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Calvin Watkins, who was struck by lightning in Attioa on the lat is recovering. William Connrod, aged 25, a carpenter at (Vhitney's mili, at Melbourne, eight miles below Saginaw, was drowned in the river on tho 25th. He was mairied only two months ago. At a meeting of the Michigan Detective Association held in Lansing on the 21st, O. F. Pease, of Grass Lake, was elected chief, W. H. Chilson, of Lansing, treasurer, and W. W. White, of Williamston, secretary. The Adrián paper-mill has been sold, and will be dismantled at once and the machinery moved to Ohio. The purchase was made by the Cleveland paper company. The price paid is not far from $ 10,000. This is a terrible sacrifice, as the machinery coat four or five times that mm. The final upshot of the political fight and deadlock at Port Huron is that the schools haye been ordered closed by thboard of education for the lack of funds. No one will lend the city money, and there is none in the treaaury. The trustees of Adrián college have secured a lady principal, Madam M. P. Landerer. She is a French lady, born in Algiers and educated in Paris, and taught in England for some years. Lately she has been engaged at a large ladies' seminary at yt, Louis, Mo. She is a lady of attainruents, and an excellent teacher. Harry Owen, aged 15, was fatallv injured at Grand Bapids, WedneBday, by thi explosión ot a cartridge which he v pounding with a stone. Part of the shei . carried away a portion of the carotid artery. Battle Creek has a school fund indebtedness of $70,200, running all the way to 1892. Messrs. J. C. Blanchard and T. G. Stevenson, of lonia, have bought a sheep ranch in Colorado and $25,000 worth of sheep. A little daughter of D. Brundage of Inland, Benzie connty, was buried in a sand bank on the 25th and suffocated bef ore she conld be extricated. The dead body of an unknown man was found floating a lake near Beaver Lake station Ogemaw county, on the 27th. He was apparently about 22 years old and had not been dead long. A . B. Mather, postmaster at Howard City, and W. W. Quick of the same place, left home in April to seek a fortune in Colorado. They returned home a few days ago $0,000 better off tban when they left. They atruck a valnable eilver lead some 70 miles south of Leadville and sold out for the above sum clear of all expenses. A shíngle mili at JSnsleys, newaygo uounty, belonging to William Coon, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday. Loss about $8,000. Mr. Isaac Sporable, of Hastings, plowed np the other day a very antique appearing knife, which was beatcn out oL copper. The blade is seven inches in length, sabré shape, runs into a sharp point, but is about two inches wide at the hilt end. It is pure copper, but there has betn, or at least has an appearance of having had a white metal, which looks like silyer, a tragment yet remaining, run on the back of the blade perhaps to stilTen it. William Oilbert of Lake township, Huron county, a young married man, took a dose of Balts prepared by his wife and died in ten minutes Monday night last. An inquest and a verdict that he eame to his death by poison, administered either by his wife or his father, John B. Gilbert, physician pronouncing it Btrychnine. Lewis Morse, a young man residing near Grand Blanc, while at work Friday afternoon, around a threshing machine, was knocked down and fatallj injured by the slipping of the belt. Burton V. Smith, stenographer, was drowned in Lake Michigan at Port Sherman Friday afternoon while bathing with a party from Muskegon. The grape erop in the vicinity of Monroe will be about three-fonrths of an average erop this year. It is coneiderably affected with rot. The college term at Olivet openB September 18,and at Albion the same date. The next term of the Supreme Court opens at Lansing October 7. Two barns and their contents, with outbuildings, belonging to F. W. Tiefenthall, of Allegan, were burned Thursday. Loss $3,000, partially insured. A correspondent at Watervliet says that a brown worm is killing potato bugs there by thousands. The mangled remains of a man were found on the Canada Southern Jïailroad track in Lasalle, Monroe county, on the 25th. No clue as to whom he was or where he carne from. The reunión of the Eighth Michigan cavalry and the Twenty-second Michigan volunteer infantry was held at Wixom, Friday, in a pleasant grove jast outsiie