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BUSINESS DIRECTORY . DONA LD MACLEAJÍ, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Ofiioe and residence, 71 Huron itreet, Ann Arbor. Oflice hours from 8 to 9 a. M. and from 1 to 3 p. m. Mks. soi'hia roMiu, m. d., Pnybicittn and Surgeon. Office at residence, 44 Ann street. Wil] attend to all professional calis promptly, day and pight, WH. JACKSO1V, Dentist. Office corner Main and Washington streete, over Bach & Abel's stoie, Ann Arbor, Mich. Aneathetics admn. iatered if desired. CSCH1EBERLE, Teacher of the Piano forte. Pupila attain the desired skill in piano-playing by a syatematic course of instruction. For terms, apply at residence, No. 12 West Liberty street, Ann Arbor. Prompt attention paid to piano-tuDing. CRAHER, FRUEAITFF & COBBIN, Attorneys at Law, E. K. FRUEAÜFF, Justice of the Peace. All business promptly attended to. Office No. 8 East Washington street, Kinseyand Seabolt's block. HBNRY R. HILL, Attorney at Lav, Uealer in Beal Eatate and Insurance Agent. Office, No. 3 Opera House Block, ANN ARBOR. pREDEBICK Kit Al Si;, ATJCTIO3STEEE, ":i[ uttend to all sales, on short notice, at reasonable charges. For further particulars cali at the ABGU8 OFFICK. pOODRICH HOUSE, SAXINE, MICH. Best Hotel in town. First-class in every respect. A spacious sample room. Guests eonveyed to and irom Railrnad free. A. H. Goodkioh, Prop'r. pUROPEAU HOTEL, Ypsilanti, Mich. New House, Fint-Clan Table, Clean Beds, Low Prices. W. H. Lkwis, Proprietor J. H. NICKELS, DEALER IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Hains, Sausagt-s, Lard, etc., STATE STBEET, OPPOSITE NORTHWEST CORNER OF ÜN1VERSITY CAMPUS. Orders promptly fllled. Farmers Laving meats to sell give him a cali. THE ANN ARBO SAVIITG BA1TK ANN ...BOB, MICHIGAN. ranital ln 50,000.0( Sjitoi urlty " " - loo'ooo.oo T usacts a general Banking Business; buys aud ais Exchanges on New York, Detroit and Chicago ; sella Sight Drafts on all the principal clties of Eutope; also, sella Passage Tickets to Liverpool, LonJorand Glasgow, via the Anchor Line of Bteamitps, whoBe rates are lower than most other firstass Unes. This Bank, already having a large business, invite merchants and others to open accounts with theni, irith the assu ranee of most liberal dealing consisent with safe banking. In theSavings Department interest is paid semiMuually, on the first days of January and July.on all sunis that were deposited three months previous to those days, thus aflording the people of this city indcounty a perfeotly afe depository for their funda, together with a fair return in interst for the urne. Money to Loan on Approved Securities. Directobs- Christian Slack, W. W. Wines W 1). Mamman. Daniel Hiscock, E. A. Beal, Win. Deubel, and Willard B. Smith. OHKISTIAN MACK W. W. WINE8, President. Vice President. CHA8. E. HISCOCK, Cushiel. EMANUEL MANN, Druggist and Pharmacisi, SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANN AKIiOK, has on hand & well selected stock of PURE DEUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, Toilet Articles.ShoulderBraces, Trusses,&c., which "e offer for sale at prices to suit the times. W" Physicians' Prescriptions carefully prenared } all hours. EBERBACH & SON, Druggists and Pharmacists, 12 South Main HL, Have on hand a large and well selected stock of BRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Artista and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articlis, TmsseB, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, P nUCf . pifraratuf Bohsmian Chemical ülasPh', i fceliia Ware, Pure Beageut, etc. rnjo(all8i prescription oareïnUy prpard at


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