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It Must Be A Disagreeable Task That

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tho Seuato Uominittee on its way ío Kansas luis before it - ihat of investigating aoousutions of bribery against a felInw rustnber of tho Senate; yet the ohurgo that Senator lngalls of tbat State bmight lus soat of the Legislatura wore so Btoutly made as to demand inqniry, and tho election is to be looked iuro. Ingalls, of eourso, says that he did nothing of the sort. When the subject was before the Elections Committee he did ail in his power to embarrass the luembors and to wilhhold infoimation froni thum. There was no f'raiiTc irf guüt and courting of inouiry. He said that the Kansas Legislatura hud once acquitted him of the very charges now made ; but as the Legislature tbat a:quittod bim was the same body that liad t'lected hito, it isn't to be supposed that tho members would couvict theuiselvea of being bribe takers. Bev. J. P. Thompson is out of reach of scandal. Ho died of apoplexy ou Sundry. He was one of the great divines of this country, living in Berlin for his health. His death was undoubtdly hastened by the slanders arising from the DeLand (Grand Kapids) scandal, brcught into being by a jealous husband, who tortuied the kind acts of &n o!d gentleman toward his wife in a Btrange land, into criminal intimaoy. Bybyeing the citizens of Detroit, the Presidential party resume thoir pumpkin inspcction tour toward the state where so man y Republicans have bribed their way into the United States Sena te. Stopping in Chicago long euough to pprmit ita citizens to gaze upon Presidential and military greatness, the party aro now on exhibition along with other artioles, at Neosha, Kansas, state fuir. Much is said by Sherman and other republicau orators about resumption of specie payment. Until senator Thurmau in a speech in Ohio called attention to the fact, there was one place only where gold ccin was exchanged for legal tender notes, and that was at tho New York sub-treasury. Sherman hus sinco issued an order to 'Other subtreasurers to exchange the yellow money for green backs. Unablo to obtain any notice whatever from the newspaper it set out to demolish, the little Register turns its snioothbore gun at the Argtjs, hoping to secure recognition that it may thereby vork off the gathoring hilo from its quarrelsome stomach. We havn't timo to bother with it. Shoo! A re-union of prisoners of war at Toledo next week may, as it is designed, help Foster's candidacy, but in view of the fact tbat he remained at home profiting on the advance of dry goods while Ewing risked his lifo at tho front, is not calculated to créate a great amount of enthusiasm for the meinber of the stayat-home brigade. Gov. Croswell, sick at his hoiae in Adrián, and unablo as is supposed to fulfill the marriago contract on the 18h instant or to atteud the fair and add executive presence to the distinguished assemblagu to receive the Presiduntial party, is recovering and is expected to be able to attend to his duties the coming week. Eepublican newspapers point to the south for exaoiples of laxity of political moráis. Their attentioti is called to the iinpeachraeut of the state treasurer of Georgia for receiving interest on state money. lf this rule was euforced in the north how rnany state, county, municipal and town treasurers would escape? So grand a display as it was, with the Presiden ti&l party thrown in, the state fair was a failure financially, the receipts being $7,500 less than last year. What can be done next, tho last yuar appointed for its location in Detroit, to steer clear from inevitable bankruptcy '( Aruid the wreek in California tbere is a grain of consolution. C. P. Burry, Democratie candidato f'or congress in third district turna up elected, contrary to ijrevious newa. The delegation in congress stands 3 Rep., 1 Dein, The Binghamton ItepuMican, Elraira Aduertiser and Owego Times, all papers in the southern tier of New York coun ties, oppose TiJden's man Robinson. - Post and Tribune. Why bhouldn't they ? Republicau all thein ever siuce the party was formed. A fresh illustration of the beauties of oivil service reform is that of John M. Laugston, negro minister to Havti. wJjg has been stiu'""; , ... , r , gmsnty. A substitution of James Jenkins for Alexander Mitchell, who declines, removes the probability of Democrats eleoting tbeic candidato íor Govenor in Wisconsin. The Sprugue scandal gets afresh start over a petition oí' llr. Spraguo for appointmont of trustee of her property. William wanted one nian.Kate another. Decisión reserved until to-day. Colorado Itepubüuans in coiivention at Denver, declared in favor of Grant for noxt Republican Presidential candidate. This ia the first positivo boom. for the General. Kearney didn't hang Graut in effigy, after all. If the Paciiio eoast blatherBkite don't comu to better time bis followers will lose faith in his proinises. Stand ono sido Mossrs. Sherman, Blaine, Chandlerand Conkling, and observe tho Grant boom. The Adrián Times join3 Grrant's boom, forgettiog Sliohigan'a favorito son, Zaohariab. Senator Blaine takes tha stumD at Bellaire, Ohio, to-day. - Lewis Lucas, who was arrestad at Battle Creek for seduction, bad but just got tho matter fixed up, when he was wanted at Jackson for theft.


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