the village. There were present 120 members of the infantry and 70 of the cavalry. The Detroit M. E. Conference meets at Ann Arbor September 10, Bishop Bowman presiding. The Michigan Conference meets at Ionia the same day, Bishop Foster presiding. The fall term uf the Orchard Laxe Military Academy begins September 18. Mrs. Thos. Evans, of Muskegon, who had been siok with fever for a week, slipped out of the house early Saturday morning while dehrious and went to the central wharf, jumped into Lake Muskegon and was drowned. Her body was found an hour afterward floating on the surface. The following are the receipts and disburse ment of the State TreaBury for the montb of August : Balance July 31 $699,506 25 Receipts during August 89,256 21 Disbursements for August 113,627 4G Balance on hand August 30 675,135 03 Friday night while Fred Waite of Dayton, Tuscola county, was returning from Caro two men stopped his team in the road and compelled him to deliver to them $550, all the money he had with him, and a silver watch worth $15. Part of the money belonged to the school district, of which he was treasurer. The reunión of the Twenty-third Michigan infantry will be held at Flint, October 9. Mr. Hubbard, who lives near Ypsilanti will have 12,000 bushels of tomatoes this year. He wil! extract the seeds from 4,000 bushels for Ferry's seed house. There were $10,000 worth of buildings,farming implements, hay, grain, etc., destroyed by fire on Senator Chandler's farm August 21), upon which there was no insurance. The property destroyed consisted of a large barn, shed and out buildings, an engine house, saw mili, two mowers, a 3-years old Percheon mare, 840 bushels of wheat, $200 worth of grass seed, horse rakes and other farrning implements A Scotchman ramed Thomas Boyd and a lad named Ingram were drowned in Lake Michigan Friday evening about three miles Bouth of St. Joseph. George Silver, a farmer living in Boxand township, Eaton county, was f atally shot Monday morning by a step-son named Albert Allen. Kegent Chas. Kynd was married Monday evening, in the presence of a few intímate f riends of the family, to Jessie B., only daughter of Paul A. Keed, Esq., of Adrián. Albert Savage, a ten-year old son of James Savage of Niles, was drowned Sunday while bathing in the race at the dam. At Riverside station Monday afternoon William B. Cogswell, an employé on the Chicago & West Michigan Railway, feil a distance of thirty feet from a bridge, striking his head on a timber, from which injury it is thought he must die. He has a family. Quite a sensation has been caused in the township of Aurelius, Inghain countv by the suicide of Mr. David H: Fountain. He arths frorq his bed at about 3 o'olock Saturday morning, Btaggered aoross the floor and finally feil. Upon gaining his feet he left the house, to which he did not return. Sunday night hiB body was found with his throat cut. When found the body lay near a tamarac log, on which deceased seems to have sat when he committed the deed which ended his life. Various evidences were found that the death struggle was violent. Mr. Fountain was 20 years of age and had a large family and a comfortable property. It is expected that the new transfer boat for the Canada Southern railway at Grosse Isle will be ready for business by the lst of January. A. T McBeynolds, president, and Isaa3 Gibson, secretary, ot the Mexican war veterans of Michigan, have issued a cali for tbe sixth annual reunión, to be held at Lansing, Wednesday, October 1. The encampment of the First regiment at Adrián was breken up Tuesday morning. The last important events in camp were the grand review by Gov. Croswell and staff Monday afternoon and the mustering of the men lor their pay by Gen. Heath and Assistant Inspector General GrisBon. It has been a prosperus season on Lake Superior. The iron mines have recovered in a great measure from the recent depression and are being worked at a fine The copper industry, while not as flourishing as in former years, is active, and all kinds of business are improving slowly but Burely. The shipping interest has had a good season, and travel has increased over any former year. Every hotel on the lake has had all it coulddo, and on the whole the Lake Superior región is agam in the ascendency. A far-sighted miss of seventeen Summers lias concludedto marrya big man for her flrst lmsband, and a little one for the second, so that she