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- Bisninck vvtars a shirt of mail, as wel as the czar of ltussiu. - Gen. Buiknap is practising law in New York and Washington. - Mrs. Gen. Belkuap is uttractiag attention in Enropu by her beauty. - Gen. Grant's mothe is living with her daughter, Mrs. Corb'n, at Jersey city. - Gen. McClellan has had a fight with the eolio. A wateruielun was the casus bellï. - After all, the Priuce Napoleon is feoling a Iitt4e earnestly after the fhrono uf France. - It is said that Mrs. Justiee Stephens J. Field becain3 a Catholio duriug her recent visit to Canada. - We must prepare to again suffer tho pangs oí' parting with Ole Buil who is on another iarowell tour. - John Shillito's estáte in Cincinnati cuts up $1 ',000,000, equally divided among his five children. - Aleck Stephens says he is a Presbyterian aud haa belonged to ihat church ever since he was a youth. -Gen. Pope will have his share of the lundred million dollar Hydo estáte in Eugland, when it is divided up. - Julia, the sixteen year old daughter of Stonewall Jaokson, tall and graceful but not shy, 13 at a Baltimore school. - Whitelaw Beid, it is whispere'i, is about to renounce bacheloriiood in favor of a daughter of O. P. Huntington, president of tbu U. S - -'T-ti.! - Forthcoming notablo marriages inclnde a d"'1-'-' ut Öecretary Evarts, a jranddaughter of Wm, B, Astor, a sou of Cyrus . Field, a daughter of Sen. 3yard. - Tho Eev. IT. B. Smith of Stoughton, Mass., has been obliged to separate from his wife (she beiug 50 years old and he ouly 30) beoause of her unreasonable ealousy of his attentions to the iadiesof lis church. - Tho seandalous stories nbout the 'rince of Wales and Lady Mordaunt, Aira Langtry, et al., easily arise from he fact that whcn liis royol holmess nukes any ot' his subjects a vinit etiquette demands that 11 callera shall bo refnsed. - Daniel Dreiv, who in his day was a W;tU Street cotemporary witli Gould, ?isk and other gamblers, died Thursday light of last week. He wasnoted in his day, but of late years, af ter his f aliare he las fillüd but a small niche in monotary oiroU-3. - Grant and E. B. Washburn are no longer t'riouds. The latter has never forgiveu Grant for snubbing his son in his famüus attemnt to represent (he United States abroad as secretaiy of legation, and a circus coinpany at home as advertiaing agent. The largpst stock of faney buttons in the county will be fuuud at Bach & Abel1.


Old News
Michigan Argus