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Mr. Tilden's Intellect Apparently Unshaken

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From au Interview i tlte N. Y, Times. Tl. o reporter said : Mr. Field maltes tliütoiluwiugtateiufit: "But vvhenJIr. Tildi u ciiu,o to tcatit'y bot'or tlia Cougi-dsaiurntl Üottiinitleu he adiutUed tliat ut thia very time lie kiiew (although tbu palilii: did ii ot know tiil ruontli.f afturward) all nbout bis trans-.ictions in n.uurd to ! liu ci[Mi-i dispalcbea. Yet, Unowing tbis, ho prusented to me u man who hnd atteiupted bribery, nd so beon guilty of a crime, as ona worthyof iuy eonfidénca arjd the oae wbom hu spccidlly oho represent hiuioilt.'' Mr. Tilden- The moral audaoity, ot ratber tho itnmoral nnd.icity, is sjtoazing, of the iMHii who ooiild rielitórately ubsert in u vvntten paper, nn.l, i lus o-rn hiotiature, tlM.t [ ndmitted bafiiro the Cougrussioiml Ctrniniittee tlm!, " ai. thia Vfry tilöe"(jQDf, LS77 I "knew uil ubout iii's trans:u;t.ii)iis in ri'.ud to tlieeiphet ,!,.-- patches." l testitied bi-toru tliat mitteu tnat i nevvr kíTew ot the exitiince contenta of a n y ui the cipher dippatohöB initil tiieir {luMioittiou ia September, 187Ö, and every winea exaiiiiued and every faut elicited e niirmed my tea tlmouv. It was further proved -that vvhen I was informeel l.y Mr. Edwurd Cooper that Col.'Peltou ivas receivinV, or was dbout to reeeive, ilie coinuiunicution of the rirstof the offers, und tha onlj one that coiue to uy knowledge, togiv to tbe Deniocratio electors their tvniiicates for a pecuniary inducöiuunt, 1 instantly iiiterfered, broke np triu oonforenoe, ad crusht-d tbo iuoipient m -.- tiations. It was provnd before tha') Committoe that certiHoaies for nim votos were in the ■" "l7"f r' ' Í-": IiG.ví;il.s..l'lr'fÍB(.Tir?-:myI virria wreïfeil fcüui tho "i i i ; ( v of thu American peópie - It is i"JW known, bevond oontroverty, tijaG tho four votes of Florida bolongud to me, and wure diverted from me by corrupt induenmenta, since puitly ;ifornied. It is now known that the oight votes of Lioaisiana also belonged to me. Even Judge Miller, tbe muster spirit of the Eleotoral Commiasion, is reported to have admitled the faut in a recent mierviewpuVilisbed in The Sun, Thefriuds, perjurios, und forgeriesby whioh th i FuL e oertilicates wre sapported wt-re numerous niid conipheated. ïo these vmre superarlded tbe forgery of threeolectorul votes to supply the plnce of tbe iri{.rinnl votes geilt from Louisiana und fouinl to bfl illcgal. Tbo actors and iisonis m these wroogs have been appointnd to, or con tin ned in, all the great e.iviu Irusta of the Uuircd States within tbe Statu of Louisian-i. Itwaaproved tfaat I refused to enter in to the sliamefnl couipetition. It is known that I did not obtiin any one of the cortificates ascertained to be in tbe market. Tbey were all c-ist. iisainst me, as well as itgningt fatt i n i riglit. Mr. Field, pretending to tbiuk that "poor Pelton," as be calis hitu, bas been harshly and unjiisHy iloa't vvit'a by tbe publio.inthe noxtbreaih sa,ys that hu "bad stteiuptüd bribery," und " bad beun enilty of a criiao." Tbis is au exagerated untrnta. OoI.Poltou nuithor iniiated nor consuunnat d auything, He merely listened to offers from officers to do what tbey admitted and he believed (o be thérr iawful daty for "hiro before tbey vio'ated that uuty under corrupt induüemcn ts. Ilis wrong did not go bey itid a futi'.e dalliance. Ilis beneliciaties of tho consutamatéü wrong, itsinBtigatora and patrons, are high in tho seats of governiuental power and honor. Bhooked at a losser wroue, whioh died in iis mere meditatlou, to tbe groat crime ac! aallycönsumiilated, ilr. Field "erooks the pregnant, binges of the kuee, that thrift may folio v fjiwüing."


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