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- Clinton watita a photographer. - Alvin J. Gorden is in Lowell jail churged willi giving arsenic to his wife. - H. W. Squiers a Lansiag egg buyer has handled 200,000 dozens of eggs this season. - The yonug man who was shot in a watermelon patch in Macón, is still confined to b3 bed. - H. M. Clark, tho defanlting cashier of the Lowell bank, is living in fine 6tyle at Nashvillo, Tenn. - One Georgu Pondee of Norvell, has eraigrated rather than uxplain about eortaiu notes allegoJ to be forgeries. - Thad uwen, pruprietor of a hotel at Dansville, cut his throat and finished this world by jumping into a cibtern. - Thepreachers of tbüLansing district presented their retiiiug presiding eider, ítev. Mr. Bangs, with a puiso of f40, as a par; ing gift. - Tbü oíd Hill infírinary, or water cure, at Coldwater, was burued on the lOth. Loss claimed as $4,000, with $2,000 insuranco. - Theo. Meyer of Ionia, went out to slioot a oat and shot himself. The shot took effect in a part of his anatouiy that now hurts when he sits down. - Cow-owners at Jaokson havo raised 1G for the purpose of testing the constitutionality of the new law against cattle running at largo in the stroets. - A Mrs. Bratlley of Aibion, has obtainod a verdict of (100 agninst J. A. Carr for selling liquor to her husband, It is probable the case will beappealud. -The Stockbridgo boom u""er lift. This f""t ll '3 irom the Pontiac Qazette. A posta) aster and a customhouse ofiicer have spukeu thus far. - Next ! -Mrs. Allerton and Mrs. Whitford of Keeler, Van Buren eouiity, clupud the otber day with two unknown men. - They took the steauier from St. Juswph to Chicago. -The office of the Gratiut County Journal, published at fcSt. Louis, was burned on Friday morning. Loss on building and contenta $6.000. Insurance i;y.500. - Armenius Owen of Holly, who died recently, gave five sons to the union army. The only advice he offered them was not to get shot in the back : and they hoeded his advice. - Col. O. F. Lockhead, book-keeper in the Citizen's natioual bank of Flint, is iruplicatud ia the Gibson defalcation to tho amount of 1,300. He has Baoured the bank ag'iinst loss. - Leonard Phillips, an old and respectcd resident of Milford, Oablaud couuty was instantly killed Sept. 13, by his team running awaywhilecomingdíw;i a hteep hill south of the village. - It is said that the habit of smoking is being formed b}' souio of the youug misses who attend the central school at Aibion, and that several havo been seon smoking cigaretts on their way to school.' - Samuel Aplin, jr.. lying in jail at Flint, on a charge of burglary and arsou, attempted to commit suicido in bis culi by teariug up a sheet and hanging himself with it, but was discovered bfiore Ufo wiis extlnct. - Lightning has struck six times tbis soason in one field owuod by a Teoumseh man. The fluid has completely deiuolished a few good cows and also tho theory that lightning never strike3 twico in the sanie place. - A man up in Ionia is so stal wart that he refusus to take his blooded buil to the fair because confedérate brigadier Ben Hill is to bo the orator. If Ben had been reconstructed with a federal office a la Longstreet, Moaby, &c, he would have been a political saint in this bull ownor's blinded visión. -Miss Mamie Stout, of Deotflflld, daughter of Capt. I. N. Stout, receutly surprisod her parents and friendo by eloping with Mr. Frank Crandall, son of a Dundee merchant. The young peopie went to Eidgeway, where they were uiarried, and each agreed uot to tell of it for "quite a while." - H. J. Perrinof Marshall, accidently fell into á mili race or fiume on the 19lb, and wheu rescued was so near deud tbat he was unoonsoious for several hours. - As he is an invalid, it is feared the shock may bo to great for him. Mr. Perrin is a wealthy man and president of the Marshall national bank. - The Buífalo Sunday Timen publishes a highly colored story about the daughter of a rich Adrián editor being picked up in a Bradford (Pa.) brothel. The yarn is utterly devoid of even a seuiblance of truth, the Adrián papera say ■ - first, there being no rich editors in Adrián, and seoond, no Adrián editor has n, daughter of that kind. - Wm. Long eleared out froin Lowell about a year ago with a loóse woman, ' ■ ■'■■-! ...;f „nrl tum- cbiklren to be cared for by the public, which was dnrws a - Soaie timo siníie Vio rotumcJ, and on promises of good behavior was admitted to the faraily again, who sadly enough needed hia caie. Now he has left again andplungedhis family intof'resh distress.