can cut the clothes of the first down, and make them over to his guccessor. Detroit in Brief. In the wrestling match Wednesday evening between Col. McLaughlin and Andre Christol, the foriner won two falls out of three. The falls were one cach collar and elbow, Grsecofioman and catch-as-catch-can, Christol winning the second. An excursión from Cincinnati and vicinity, arrlved over tho Canada Southern Wednesday, evening. The train consisted oí 11 coaches carrying 475 passenger, with a special train carrying their baggage. A two-days regatta began on the Detroit River Wednesday afternoon, and was largely attended. Harry Ball of the Zephyrs won the single scull race, and the Olympica of Albany the doublé sculls and pair-oars. The Hillsdales did not enter for any of the races. In Thursday's regatta the Sho-wae-caemettes won both the fouroared shell races, and the Beavers of Windsor the barge race. A hackman named Michael McKinley, was Bhot and killed Thursday morning in a house of ill repute on Orleans street by an inmate of the establishment named Minnie Porter. All parties were drunk at the time. The body of an unknown man was found floating in the river foot of Kandolph street, on Thursday. The body is supposed to be that of a man who waR seen to jump off the doek at a late hour Wednesday night. The remains were taken to tne morgue for identification. The Kev. Alfred Owen, D. D., received a telegraphic announcement Thursday of the fact that he had been elected to the presidency of Dennison university, a well-known Baptist institution at Granville, O. He will accept the poïition and started at once for the scène of bis new labora. President Hiyes has telegraphed that he expects to reach Detroit on the morning of September 18 and will remain part of the 19th. He will be the gucst of ex-Gov. Baldwin. The foundrymen of the city held a meeting on Friday last and decided to advance prices on ah kinds of castings 20 per cent. The public schools opened Monday for the Eall term. During the month onding August 31 there were 192 interments in the city cemetries. The balance xn the city treaRury September 1 was $522,353. The total disbursements for the month were $303,604. Robert Wright of Detroit and Andre Christol, ;he French athlete, had a mixed wrestling match at the Detroit Opera House Tuesday evening. After a protracted contest the match was declared a draw, each contestant ïaving won two falls. MISCELLANEOUS. Bamuel H. Pembertos Bnd Wm. ltoberts while returning from Gallatin, 111., to their holnes near Walpole, were waylaid Wednesdaj and aasassinated. Hiñes, deputy constable at Fort Thomas Arizona, was killed on Wednesday while tryinf to arrest J. B. Collins, merchant. A party oi nine men from Saftord took Collina, his clerk and Juatice Mann in custody. Fears were entertained for their safety. Kalloch, the Workingmen's candidate for Mayor of San Francisco, shot by DeYoung on Friday,wis reported Wednesday evening to be recovering. Twenty-two new cases of yellow fever were reported to the board of health at Memphis Wednesdsy, 10 of whom were white and 12 colored. Dr. 8. M. Bemis reporta officially to the board of health at New Orleans that Gen. J . B. Hood and his daughter, Lydia Hood, 10 years old, are both down with yellow fever. The child was taken sick JCuesday, the General Wednesday morning. The decisión of the Attorney-General relative to arrears of pensions affects about 15,000 soldiers in different homes. The amotint involved is about $1,500,000. A locomotive of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal company jumped the track Wednesday at Scranton and John Blackwood, chief engineer of the company, and Daniel Vaughn, brakeman, were killed. Several others were slightly injured. The explosión of the boiler of the tug Easex at New York city early Wednesday morning, wrecked the boat and killed Leónides Fuller, fireman, and Joseph E. Leffay, engineer. The case of the execulors of Brigham Young's estáte, who were imprisoned August 4 by Judge Boreman lorcontempt, taken be:ore the supreme court of the territory on a rit of certiorari, was decided. The order of ie lower court was reversed and the prison rs discharged. The Cleveland board of trade opened their ew rooms Thursday evening with a grand anquet, participated in by about 500 members nd invited guests. Addresses were made by eading members and citizens. The employés of the Belleville nail mili