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Estáte f Tertullus A. Haviland. OTA.TE OJb1 MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of WnshLenaw, ss. At asessionof the Probate Court í'or the County o f Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, on Wednesday,the t.hii'd day oi' September, in tlie year one t&ousaad ci'jrht hundved and seventy-iiine. ut, Willi&m !-. Harrimaii, Judgre oL Probate. In the matter of the tvtate of XertuilusA. Haviland, dectased. (ieorge II. Ethodes, executorof the hist will Lii'l testament of uaid decea&ed, comee ioto cuLirL and representa that he is uow prepured to rcmïor liis anima] account assucfa exeoutur. Thereupon it i.-i ox'dered, thaj Tuesday, i be23d day af September iieKc, al teno'clock In the foreooon, bc assigued for exaciinins and allo wl Dg such account, and that the deviases, Tegatees and heirs at Law of said deceasedtand all othex persons Laterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a seasion of sald court, then to be holden at tha Probate Offioe, iu the city ui' Ann Arbor, in sald county, and show , If any there be, wny the said account should dol be allowed : And it is fuxther ordered, that ;iM executor give notice to the persons inte L estáte, of the pendency oí .saiil account and the hearing tbereoi, by causing a copy oi thia order to bo publtsbea in the Michigan Aeods, a newspaper prlnted and cireulating in said county, two sucoes&ivo week urevious to said day of hearÍBg, WXLUAM D. HAEIIIMAN, f A true copy.] Judge of Probate. Wm. ü. Doty, Probate Register. FIFTYCTS. TO WH 11 MORE LAKE! CiUzeoa of Ann Arbor should remember that the powtenger fare to Wuitmore Lake via Brighton Htacje is only FIFTY CENTS. to bire a rig at ao expeaia of for yoa c&n bake the Brighton stae at the Leouurd House at 10 a. m. on Tuesdays. Tinirsdays and Saturduya, returningon llondays, Wednesda} y uud Fridays. Thia stage runa rejjülarly und can acoünijnodute eix peraont. C. H. saiITXI, Proprictor. Aun Arbor, July 2-Í, 1870.


Old News
Michigan Argus