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Ihe lollowing rusolutions, offered by Bro. Benjamin Day, were adoptad by the Quarcerly Conference of the M. E. Churoh of thia city, atits last session on the 8th : Whereas, In the order of our ohurcü po'ity, the pastoral relation of Rev. II. B. Pope to ths First M. E. Church of Anu Arbor is boou to termínate, therefore, Resolved, I. That we, as members of the Quarterly Conference, and in behalf of the church and congregation, hereby express to hiin our high appreciation of the ability and effeetiveness with which he has performed Kis pulpit work. 2. That we cannot but speak in the warmest terras of the hearty, genial and indefatigable mannor in which he has performed hiipastoral labora, giving a pleasant greeting to all, and always ready to carry light, oheer and blesaing to tho afflicted. 3. Tliat we most heartily approve of the outspoken and fearless, as well as effective work he has done in the cause of teraperanoe. 4. Ihat he and his famiiy, in taking leave of uu, wiü oarry with them onr warmest Onristian sympathies and our earnest prayers for their future suooess and happiness. 5. That we most cordially invite them, at our homes. 6. That we sinoerely and earnestlv reqnest him, whenever the Prcvidenoe of God shall open the way for it, that he agaiii come into pastoral relations with us. 7. That the Secretary furnisii a oopy of these resoluhons to the pastor, and'to the eity papors, and the Michigan Christian Advocate for publication. W. F. Bbbaket, Seoretary pro tem. Are Goods Dearer ?- The impreBsion seems to have obtained that pricee of goods have advanced ; that the ad vanee in wool munt necessarily be fait in increaBed figure for all articles itito which wool euter. To satisfy ourself and keop our readers informed on tbis subject our reporter dropped in and interviewed Mr. B. B. Abel of the dry goods house of B,ich & Abel, who has jusi retumed from the great metropolis and thorefore well inforiued. "Mr. Abel," said the Arous soribo, ' did you find goods higher iu New Tork than in the spring T' "The market ruay be a little firraer in sorne Unes, but I purchased as cheap as the last time I was east," said Mr. A. "Wüat is the outlook for business?" "The best I have saen formany years. With threo good sucoessive wheat crops, the starting up of manufactures where, giving eraploymont to the laboring rnen, there is every reason to antifipate an excellent full trade, and I have bought a very arge stock in expectation of better business times. Not only larger I may say but a stock the superior of which was never railroaded into Ann Arbor." " Theu no goods in your house will be sold at an advauce of last spring's prices?" "No sir; tho reputation of this house for bargains in our line will notbeaüowed to suffer in the least ; and if possible, we will sell goods lovver thanataiiy otherperiod in 1879." I - .--i .... The rush still continúes and crowds come trom all directious to secure the great bargains that are off'ered at Hack & Schmids and which have created an excitement uuparaleled in the anuals of the dry goods tnido in this city. Schools commenco Moaday. S. C. Andrews has the largest and cheapest stock of new and socond-hand school books in tlio city, at 13 Huron street.


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