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- Scarlet fever is doiug fatal work at East Milan. - Mom ou county's new court house was beguu last weoic. - B. J. Bidwell, of Tecumseh, had a $300 oow struok by lightning. - A oounty convention of Reform clubs is ctilled at Tecuinseh, Oot. 10. - Talk of auothor newspaper at Albiou. It is to bo republioan in politics. - Soine ailventurous fellow is going to try and e3tablish anewspaper atQras3 Lake. - Coldwater is exernised Ie3t Mar shall gets anothor railroad at its expense. - Mexican veterans mot in Lansing on Wednesday and were banqueted by local citizens. --John Purcell of Battlo Creek sued Jerry McCarthy for an old whisky dubt and got beaten. - County fairs generally including Grand Rapids, and Kalamazoo have been failures financially. - Henry Paxton exhibita a trained swan, five feet high and white as snow, at Monroe fair this week. - The 14th annual re-union of the old 20lh Michigan Infantiy will be held at Marshall, on Weduesday, Oot. 8. - Kobert Cockburh of near Jackson, while going to his home feil i'rom his buggy, and died Suuday night. - The stock of F. H. Itoshore, who recently failed at Battle Creek, iuventories at $1,700. Liabilities 7,000. - A freiglit train tried to climb over a coalcar at Jackson Monday. lïesult, nine freigbt cars ditched and broken up. - The employees in a Battle Creek cigar fuctoiy struck for an advauce of $1.50 per thousand, Sept. "23, and got it. - Mis Alice Turn Buil of East Milán, seiztjd with bilious, interrnittent fever in Aun Arbor, was removed tu her borne, on a bed. - A man from Memphis is buying all the grapes arouud Kalamazoo at two cents per pound, and ships thüm by the car load every other day. - President Fiske of Albiou college, will lecture throughout the stato when his regular duties will permit him, for the benefit of the college. - Williaui Hawkius of Lenoni, after superintending work on his farm, en terud his house, sat down in a chair and died of heart diseaso, aged 70. - The Evening News saya : Hurrah for Zach. Chandler! His name is now used as a " catch line " in an advertisement of a novv remedy for worrns. - A few nights ago the Fliut firemen got up and raced out into the suburbs to seo the moon set. The watchmau had een the light and thought it a fire. - The amiable Mr. llobinson of Kalamazoo, arrested for whipping liis wife, had in his pockets at the time two bottles of whisky, a jacü-kuife, and a razor - Albion college believes in co-education, but not in oo-boarding, and is en forcing the rule prohibiting young inei aud woinen from boarding in the same house. - The charge made against Col. O. F Lockhead, late bookkeeper of the citizens' National bank of Fliut, is " niaking false entries ín the books in his own fdver." - On Thur3day of last week a fo'vpiir r,A ,i...-. ■ i nynïBIS liorwood residing near Ionia, feil backward into a il of boiling water and was scalded to death. - Henry 31. Look, a former talented Pontiac lawyer of state reputation, was arrested in Detroit, in a state of beastly iutoxioation. He was released on sus pended sentenco. - A boy of six, au infant of one year were burued to death, and a giil ol öve so ba.ily burned her lift) is despaired of, at a fire that consumed the residence ot Fred Long of Lee, Calhoun Couuly. - Cyrus Soper of Conway, Livingston couuty, and Zoradia Martin of Shiawassee county, were married at the Howell fair, last week. Over 3,000 people saw the performance. The fair was very successful. -Tem Hunter, of the Adrián Time, has just received by mail, a box of assorted chewiug gum, from an iratoBlissfield malden, who hopes that whüe his jaws are in ruotion the gum question will rest. - Williain D. Kenzie, a life convict at tha state prison in Jackson, where he has been some Ij or 20 years, escaped a few evenings since, waudered about all night, and was found next day, weary and foot-soro, on his way baok toprison. - The Michigan Military Academy ai Orchard Lake has 15 boys and enough uiore coming to foot up 100. Major Rogers has forbidden the sale of liquor at any of tlie saloons in Pontiac or near by to the boys. He will prosecute anv violation of the law. The manager of Orchard Lake House bas been arrested for selling liquor on Sunday. - Jackson Patriot; A short timesince the wife of ex-Sheriff Suiith of Ilives, found a full-grown hen drowned in a barrel of refuse. How long the fowl had been submerged sho had no ineans of knowing, but to every appearauce life was extiuct. A while previous Mrs. S. bad observed an article in the Patriot which announced, as the theory of some scientist, that dead persons could be brought back to lifo by subjecting their bodies to the acción of heat, and she resolved to test the theory on tho dead hen. She therefore placed the latter on some blocks of wood in a moderately warm oven, and then kept a sharplookout for results. In a short time the inanimate fowl showed signs of life, and finally emerged from her unconscious state, and isnow as lively as any chicken in Kives Township.


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