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- 800 freight cara are to be added to the Michigan Contral. - A car load of peaches are shipped daily by Wood & Son. - Monthly meeting of the Pomologioal sooiety at Court House, ouSatutday next. - Henry Laubengayer eucceeda Jas. B. Saunders as treasurer of iho Reform Club. - One day last week Justice Frueauff added to the population of Ionia three trampa, 90 days osch. - For the want of business, Register of Deeds Manly has m&torially reduced ♦he forcé in hia office. - Service in Congregationat church will be retuoied ou Sunday ncxt, when ommunion will be partaken of. - Joe. T. Jacobs is going to put new rigor into the clothing trade this autuinn. Notice the chango in his ad. - A committee of the Common Council have leased the grouud in rear of the Gregory House for a market for ensuing year. - Mr. D. Cramor has sold his 80 acre furin, knuwn as the Casey farm, in Anu Arhor township to Diivid Mowerson for $4.500 -The Plint Globe Baya T. D. Sftuford of Atine "has gone í.o Ann Arbí n[jt-M.i a coapie )f mouths, peldüug pettches." -The Reform Club will be tiddr ■■■ - i on Sundíiy afternoon by olergymes attending conference, and conducted by Kev. Mr. Shier of Salino. - The high school Red Ribbon club has elected Heniy Huskrll, president; Carne Fiaz r, vioe-presidtinl : Ida ecretary; Wií] Watl, treaaurer; C. M. Petera, marshal. - Dr. J. Jones, of Hudson, who spent laat winter in this city, with Dr. Donald Maclean, died August 23d on board the teamer City of New York, three days ont from Honolulú on his way tobidney, Australia. - Uompany A will enter their nfle tein at a ehooting match to be held at Belle Isle on the 19th of this month. - Our team is composed of S. B. Revenangh, J. P. Schuh, Chas Manly, Gilbert Blis, and Fred Bross. - Upon the statement of the prison physician, who certifies that he is dying of consumption, Gov. Croswell haa pardoned Henry Wood, sent to prison from this county for three years, June 25, 1878, for larceny. His relativos resido near Deerfield. - Ben. Watts' social on Friday evening brought a larger amount of money, (116.15, into the Eeform Club treasury, than any yet giveu. The next one, on Friday evening next, will be given by Charles Eichards, salesman iu Maok & Schmid's dry goods house. - By the terms of will made Feb. 18, 1878, the late Father Van Erp bequeathed his library valued at $3,000 to the Sisters of House of Providence iu Detroit; wearing apparel of whatever kind to the poor and needy; and the remainder of his estáte in America to his exeoutor, Father Eyckaert. His estete in Holland goea to nis brothers. - - The editor of the A.RGUS receives an invitation from secretary Johnstone to ttend the state fair and " welcome President Hayes." It will be the only opportunity presented in our day probably to look upon a fraudulent, returning board President, exercising the power ad pocketing thesalary of one who was viotini to the crowiiing oonspiracy of tbis century. -At its meeting on Saturday evening the Board of Educatiou was organized bjr the re-election of officers as follows: Pretident- W. D. Harrinian; Secretary- . L. Burleigh; Treasurer- Leonkaid öruner. Commitees - Teachers and text books- Wm. D. Hairinim, Christiaii W. B. Smith. Finances- Philip Beh, John L. Burleigh, Israel ELili Buildings and örounfis L. Gtiuim r, Putrick Douovan, A. A. Giegory. -Th' Kook iunntur.: , o we oompleted n rueaday bv aiu m aleotion ot the tol owing difco W D. Ha'rrimau, John Keek, Chas E. 1 I ' ! , ■ S ■ W. IJ. Harrima '' ' . Vice President; Chas. Hucocfe, 8e?. .ui lir.M.; Jnhii Keek, Superintendent. Tihh oruciuuzatiou is based ou a capital of $25,000 and has tiothing todo with the petail store in Detroit, oonÜnfn ■ . i to ma ufaoture in 'i,iH oitj . - A.Ï a regulai umuthly meeting of the St. Lawreuce Catholia Benevolent Society, held Bept. 7, the following ofiioers wrere elected for the ensuing year : Permanent Presideut- Eov. P. J. Fierle. Vioe Presideut- Thomas Clarken. Eeoording Secretary- C. P. Carey. Corwsponding Secretary- H. J. O'Brien. Treasurer - Antón Bisele. Marshal John O'Brien. Trustees - Edur. Diiffy, John Pinnegau, Patrick O'Brien. Sick Committee -Leo Camp, "Val. Allgien Philip Exinger, B. P. Corr, Sol. Baumgirtner, George Hangsterfer, Edward Hogan.


Old News
Michigan Argus