LÍP BACH, 3fiw 1 Commiseioners. Coniiiiïssioners Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of Washtenaw es. The undersigned having been appoioted by the Probate Court for said county, commissioners to receive, examine and adjtist all claims and demands of all persons agalnsi the estáte of Jacob Hetab, late of said cour.ty, dcoeased, hereby git notice that fiix months irom date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims atiainst the entate of said deceased, aud that thoy will meet at the late residenee of said deceascd in thi; township of Freedom, iu said county, on Monday, the Ürat day of December, and on Monday, the iirat day of March next, at ten o'clock A.M. of each of riaid days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, September ], A. D. 1879. JOHN G-FELDKAMP, DAVID SCHKEIDKK, 36w4 Commissioners. Estáte of Tertulias A. Hariland. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wnshtenaw, ss. At il session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the third day of September, in the year one thóusHiid eiEfht hundred nnd seventy-nine. Present, Williain D. Ilarrimari, Juclgre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Tertulins A. ITaviland, deceased. GcorN'e II. Khode, executorol' the last will and testament of said deceased, comes into court and representa that he is now preparad to ronder liis annual account as such executor. Thereupun it is ordert'd, that Tuesday, tlie23d day of September next, at ten o'clock in the foienoon, be assigaea Ebr eiamininjf and allowing such accoyint, and that the devisees, leñatees and heirs at law of said deoeasetl, and all other persons interested in sríií osiate, are reijuiicd to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Ottire, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show canse, i Can y the re be, wny thé said acconnt should not be allowed : Aiul it is further ordered, that said exectitor giye notice to the persojos interested in said estáte, of the pendenoy ol eaid account and the hearing thereof by causing a copy of this onler lo be DubUshed fn the Michigan ABGtra, a aewspaper printed and circulating i n said county, two BuccessÍTe weeks preTlous to said'day of heRring. WILLIAM D. HAItKÍMAN, [A true copy.] Judye of Probate. Wm. G. Duty, Probate Register. Kntate of Tosepli r. Barker. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY IO of Wáshtenaw, 88. tíotlce Ib hereby giren, thal bran order of the Probate Court for ths County ol' WaBhtenaw, madeon tho secoud daj of Sepieinber, A. D. 1879, mn tnontbs from thal date wert; allowed fói titors to present their claims agaínst tbe estáte of Joaeph Ï. I'arker, late of Bald countj, deoeased, and thal ai! creditorBOf Baid deceased are required to present their claims ío sald Probate Court, at the Probate Office ín the city of Aun Arbor, for examinnüon and allowance, on or efore tho second day of Marón next, and that Btiu j claims v.'lll 1)í'" heard itcTí.re said Court on Tueiday, the second day of Deeember, and on Tuesday, te second day of March next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of cich of said daya. Dated, Ann Arbor, Beptembeií, A. I). 1S79. V, [LLIAM L ilAKBhMAN, 3Hwl Judge of Probate. Eslnle of Wllllam Bweetman. OTATE OF MICHiaAIí, GOÜNTY ÍO of Washtenaw, sa. At seKnion of the Probate Court for the County of Washteuuw, holden at the Probate Office, in the of Aun Arbor. on Thursday, the fourth day of September, in tho yeitr oua thousand eiht üundred und seveaty-aine. Present, Wüliam D. Hftmmnn, Jadffe of Probate. In the matter of the estuve oí William öweetman, deceased. O:i readinff and ñlins; th nnly Twifled, ii Svuetman, praying thst duilniBtratio of sid estáte may be granted to heraelf or come other suitüMo persón. Tharenponil uordereff.that Monday, t.h' tweotyniatb day of September next, at ten o'clock in tlia forenoon, be snivned for the hearing of aaid ptlI ion, and that the heirs t Isw oí unid deeeaaeO, and all other person inteiested in j;iid eulaW, ure ■i to appoar ut a sension of aaid eonrt, thaa to be holden at the Probate OtBcti in the dij of Arm Arbor, and cause, if uur there be, why the prayer o) I ould notbegranted : And it is futther ordered tha said pclitioner give ..üii in sald sítate oí the pendency of nv.d pi tltion and the hi al ing thereof, I l!uh ordcz to le publi.ibed in the ï.i ii . . a newspaper v'm'ed and In said county, three succesiive vrceks preTioiiö to said drty oi Jienritig. WZL.LIAM 1). HAKBIMAN, (A (ruecopy.) Judgel Probate. Ym. U. DoTTrobate Beeiater,


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Michigan Argus