Real Estate Transfers

WAKHANTY. Louisa J. Drnry to Gordon W. Begale. 10 acres in Augusta. Consideraron 1250. John J. Clarkson to Luke Guiñan. 14 acres in Sharon. Consideration $550. Harmali O'Hara to Catherine McManus. Ann Arbor city property. Consideration $500. Frank V. Scott to Hannah M. Culver. Property ba Ypsilanti city. Consideratiou - love, affection and $1. Mary Dresoha to Daniel Kent. Ann Arborcity property. Oonsideration $000. Daniel Kent to Mary Dresser. Manchester villago property. Cuusideration aoo. Wm. -webster to Mauassah Ebersole Property ia Augusta. Consideratio David G. Roso to Christopher Gibbs 20 aores iu Manchester. Consideration 1700, Christopher Gibbs to Luviney N Gibbs. G4 aores in Manchester. Con sideration $1000. Eliza C. Sibbold to Celia H. Barns Cheisea property for $900. David Henning to Wm. G. Wheeler 117 acres in Pittsfield. Consideration p i , uüu. Jno. Geo. Schairer to Joha Jacob Schairer. Salem vülage property Con ideration $2,500. QUIT-CLAI1T. Allen Crittendeu to Pranklin C. Critenden. 40 acres iu York. Consideraion $2,400. George Keek to John Keek. Ann Arbor city property for $1000. Alonzo Allen to Isabella Hill. Ann Arbor city property for $900. The rush stil] continúes and orowds come from all directions to secure the great bargains that are offered at Mack & bchimds and which have created an exciteinent unpamleled in the anuals of the dry goods trade in this city. Best Drips at Oopsey's. Best -RestaurantTuThecity, Cropsey's. Vail & Crane's crackers at Cropsey's. 25 ets. tor a good meal at Cropsey's. Thetrimmingthatladiesare inquirinK for now are Peldn stripe satins. Bach & Abel havo all colors. An immense stock of black andcolored sük volvets at Bach & Abel's. Jeraey Sweot Potatoos at Cropaey's.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Michigan Argus
Lousia J. Drury
Gordon W. Begole
John J. Clarkson
Luke Guinan
Hannah O'Hara
Catherine McManus
Frank W. Scott
Hannah M. Culver
Mary Drescha
Daniel Kent
Mary Dresser
William Webster
Manassah Ebersole
David G. Rose
Christoper Gibbs
Luviney N. Gibbs
Eliza C. Sibbold
Celia H. Barns
David Henning
William G. Wheeler
John George Schairer
John Jacob Schairer
Allen Crittenden
Franklin C. Crittenden
George Keck
John Keck
Alonzo Allen
Isabella Hill