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. #ï psiluntians expeot to be .l'mtitorci,i by a local troupe about the center ot' next mouth. ■ - Ypsüanti's bami wagon vvill be solii at auotion ou tbu Hh day of the fair, at not loss than 3S. A. B. Couklin of Manchester is goin" to try and wrest a diploma from a Cincinnati Medical Collego. Mary Yanson, wito of Ilonry Yimson of Salem, diod Sopt. 12. Her funeral beid athorlateresidenco wasvery largely attended. The trustees of Ypsilanti's school board electod Thoms Nindo, President, Chas. E. Kiug, Sec, and L. A. Bain.-, Treasurer. William McMurty of Wayuo graduated from the stato normal school last June with such honors that hü has beou retained as;instructor. - 'Tis expensivo to got drunk in Dexter. Justice Pago invitud a drunk to pay $4, another $8, still another $!S.ö(). A fourth paid $ 13.00 for rcsisting an olïicer. ]V[r. C. W. Miller of the firin of Urampton & Miller, carriage manufaoturors of Dexter, has sold bis iutorost in tho business to Peter ileidur of Aun Arbor. Light Guard of Ypsilanli seloctod Messrs. E. l'orguson, J. Manning, C. Manniug, E. C. Hayton, and F. B. Pattee to go to Detroit this week and win the prize- if they can. William Bcvfeooolt, fr.rt.y-.four yoars a resident of Webster, died at tho residence of his daughter, Mrs. A. Qranger of Olive, Clinton County, Aug. 29, of caucer in the stomach, aged 74. -The Peninsular Paper Company of Ypsilanti ia making ready to build a „ow atona dam at their milis. This season thoy have built one pier, formorly wooden, of stone, and are finishing the other. - Ypsilanti is agitated over the question : " Shall a clock be placed on tho new school building ?' This is a matter of importance to the lads and lasses whoso absence from home is not pormitted after 9 r. M. -Mr. Seeley, tho eldest membor of Stony Croek Prcsbytcrian church, was buried on Thursday of last week. Deceased was 84 years of age and loaves two daughters, Mra. Spencer Davis and Mrs. l'holps. - Milan's new Reform Club officials : Win. Needham, president ; Alva Ucxtcr, L. O. Hitchcock and C. II. Wilson, presidonts; Mrs.C.H.Kelsey, secreiary, O. H. Wilson, treasuror ; D. Hitchcock, sergeant; C. Whiting, steward ; A. Gauntlett and "W. Woolcott, marshals. The valuo of advertising is illustrated in the fact that for the small suin of Beventy-fivo conts expended in advertising in the Akgus last week, Mr. W. B. Thompson of Salem recoverod a two year old colt that esoapod from his premisos and wandered upon the lands of Mr. Jedele of Scio, sixteon miles distant. - Sept. Cth, the childron, grand-children, and a few iuvited guests met at the home of Mr. Lewis W. Britton, in Dexter villago, to enjoy a family reunion, it being Mr.Brittcn's scventyfifth birthday. Thu party oonsistod of about thirty, of all agos, from the of 75, the inother of 05, and the ehild of a few inonths. All tho family cxcept two (a son-in-law and a grand child) were present. The management of the Ypsilanti fair offer special speed premiums to the ainount of $1,000, in purses of $150, $250, $150, $150, $50, and.$250, respootively, the trials of speed to tako placo on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 25 and 26. On Thursday thero will bo a bicyelo race, flve mile dash, for a purso of $25 ; and on Friday thero will bo a five mile foot race for a purse of $75. The ontries closo Tuesday, Sept. 23. By any and all odda the Michigan Mutual Benefit Association is the cheapest and safest of life insuranco companies. Applicants undergo a rigid, physical exainination and, if unablo to meet the required standard, are rojectod. It costs $4 to join, $2 per annutn duos, and an assessment of $1 at the death of a member, meinbership limited to 5,000. Aoplications may be made to Charles E. Hisoock, cashier of Savings Bank of this city. Dr. Alexander Ewing, ono of tho oldest physicans of Dexter, died Wednesday morning. He carne to Dexter 40 years ago, and has been a rosideut of the county ever since. He was very widfllv known. having been a meniber of the legislatura and surgeon of the Thirteonth Michigan infantry during the late war. He has also held other honorary positions ia the village aud county. His loss will be very much feit, as he was a gentleman in every sense of the word and a fine physician and surgeon. His funeral will take plació tooiorrow, at 2 r. M. , Georgo Sponcer of Milán has four fish, apparently of the trout species, that were thrown up in a large spring on tho preinises of Minor Ingles, about two miles south of Milan village. Tho fish are about threo inohes in length, beautifully mottlod with yellow, and a darkish brown ; the fins and tail aro of a yollow color, very delicatoly constructod, and have the appearance of beiug formod of very small feathers. Tho fish obtain their food froni tho wator in which they are kopt, refusing food given theui. They move about very Httleduring daylight, but at night aro very vigorous and playful. Thoro aro quito a number of fish thrown up by tho spring, but whcro they come from is a mystery. - On Wednesday morning last, Mr. N. B. Peikins and Mr. Charles Haat, started fc ' Uakota. Their location will be in thn Standing Koek Indian Agmey, at Port Yates. Tlio agoucy iuoludus the tribes of the Upper and Lower Yaiiktonians, the Black Feot, aud tbo Unuapapas, in all about 0,000 Indiaas. Fort Yatos (the fort and postolücu) 8 Brrisonod by six companies of United States troops, and is oue of the largeSt of western poats. At tho present tim tho government i building díHoois' (juarters that will oost 10(),0()0. l[fPericias has bought tho store buildings stook and rancho of oattlo conneotd with the ageucy, and he goos west tO tako chargo of his property. - Yy Commercial. Ypsilanti was visited with a süv.t:' lail storm Tuosdfty niglit. - Cbeatw L; Alexander of YpsUanti, usaenger of the American expresa coas any, and Miss Avis B. Bteveus, dauttli8T of Vf. C. Stuvens, wero married at ie rosidouco of the bride'a lathor on uosday, tho Kev. John M. Bichmcmd fioiating. A large numbet of invited uosts were present, and the wedding lts Were costly and uumcrous, lioth ro rendente of mr Mister city. - Lee Hendricks of Ypsilanti, au old resident, died on Tuosday evening froui u attaok of bilioua fovcr, suporiuduced y a congestivo chili. He camo to tbis lato when so many pioneers froin fSenca Co., N. Y. inigratcd. Deceasod was 7 years old and had livod in retirement 'or a number of yoars, having acoumuitüd considerable property. IIo loaves wifo and one grown daughtor.


Michigan Argus
Old News