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Stearns' Drug Store (9 WOODWARD AVENUE, DETEOIT. We keep in stock the largest variety of Medical Merchandize gathered under one roof ín America. B3Visitors are cordially invited to visit our Storo when in Detroit. PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, STUDENTS, and DEAT-I5RS are invited to examine our large and complete assortment of Snrgicallnstrumeiits - U kluili 1 ■!■ v-i,-, - !„„„ ,,,„,, . , tions elsewhere, as we will makt it to thelr advantige to obtaia their supplies of us. FREDERICK STEARNS. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GÖODS ! And prices LOWER THAN KVBE, I have purchased in New Tork, for cash, ana I m now daily receiving one of the largest and most select stocks of Groceries in Washtenaw County, conBisting of a full and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - including Gunpowdcrs, Impertáis, Youiig Ily. ton, Mi-uu-,, Japans, Oolongrs, Formasas, Conous, Soucliongs, and Tivankiiys, Togetlier with a full line of COFFEE8, conEistïnsr of the following brands : MOCHA, OLD GOV'T JAVA, MAKACA1BO, LAGUAYRE.SANTOS and RIO, both roasted and ground ; a full and well selected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everythin in the line cf Ture Spices, Canned fruits, and Vegetables. We have a full aud complet0 line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOYES And Hosiery. AIbo, a choice assortment of Ladies' andGentlemen's Underwear. Cali and examine Goode and Prices and we will insure satisfaction. EDWARD DUFFÏ. " Maynard'e Block,-' cor. Main ana Ann streets A rin Arbor, Mich . ■"Highest cash price pad foi all farm [iroduce.S9 RAILROADS. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Sunday March 23, 1879. GOINO NOHTH. QOIKG SOUTH. Mix, hip. Esp. ' ExpTpxp. I Mix A.MA.M.P.M. A.M.Ip.M.Ip M. G50 10 40 6 00 TOLEDO i 9 29 2 60 9 25 6 53 10 42 6 0-2 North Toledo ! 9 27' 2 48' 9 22 7 07 10 50 6 11 Detroit Junction 9 19 2 39 9 04 720J1058I 620 Hawthorn 9111 2 31 j 8 47 7 33 11 06 6 28 Samaría 9 03 2 23 8 30 7 42 llllj 6 34 Seola 8 58 2 18' 8 19 7 55 11 18 6 4i Lulu 8 49!2 10'8 02 803 1123 647 Monroe Junction 842: 205! 7 51 8 35 113216 67 Dundee S 35 1 55! 7 32 8 461137 7 0? Macón 8 30,150 7 21 858J1142 TÍO Azalia 8 24! 1 44 7 10 9 25U54 7 23 Noran 811:132 6 37 9 38 12 00 7 29 Uraa ,8 05: I 26 6 25 9 52 12 06 7 36! Milnia 7 5K 120 6 13 10 13 12 15 7 46 Ypsilanti June. ; 7 48 1 10 5 54 10 40 12 28,8 00! ANN ABBOK i 7 35 12 58 5 30 The 7.35 a. m. express south makes close connections at Monroe Junction íbr Adrián and Monroe and for points on the Lake Shore ; at Toledo with Columbus & Toledo and the Wabash. The 12.58 p. ra. express south conneets at Toledo with the 3 o'clock train cast on the Pennsylvania Eoad thro' to New York . All trains run by Columbus time - 7 minutes faster than Ann Arbor time. J. M. ASHLEY, Jr., Superintendent. MICHIGAN CENTRAL 1CA1LROAD. MAY 28, 1879. GOIKG WEBT. I w ■ S S '-S . STATIONS. = üíijí _! P ;OW +- IA. M.l A.M P.M.p. M.l"-M. p.M. Detroit, leave, 7 001 9 35 5 55 3 55I 8 10 1 9 50 G. T. Junction, 7 15 10 00 6 10 4 10 ' 8 25 10 10 Wuyn Junction 7 5210 28 6 42] 4 36 8 57J10 42 Ypsilanti, 8 20 10 45 7 05 4 55 9 22 11 04 üeddos, 8 30 7 20 Ann Arbor, 8 40 11 00 7 35! 5 20 'J 38 U 20 Delhi, ] 8 53j ! 7 46 ! Dexter, 9 04 1 i 7 50 5 37 9 S9 . Chelsea, ! 9 22 8 11 5 50 10 15 GrasB Lake, 9 50 1 8 35 6 10 10 38 I P. H 1 A.M. Jackson, 110 20Í12 15 9 00 6 30 11 15 12 46 Albion, 111 04 12 50 g I 7 36 1 1 SS] 1 20 Marshall, 11 50 1 30 -3 8 03:12 25 1 40 P. M. t A.M. Battlo Creek, :12 19 1 55 t 8 32 12 50 2 02 Glalesburg, 12 52 ! 9 05 1 20 A. M. Ealuniuzoo, 1 15 2 37: 5 00 9 25 1 38 ' 2 43 Lawton, ! 1 53 5 33 12 13 Decatur, ! 2 10, : 5 50 2 81 Dowagiae, 2 3S i 6 12 '2 57 1 Siles, 3 05 4 07 6 53 i 3 30 4 15 Buchanan, : 3 19 ; 7 07 3 451 Three Oaks 3 49 ' 7 32 1 New Buffalo, I 4 03! 4 57 7 46 1 4 27: Michigan City, 4 30' 5 20 8 10 4 55 6 30 Lake, 5 13 0 02 8 53 5 45! 6 19 Kensington, 6 00 6 50 9 40 6 40: 7 10 Uhicago, arrive, I 6 50. 7 40 10 S0 ! 7 30 18 00 SOIKGEAST. i i Jíií i A.M. A. M. P. M. P.M. p. M Chicago, leave, 7 00 9 00 4 DO 5 15 g lo Keouington, ; 7 50 9 50! 