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The New York Republican Convention

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Harjer's Woukly, (Rep.) The Ropublican nomination for Governor of New York is au exceedingly unfortunate one, and all that has been saitl of the uu wisdom of precisely suoh a nomiuatiou remaius tiue. The iiuportanco of the result iu this state, both in the election of this yeur and of the next, is such that it was tho duty of all Republicana who understood ifc to select juiiiu canaiaaxe uui., -t- -trtativ of its principies and purposes. It wiini contended that, witli whatever excelleuces of character, Mr. Curnell is such a representative. Ho has loDg been a. familiar figuie in tho politics of the State; and, whatever uiay be the personal and friendly regard entertained for kim, it will uot be denied that it is an extraordiuary notnination to be made by ths Republicau party in this state at this time. It was a plain duty to select somo oandidate of political independence, wholly unoonuected with dissensions and alienations in the party, and for whotn every Republican could vote without reluctance and without apology ; sonie man of aptitudofor public affairs, of a courage liko that of John Jay, who repelled the dictation of Alexander Hamilton ; of ability like that of Gov. Seward, who in the intorasts oL human rights vanquished Virginia in argument, and maintained the honor and dignity of New York. This is uot an ideal Standard, because tho ñames show that there have been such Governors ; and, wlnle it is not to be expectei that there will always be such candidates, it is well to contémplate what has been, and to remeinber that the Governorship of New York is a great office. Certainly it is unwise to be content with action which, measured by such standards, is ouly grotesque. It has been already stated that it is not a nomination which is acceptuble to many who supported it. There was no formal speech of presentation, aud the result was received with enthusiasm. It was a result due entirely to what is kuown as "the machine," and any other candidate whomthe machine had adopted would have been nominaterl as readily. This is but tho confirmation of the fnct, which is more and more evident, that political iuitiative luis passed entirely frora the people iuto the hands of a special politioal class. This can be remedied only by resolute aud persistent work of tb ose intelligent citizons who clearly perceive it. The platform of the Convention is good, but too ditfuse; and it contains a timoly reoognition of the queition of the lespoasibility of c irporations, which is fast becoming a vory important question. Vociferation of the ni.cessity of harmony canuot conceal the faot that the campaigu has opencd in a dispiriting rnarmer, and nothing but the coiisciousness of the immonse eonsequenoes of Roiiubliean defont could secure victory uuder such auspices. The duty of ooncealiug whut hostsof the most intelligent and patriotic Republicano feel, we do not recognize, The office outfit of the late Dotroit Maü has been attached by creditors. B. F. Bower, one of the incorporators and city editor, is confined at the residence of kis mother in this city with pleuroptieumonia. - Vontiac is to be Pin-a-4d. It is early it is true, but the Kt. Louis Globe nominates Blaine for 1HS t. - Dr Heuston, of Plymoutb, Mich., aas gone to the Sandwich isUnds, where, oy the death of a niece, he has como iuto possessiou of valuable property.


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