at Jelleville, 111., 200 in trnmber are on a' strike. Exerciaes attending the centenary of the attle of Newton, began at Elmira, N. Y., 'hursday evening by the address of Erastus rooks. The governors of New York, Pennaylania and Vermont were there with their affa. The tri-state reunión of veterans of the late ar of Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, pened at Steubenville, O., Thursday morning, nder favorable auspices. Fully 10,000 viaicrs were in town. Goy. Bishop. Gen. Garfield en. Ewing, Gen. Rice, the Hon. A. Saundere iatt, Gen. Hickenlooper and other disting[shed officers were present. The schooner Stephen Bennett, from Boson for Baltimore, capsized. Capt. Bennett nd crew of five persons and three passener supposed lost. There were 50,000 people on the Ohio state air grounds at Columbas Thursday. In the Pennsylvania legislature bribery ase the grand jury Thursday found true .lis against Christ Lang, Jesse Crawford, A. V. Leisenring and Dr. Shoemaker. The internal revenue burjau has prepared a atement showing that the numberof gallons f spirits produced during the fiscal year 1879 as 71,892, 617, against 56,103,053 gallons in 858. A very exciting race took place at Evansïlle, Ind. Friday. The conditions were that ohn Jones, using 10 horses, should ride 20 miles, Jones to remount at every half mile, gatnst Bedford's 10 horaes, Bedford to be alowed two riders, one already mounted and eady for the start as his predeceBSor carne nder the Btring. Bedford's riders weighed 6 and 125 pounds respectively, while Jones' eight was 161 pounds. The race was intensely ixciting, the contest being very close until the ast half of the 19ch mile, when Jones' horse ew the track and threw him heavily. He as up in a moment, however, and again peeding away, but the time lost gave bis oponent an advantage which he could not re :over, but came under the string only 50 yards ehind. Time, 46 minutes. Twenty-two cases, six white and sixteen olored were reported to the board of health t Memphis Fiiday. Twenty-five additional urses were assigned to duty by the Howard ssociation. Since the first case of yellow ever in New Orleans, July 22, up to August 9, there haa been 17 cases and five deaths. The grain trade of the produce exchange at ew York has amended the rules to make lem conform to the cental system, which ill go into operation January 1 next. Thirty-eight cases, 21 white and 17 colored, ere reported to the board of health at Memhls Saturday. Total number of new ca6es reorted for the week, 171; white 87; colored 84?otal number to August 30th, 848. Total numjer of deaths from yellow fever for the week . Total number to August 30th, 228. The oward association report having 208 nurses n dnty in 193 families, 132 white and 61 colred. Baturday aftemoon a train left Galveston, 'exas for Houston to test whether that city ouldenfor-e its quarantine in disobedience ' the governor's proclamation ordering it removed. With the train went a United States marshal, 40 deputiea, the United StateB commissioner and district attorney, it, being the ntention of these officers to arrest all parties ttempting to stop the train and try them for nterfering with United States mails. Obructions were placed on the track below ouston and when the train stopped all the erBons aboard were arrested by Marahal Mors, who ref used to recognize the authority of he goveruor or United States marshal. Great xcitement prevailed. The oomptroller of the currency reports ie amount of national bank circulation outtanding Aug. 30 $329 341,147, exclusiye of 11,448,840 of national gold bank. notes. The lOtal increase of national bank circulation nee the lst of January last was $7,021,293. The following ia a statement of the United tates currency outstanding August 31 : )ld demand notes $ 61,425 00 „egal tender notes, all Bsues... 346,681,016 00 ne-year notes of 1863 49,145 00 'wo-year notes of 1863 14,000 00 wo-year coupon notes of 1863. 23,700 00 iompound interest notes 260,650 00 ractional currency, all issues.. 15,762,069 29 Total $362,852,005 29 Burlington, lowa, had a one hundred thousnd dollar fire Monday evening. Orchard city milis and the elevator of Olmstead & Cameon were the principal losses. Charles De Yonng, who shot üalloch in an Francisco has been admitted to bail by hief Justice Walace in the sum of $25,000. The debt statement shows a decrease of ie debt for August of $3,627,395. ash in the treasury $243,696,228 lold certificates 15,128.700 ilver certificates 3,281,850 Jurreney certificates 35,175,000 lef uDding certificates 4,396,500 jegal tendera outstanding 346,681,016 ractional currency outstanding . . 