4 50 6 05Í10 00 Lake, 8 38 10 30 6 42 : 6 50 10 43 Michigan City, I 9 25 11 13 6 35 7 40 H 30 NewBuffalo, J 47 11 30, C 55 u 62 Three Oaks, 10 02; j 7 08 A. M. Buchanan, 110 32 7 35! Niles, 10 45! 12 15 8 05 9 00 12 48 Dowagiac, )1 lül 8 33 116 Decatur, 11 39 8 57 1 40 Lawton, 111 57 1 9 15 A. M.i 1 57 Kalamazoo, 12 33 1 40 9 50 6 50 10 28 2' 28 Galesburg, 12 53 . ! 7 08 1 Battle Creek, 1 28 2 15 M J 7 40. 11 10 3 18 Marshall, 2 26 3 00 f 8 OS 11 37 3 40 Albion, 2 52 3 21 A.M. 8 35 li 50' 4 12 Jackson, 3 45 4 05 7 15 9 30112 50 5 00 Oras Lake, 4 10 7 38 9 50 5 35 Chelaea, 4 40 8 02! 10 07 5 60 Dexter, 5 001 8 16110 19 ' 6 05 Delhi, 6 10: 8 25 í AnnArbor, 6 201 5 10 8 45 10 35 2 05 6 25 Geddes, 5 3o! 8 60 Ypsilanti, 5 37; 6 24 9 00 10 48 2 20 G 41 Wayne June, 6 01 i 5 46 9 23 11 08 2 44 7 05 O. T. June, tí 33 6 15 9 55 H 35 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., I 6 48, 6 30110 10 11 50i 3 35 8 pO Sundaya excepted. ISaturday and tíunday exeepted. tDaily. H. B. LEDTARD, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Yentwobtb, G. V. & T. Agt., Chioago. CANADA SOUTHERN R'V I.INES. The Only American Route Through Canada Traína leave M. C. R. R. Depot, Detroit, city lime, as followB : Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Boston. Fast Day Express, daily, 12 noon, Wagner car to New York and Boston. Lightuing Express, daiíy except Sunday, 11 10 p. m., Wagner car to Buflalo and Rochester. Toledo trains leave 7 50 a. m. except Sunday ; 3 10 p. ni. daily ; 6 50 p. m. except Sunday, For Fayette 6 30 p. m. except Sunday. 4Sf For information and tickets apply to H. W Hayes, agent M. C. R. R., Ann Arbor. M. C. ROACH, Pass. Agent, Detroit. FRANK E. SNOW, Gen. Pas, and Ticket Agt Detroit. I To Nervous Suflerers-The Great Eur _ Kemedy-Dr. J. B. Slmpso,,.,0" I Specific Medicine. It is a positive cure for Spermatorrhea o Weakness, Impotency, and all dsS'.S fin Self-Abuse, as 'S"M Mental Anxiety. Tí I ,Jj ,. Lobb of Memory .i íft,v.. Pain in Back or . I BÖ ,L)';],],.. and diseasr-a &$! T!tB ' tll:lt '.ea1 [ IÍ"1 1 1 .■■i?íi8"mptioii, iusanily AtJfe 11 M&Sé-i Ihe ?Piflc Ssfv$ ÍI flES? "X cine is being I with wonderful success. Pamnhlet Sit f." Write tor them and get fuU pirticíf,, 'tWto Pnce,Speciiic, 81.00 per pactase or sim l for $5.00. Address all orde to Pwk m ,h b' fIMPlíN medicine co Nos. 104 and 100 Main Street, Búllalo , v, For sale in Ann Arbor by Eberbach & Son'i. by all druggists everywhere. ' f 1TOT1CE. Tbe undersigned has purchased the inte Goerge H. Winslow in the frame and picture ? nessNc, 30 EastHuron Street, and will co the business at the same place, giving pronnf tention to all orders for frames, etc. A flPií of Chromos, Engravings, and Photographs o,, 2 and for sale cheap. ■ All debts due the late firm of Winslow 4 n-v, lan are payable to the undersigned, and anv 55 contracted during his connection witli tl T will be paid by Mm. Ann Arbor, Oct. 14, 1878. motf D. I Abstracts of TitïesT All parties who are desirous of ascertainiw I condition of the title to their lands, or partía, I wishto loan money on real estáte will 4oJ?l cali at the Register's office and consult a I Compared Set of Abstract Book5, 1 Said books are so far advanced that the Kok I can furnish on short notice u Perfect Statement as to the Title ! of any parcel of land in Washtenaw Counti ■ shown by the original reeoíds. C. H. MANLY, Regisltt DETROIT Throatl Lung Instituía MERRILL BLOCK, corner of Woodward n,i Jefferson aves., Detroit, Mich. M. Hilton Williams, M. D., Prop'j Who personally receives patients at the Imk tute for the cure of all the various diseasa of the Head, Throat and Chest, aud their complications, through the system of inhalation, combined with proper internal treatment. To those who have what they are pleased ioa "lingerinu colds " -we would say u nhesitatin! and ïf possible with a voice that would awaken from that pleasant delusion, that without prona and earnest efforts in a rational and properman many will soonfollow those who have foundrda from their suffering in that " sleep which knon