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Gov. Robinson Re-nominated--tammany Bolts

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A rnioniinatiou of Oov. Robín son :it Syracuse last week was mili' tl, e pie1i xt. for withdrawal by tbo T.imraany deleutpg wbo níet ilscwhcro and placed lboir U'nder John Kelly in nomiuatiou for '!■ name position. Mnch as it is to bo regretted tbat harmony did not prevnil, and that the right of miijority to control in the convention was not conceded ly the miuority, no olher honorable alternativa ramained to the fiifudj of Gov. Eobinson, than to go foi muil B8 Ihoy diii, tleftpite the threat ot' b faction to bolt, if tbey conld not Iihvc thoir w!iy. It' tbe principie of m'ajority rulo must flrst be tested in the ranha of onr party and perhaps at the tosí of success, it is wull fliat it should ia upon triiil now, whon not 90 much is it RHbe as in a Presiden tial year. H Jolm Kelly assurnes tho right to s-iy who shall not be noniinated, theu, by equal ssurnptiou he can diotate who the 110111npo sball be. Oov. Sobinson has carried out the polifiy inaugurated by bis successor, Gov. Tilden, electod in 1871. Within the time these gentlemen have held tho ex(cuüve rein, all departments of state bnva been economioally administered ; iln']ivisons have been made well nighselfBuutaining against an alarming defieicncy of noarly f700,000; the canals are maoaged at nnich leas expenso ; taxes have annually decreased, despite the building of uu extravagant capítol building. Both administrations have been enjinently comuien'lable and redoond greatly to the credit of tho party elevating eithei to power. But, in a reduction of expenditures soiuebody's pockets will be rcached. Gov. Tilden, in hia faiuous canal message of Aïarch, 1875, called attention of the people to tho metliods in voguo through w hich canal contractors and their friends had for yeara plunderod the comraonwoalth of its canal revenues. Year after year the deh'ciency in canal management became larger. Public opinión directed first by him to the unscrupulous practices of canal and prison rings, cried halt - and investigation. What was tho result? Loading Democrats as well as Eepublicans were found guilty. Both thenceforward clasped hands and resolved to break down the reform polioy inaugurated by Gov. Tilden, by dufeating its candidatos in convention if possible ; and if not thée, at the polls. Unitedly this unholy combination went, or sent Bubstitutes to St. Louis to defeat Mr. Tilden. And, at every convention since, these men backed by Tammany have endeavored to crush advocates of reform. Gov. Eobinson hasfoilowed thepolicy inapped out by his predecessor. He, too, has met the assaults of this combination, re-inforced by Tammany and its smart attorneys. Never was a political determination deeper seated ; never was a faction more skillfully organized; novv. t„ - v... v-Ltv. ;■ ■ 'fliimj than Tammany uuder its leader, John Kelly, which moved forward to destroy the politica] hopes of one who stands forth pre-etninent in purity, ecouomy, and in all that should commend au official to the honest and tax-paying publio. The present executive of the empire state represents the best element of the Democratie party. That is why he has antagonized Tammany and its canal ring allies, every one of whose members united In demanding his defeat. For years we have watched their movements in conventions. Every canal contracting thief who has lost his hold upon the treasury of the state; every political incapacity who has lost position; every opponent of reform in government; evory opposer of reduction of war salaries, attended or was represented in tho Syracuse convention, crying for defeat of the Tilden-ïtobinson policy of reform by demanding the withdrawal of its conepicuoua exponent for re-nomination. The disrepute of Tammany under Tweed clings to the organization and attempts at purification have not been successful in redeeming itself before the public. Govornor Tilden gaiued friends through its opposition to him in '74 and '7G. Gov. Eobiuson will receive thousands of votes in the interior because of its opposition now. If defeated, the party will represent a principio that can not fai! to help it in the future. But we do not believe defeat is in store. Gov. Tilden was elected in 1874 by 8,000 majority outsido the metropolis. Gov. Eobinson is stronger with the opposition than was his predecessor. Besides, the candidate, John A. Dix, was far more acceptable in 1874 to the Eepublican party than Cornell is now. We await the November election with somo anxiety, meantime resting our faith upon the second sober thought of Tammany, and the good sense of the majority of the votera of the state to retain an honest and fearleBS executive. With ono eye on Ben Butler, the Eepublicans of Massachusetts mot at WorO08tor on Tuesday and placed a ticket in the field hcaded by John D. Long. In the complicated conaition of MassachusettR politics, there is no donying tho fact that tho Eepublicans are considorably demoralized over the situation. Butler spent $200,000 in the last campaign, it is aaid, and made tho amount good since by fat legal cases. The editor of the St. Louis Qlolc-Democrat, who spent a year in jail for complioity in tho whisky frauds, and pardoned by President Grant, is determined his benefactor shall bo tho nomiuee in 1880. The Massachusetts Greenback convention nominated Ben Butler foi governor, Wcndoll Phillips for lieutenantgovernor, and completod the ticket. Alexander Mitchell emphatically declines the Democratie nomination for governor of Wisconsin. It is believed he could have been elected. James A. Gray wilMead the Eepublioan forlorn hope in Maryland. Expostmaster Cressweü declined the guberuatorial nomination.


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