15,762,060 There were redeemed during August, of alled bonds $37,595,400, of the proceeda of which 925,019,118 was fixed by oheck, and $13,155,376 was credited on she loan account to depositors. Amount of called bonds outBtanding, 43,846,074, A strike of 150 laborera in the Michigan Central freight depot at Chicago occurred Monday. The strike in the Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne depot is on the increase, and there is a general disposition among the workmen to exact a raise i'rom $ 1 to $1 25. Sixteen new cases were reported to the board of health at Memphis on Monday, 13 white and 3 colored. The Chisholm mnrder caaes were called up at DeKalb, Miss., Tuesday, in the circuit court. The defendants moved to quash the indictment, but the motions were overruled. The state defendants then annuunced themselves ready for trial and special venires of 75 jurorB were drawn in each case. The first case to be tried is that of Henry G. Gully tor the murder of Miss Cornelia Chisholm, which was set for Friday. The Eureka stage coach was stopped above Nevada City, Tuesday, by two masked men, the expre&s bag taken an 1 the passengers made to stand anddeliver. Wm. F. Cumming, a banker of Moore's Flats, resisted the robbers when they attempted to take a gold bar belonging to him, and was shot through the head and instantly killed. Twenty-eight new cases, 13 white and 15 oolored were reported to the board of health at Memphis on Tuesday. The national board of health approved of the plan submitted by Hon. Mr, Johnson, superintendent of quarantine, for the establishment of a quarantine picket encircling the entire city and suburbs. Fifty monnted men will be assigned to patrol duty at once to enforce this new quarantine law. An explosión of gas in Cremorne gardens, New York, probably fatally bnrned Fredrick Huges. proprietor, and Charles Thomas, barkeeper. J.-OLITICAL. The New York Greenbackers met in State convention at Utica Thursday. Af ter the appointing of committees on permanent organization and resolutions, the copvention adjourned about 1 a. m. until 8 o'clock Friday morning. The New York State Greenback convention at Utica re-assembled Friday morning, elected Commodore William Voorheea chairman, and adopted a platform. Richard Schell of New York city was nominated for governor. The nomination was received with hisses, cheers and great confusión. The name of Mr. Schell was atterwards withdrawn and Harris Lewis nominated for governor and Jno. M. Wieling for lieutenant gove.nor, both by acclamation . The ticket was then completed by the nomination of P. K. McCann for secretary of state, John Shannon for controller, Julián Winnie for treasurer, and George Wright for attorney general. The election for school trustees at Grand Rapids Monday night resulted in the choice of three Nationals and six Citizens, the latter being a unión of Democrats and Republicana. The old board had a majority of Nationals. The official vote of Kentucky for Governor ïsastollows: Blackburn, Demonrat, 125,799; Evans, Republican, 81,882; Cook,Greenbacker, 18,954. Blackburn's majority, 24,964. The Democratie majority four years ago for Governor Was 36,181. The Republican State convention of Minnesota which met at St. Paul on Tuesday nominated John S. Pillsburg for Goveruor and C . A. Gillman for Lt. Governor. PERSONAL. JayGouldhas returned from Europe. He is accompanied by his broker, Osborne. Five thousand people were in Madison garden, New York, Friday night. at the reoeption of Weston. Rowell, Blower Brown and other pedestriens were in boxes. Gen. J. B. Hcod died at New Orleans Saturday morning of yellow fever. It was believed ;hat his daughter Lydia would not recover. Edith was also very sick. Gen. Hood leaves LI children, the eldest 10 years, the youngest twins) three weeks. His physical condition las been bad for some time, caused, it is aleged, by financial reverses. The death of his wife affected him very mnch. He leaves a manuscript history of the war which he intended to have published this fall. The CuBter monument at West Point was unveiled Saturday in the presence of a large concourse of people and with appropriate ceremonies. The statue represents