no waking." You have been consciou!, but almost afraid u confess the fact, and unwilling to adrnit it to ra selves that the slight irritation of the throat.i annoyance of nasal catarrh, the symptoma of bronchial inflammation of a few weeks or momis ago, which you eonfidently believed would 'n off," has become firmly established, and is mos certainly, and by degrees. more or less rapidlv at with fatal precisión and unyielding grap, adTiiting to hopeless consumption. You may object u and shrink from the frank statement by youroe ical adviser ; you may deny the truthful convittioi which forces itself upon your observatiou j&l reason, but the plain fact, divested-of fiattering as surances that can only cheat you of even Jifeitaelf, is that these throat disenseH, tho bronohial inflara-' matlons and other constitutional causes, are telliu agalnst you with unerriDg certainty, and the . surances- so pleasant to the ear- that all mil le well bye and bye, are the more delusivo and crai You do not want to stupefy the senses by oplMa nor take into the stoinach drugs that will fornj destroy it stone and impairits orflee. You do notiir nierely palliative treatment toconduct and lullye into fancied security to the very brink of 11grave, font is neither reasooable nor just to yo selves, or those who regard your cases with te bhng solicitude and painful anxiety. The chilly blasts and storms of advanced ■ nmn, the inclement winter with its searcü wind.s and atmosphere charged with moisture, hifl had their effect upon you- the great and rapid I cissitudes of spring, that, with the re-awakeningi vegetable life, is peculiarly fatal to consumptive!thesechanges of seasons are now upon the invalï as well as upon the robust, and it is wise to jw now stop and reflect upon the nature and progrs of your disease, and the remedial measures j have employed, and seriously to inquire if there a way open to you by which you may escape 8 danger which isimpending. We say, without hesitation, that the greater min ber of pulmonary diseases can be cured. We need not dilate upon theories while we p able to present living evidences of the efficacyi judicious medication in a class of cases so longaa persistently pronounced hopeless. Inhalations are applicable in all diseases of Ü respiratoir organs, including catarrh, throat dise es, asthma, bronchitis, consumption ; and thoi ands of casescan becured by tlüs müde of tn ment when nothing else can reacli tliem. Those who desire to consult me in regard totiei cases had better cali at the office for an examina tion, but if impossible to visit the office personal!;, may write for " List of Questions." and circulir both of which will be sent free of charge. Addr M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. B„ Merrill Block, Detroit, Míen. iET TST A. 1NSUIUM COMPANI Capital, - - $:i,O()(),0(W Asseta Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, ineludi'll Ke-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, includiiji Ro-Insurance and Capital Stock, f $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent, Aim Arbor. GET YOUB PKOPEKTY B'l SUEED BY C.H. KILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN ARBOR, - MICBt The oldest agency in the city. Establisb1! a quarter of a century ago. Representingt'1'! following iirat ciass copiuanies: Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Assets over 5f!,OO6,0j Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Assets over $3,OO0,W Niágara Fre Ins. To., N. Y., Assets $1,412,}-. Olran1. ol Pa., Assets over S1,000,W Oriënt of Hartford, Assets STOO.O 4" lïates low. Losses liberally adjusted w promptly paid. C. H. MILtEN. & EZTEACT jSarsaparilla BlsacknBwleasied to be the best una mol1 reliable preparation now prepared f 01 ■LIVER COMPLAINT, Ani for Purifying the Blood. O Thi9 preparation is compounded with gr" care, irom the beet aelected Honduras Sarsaparilla, Yellof Doek, Stillingia DandelioD, Wild Cherry, and other Vluable Eemedies. Prepared only by W. JOHN STOF & CO-i Ciiemist & Druggists, 161 Jeffersoa Ave., Detroit, Micbl Bold by all Drugglits.


Old News
Michigan Argus