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Monday morning about six o'clock, George Eugler, a cooper euiployed at the new brewery on Lansing avenue, upon goingto work, found his employer, Frederiek Hauser, lying dead betweun the brewery and the malt-house, with a stream of blood ilowing frota a wound in hÍ8 head, and a revolver lying by his side with threechambors empty. It seems that last night about five o'clock Hauser told Greiuer that he was going to Ann Arbor to-day and wished him to take charge of the place. Greiner understood thathe was going for money, but Hauser seemed to bo in good spirits when he left hiin. About half-past eight !ast evening Mrs. Hauser and the rest of the woruen in the house, which ia close by the brewery, 6aw Hauser come in froin the brewery and go to bed as usual, and sonie of thein heard hira pet up about half-past lour, as usual. - Eugler, tlm cooper, who sleeps in the brewery, heard a shot five o'clock, buc thougbt little of it until he found the body, as etated. Mr. Greiner found the safe open, which he never tound before, and it was known tbat Hauser kept a revolver, wbieh he purchased sorue inonths sinco to keep away the dogs, as he said, in the safe. Of course the jury brought in a verdict " that the deceased carne to his death by a bullet wouud in his own hands." Mr. Hauser was an old resident of this city, and about fifteen yeara ago built tho large beer brewery on Lansing avenue. About ten years ago he sold the property to the Freys for $28,000, and inoved to Arm Arbor, but two years ago took the property back undur the ïuortgage, and returned to Jackson, since ■which time he has expended a large amouut of rnoney upon it, and had just completad the irnproveiuents so that ■work would havo been commenced the cuming week. It does not appear that he was finanoiaily euibarrassed, üaving considerable property in Ann Arbor, and he told his head man, Greiner, that he had friendo who would furnish him al! thn money he wanted. The deceased was fifty-threo years of age. The wit'e he leaves is his becond wife, and he was her seconrï Imsband. Tbey bota have children by former companions, but none of their own. The general ojiinion expresBed by those best acquainted with the fumily and all tho circumstances, is that the cause of this rash act on the part of Mr. Ilauser was the result of domestic rather than of financial diüiculties. - Jackson Citizen. A whine and growl comes over the ■vrires that the Democratie Sergeant-atAruis has removed Eobert ü. Blaine, brother of the Maine stnator from a Aead head posiüon in the sonate document room. During tho eighteen years he Kepubliean senators had overything thwir own way in tho Senate, they filled all thf offices with their henchmen, aud from tiiue to time created new places for their favoritos. Now that the tido has turned in favor of anothèr party plethoric Republicana ought to be satisfied by releasing their hold, for a while at least, upon tbenatioual treasury. Every Bepubliciin otlioer about the Benate ynght to be decajntated. Sílice the abdiiclion of (Jhailie Iioss, similar resorts to raise money have been uow and then attempted. The boldest known to modern history is that of Chas. E. Sohuyler, a telegraph operator froni Iittle Flls, N. Y., arrtstud in Buffalo ono Jay last week for ubducting Miss Eniily, daughtcr of Townsend Davis, a wealthy citizon, whom he intended to hold as hostage l'or money redemptioD. Upon a winning pretonoe ho got her into h3 room in a hotel, and under threats of taking her lite, pruvailed upon her to sign a noto culling upou her father to pay $ö,000 to savo her. Tho seoundrel prouiptly arrested, coufessed, and was found to have the ñames of other wealthy uions' daughters iu his pockets. It was uot enough for carpet b&ggers to pillago the southern States by riding uto power upou the negro voto. Tuey havo been robbing him of his hard earned savings deposited in Freedmeu's biinks, and years have elapsed without proper investigation. Senator Bruce, chairman of the investigating committee after looking into thiiir management promises some startling revelatious. In Toledo, Friday evening, a young man from Maiue addressed a largo gathering of Nationals, when it was oliserved that the speaker undertook to convince his hearers that the Greenback party would be best subserved by the election of líwing and luco. Whereat howls of indignation went up so lively the audience conipelled the speaker to leav th platform. Tbe Okolona States editor wliose insane ravings are widely quoted by tbe Republican press for politicul effect, had au ttudiouoü of less thau two hundred in Chicago. In Freeport one ticket ouly was sold. Major Harper will muke more inoney to stay ia the south and blow bis diatribc9 against the union for circulation among liepublkans of the North. Alas ! for the poor old widow Oliver, who has goue to the Washington poorlouse. tëo long as the old uinn Cameron was able to pension hei upon the treasury department she had a good living, jut, when bounced, she set out to bleed he old fellow. And, the octogenarian didu't bloed worth a cent. The Democracy of Minnesota nominaed a full state ticket beaded by Eduund Prie, for governor; declared for ocal self-government, patent law revisión, civil service reform, a Irte ballot and honest count, economy, etc. Another demonstration of superiority of legs over brains for money maiting, s established in the $80,000 receipts of he Ashley belt walkiug match iu New York for the first six days. The declination of Wendell Phillips, nominen for Lieut.-Gov., on the Butler ickot, looks as if the last nail was riven into the coffln lid of the Grecnjack party in Massachusetts. The Sherman family have absolute jossession of tho President. Whenever nd wherever he goesa Sherman accoiumnies him. If it isu't John, it is Teumseh. The pcople turned out in large mimUH rn - 'o " "aar 6X-Sentor Hendricks, who made his first peech in Ohio, at Eaton. Gen. Grant should be comraended for efusing to give audience to Kearney, oss of California hoodluuis, and who ent up his card. Little Ehody's supreine court gave -ate Chase iSprague the gentleman she sked for to trustee her property. Hark! Doyou hear an echo f rom the Sherman boom?


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