Cuater on root, with a drawn saber in one hand and a )istol in the other. Luke P. Blackburn was inaugurated Governor of Kentucky Tuesday. Gen. Reese T. Bowen, representative of the íinth Virginia District in the forty-third Oon;reas, died at his home in Tazewell county.Va., "'uesday, aged 71. FOB.EIGN. A dispatch from Santiago, capital of Chili, íuly 31, saya that serious nots occurredin that city in consequence of popular discontent at he conduct of the war The populace erected a barricade and shouted, '"Death to the traitor ministrv." Two persons were killed in the conflict with the troops and several wounded. :t is reported that the Chilian president fled o a place telegraphed as Vina del Mar. A Rome dispatch reports that on the publication of the last encyclia, which left to the JesuitB the alternative of revolt or submission, -he Jesuits sent to the pope a memorial enirely submitting to his holmess, The Binerity of the memorial is questioned at the Vatican. Cholera continúes virnlent in Japan, but ;here signs oE abatemeut within the present month. Thus far there have been 45,000 atacks and 25,000 deaths. The government isplays unflagging energy in confronting and hecking the disease. The farmers who sailed from Liverpool Vednesday for New York are from Northern Yorkshire and Durham. Several can command capital of five or six hundred pounds, while thers have entered into partnership, one group having raised a capital of twelve hunred pounds. Two hundred and forty infiuential Roumean Turks have been taken prisoners in t he Rhodope mountains, charged with forming a onspiracy to attack Philippopolis . The affair las caused great alarm at that city, as it was eared it might serve as a pretext for the enry of Turkish troops, now concentrated at Adrianople, into eastern Roumelia. One thousand cotton operatives have struck n Glasgow. At Axum, on the west raast of Atrica, a French gold mining company have discovered valuable vein of gold. The value of the railways of which the German government is negotiating the purchase mounts to L75,000,090. Tne official report on the fire at Irkutsk, luasia, which destroyed about 200 houses, hows that 60 Uves were lost, the greater num)er children. The reduction of wages by the Staffordshire arthen ware and China manufacturera is ïartly attributed to American protective duies. Employers desire to return to the scale f wages paid in 1871. Fifty thousand workraen will be affected. The proprietorB of the 5uruley coal fields give notice of a reduction n the price of coal and wages. Thomas W. Irooke & Co,'s sheet iron and tin plate works ear Cardiff, in constant operation since 1740, were closed Saturday last by order of the offiial liquidator of the Bast England South fales district bank, and 1,500 workmen were iaid off. Three villages had grown up around je works, the inhabitants consisting solely of working people and their families, and theBe, umbering 6,000, are now destitute. A GooU. Dog-. A Philadelphia lady now dead whose ccuracy of statement in any other nstance we should never have doubtd, told us the following story, which eems too marvelous for belief. Her mother was in the habit of- as were many ladies of that city in oíd times - of making her own purchases of marketing. One morning an old genieman of her acquaintánce, similarly ngaged in buying, found that he had ne chicken too many for his basket, nd insisted upon transferring the fowl o liers. When she brought home her narketing and deposited it in the kitchen, taking up the fowl, she handd it to the cook with the remark : "I wisli I liad another chicken ; it takes t least two to make a dinner." Thereupon the family dog, which had been tretched upon the window-sill, jumped ut of the window as if something had ttracted him. The dog stayed away bout half an hour, and came back with a chieken in his mouth, Iaid the jurden down, and retreated to his usual seat on the window Bill. The hicken was yet warm, though dead ; he dog had seized if by the ' throat. t was not known whose poultry-yard had suffered. The lady who told the tory ate a piece of the chicken. -Seince News. Slightly Doubtful Compliment.- Actor (who has appeared in the first )iece): "Good evening, May I take ;he seat next you ?" Lady : "Certainy ; but don't you appear any more to night y" Actor: ."No." Lady: "Oh, ara so glad ! Pray git down."


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