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- Diphtheria ia iu Jitper. - Eria his tbe wliooimi; eough. - Marshall wanta n uight poiics. - B.ittle Oreek ha a aoUool dabt of 170.000. - Henry Uilbert a Jackson furniture dealer fails for $40,000. - Erio furmf-rs cburged 25 cents per barrel for water during the late drought. - Mrs. Joseph McKenzib of Adriau gave birth to h two pomid foinale iufant. - B.iUle Creek 13 to ba supp'ied with water froin springs jusi noitu of tbe city liiuits. - Advocates of chnap schools in Battla Creek wero badly beaten iu eleckiou for trustee. - A Lsjiesr toan has becom inuna by tha uao of tobáceo nd bai beu :. to an Bsylntn. - Eobart Gunsolus is out on bil of JfóOO cbarged with keoping gambling room in Adrián. - fiev. J. T. Husted hns tendeied bie resignation as pastor of Clintou Cougregational church. -O. L. Millspaugh, lawyer of Kalamazoo, bung biuiaelf. He was poor and had a bed-riddon wife. - Win. A. Miiler of Flint hns leoeived the appointment of deputy U. 8. Marshal tor eastern district of Michigan. - 1200blooded sheep bought in Geneaee county wore shipped east on Saturday. 1800 started for Kausas on Monday. - Tho Coldwater Rcjmblican is sued the second time for libel for asserting that a place kept by one John Yeatter is of bad repute. - Frank Scofield. of Marshall along wilh Mrs. Stephen T. Batea of Tekonsha, licivü bouu arrested for adultery, so cbarged by latter's busbaud. - Iu a tüinperauce meeting at Clinton' Capt. Allen of Ypsilanti coujpared old maids to telegraph poles. Wuy should our represeutative baso uuchivalric towward tbo unfortunate ? - John Ktllöbe, a farmer Uring near Marshal, had a niisuiideiütanding with a mulo ou tho lóth and oame out with three ribs aud a collar bone broken. Not a hair of ihe muie's head was ruffled. - When priioners at Jackson receive their discharge they are untitled to a uit of clothes, the material of wbich must not exceed a cost of ten dollars, and algo sayeii dollars and ñfty cents in ch. - Fish, Shepsrd & Co., Montreal lumberruen, liabilities $218,000; offer 15 cents.


Old News
Michigan Argus