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- An adjourned term of circuit court will be held on Monday. - Ward 6chools close to-day to givo coming men and women an opportunity to look upon tho sights on tho fair ground. - A contract for building tho basement walls of the Baptist church is let to W. E. Walker & Biother for $1.600. Work upou the walls bas been begun. -Central New York M. E. Conference opened at Cortland on Wednesday. lt will be settled soon whether or not the Eev. John Alabastor of Auburn snceeeds Eav. E. B. Pope, who goes to Chicago. - One of our most popular and respected young men, Mr. D. C. Pall, for years a ealesman in the Star Clothing House of A. L. Noble, has exchauged his hpiise and lot in this city for a stook of clothing in Corunna, and has entered upon business there. - Harvest festival at tho Unitarian . church next Sunday. The church will j bedecorated with Autumn leaves, flowers ierns, gras?, grains and fruits. In the , xuoruing there wil' be a unión service for congregution and Sunday school. - In the eveuing the pastor will preach. - An examination by Dra. Wolls aud Maclean of the alleged insanity of Dwight B. Page, sou of P. L. Page, of ward six, established the charge. He was thereforo committed to the Pontiac asylura by Judge Harriman and conveyed thither by a medical student on Monday. - On next Monday eveningfollowing their Harveat Festival, the Unitanans propose to have a social and oysíer snpper in the vestry of the church. The Sunday decorations of the audience room are to transferred to the vestry, and the fruits, potted flovvers and ferns, and other useful articles coutributed to the Harvest Festival wü sold. The public are invited. - John Wallace and Joseph Guilick, charged with assault upon two girls on Sunday evening on the walk on the east side of the Courfc House, arraigned before Justice Granger aud, aftor mitigating circuinstances being shovvn, were invited to contribute $10 each to the city treasury. These fellows are transients and temporarily einployed ia the city. Paid. - At a meeting ia the M. E. church Thursday evening of last week the following officers of the Sunday school were elected for ensuing year: Superintendent, Prof. J. Beal Steers; second assistant, Nellie Wheedon ; secretary, L. S. liurch; treasurer, Dr. P. B. E se; librarian, W. Wheedon. The library consists of l,'2()0 volumes. Sabbath school metubership 401. $312 was raised for missiouary purposea. - For some days it has been whispered about in the leaves that there was a new dis8ecting room on the gravel road, until Sheriff Case and one of bis deputies made an examination of tho premises in question. Soon after the tOWIlsllin b(Tfl.rfl nf' T.rvii ji.lrt m i rl a an examination. Moral - letyoung doctors learn that doad sheep on the lower floor ruay deceivo ordinary persons, but not ■át35lu.U _nd towa boards. - Li Ice many others who believa themselves born to shine in the galaxy of shownien ex-polioeman Amaden couceived the idea he could add lustre to the profession. A few trials have knocked the stuffing so tospeak entirely out of his ambition to enlighten the public any further over his mysterious feats that have been chronicled now and then in the local press. The profession will know him uomore, for he has gone to be an engineet in the oity milis. - A student named Wm. E. Bullard passed a $25 check purporting to be drawu by J. F. Schuh of this city, upon ïobias Sutherland of Pittsfleld.while he was attending State Fair. It was soon discovered to be a forgery. Officers 6et about his arrest, and fouud him finally secreted in a baru in Saline. Brought to this city and arraigned before Justioe Granger the prisoner was held to bail in $500 to await trial at October term. Bullard is the same person who obtained money frorn ilarry Kichols of Saline a few days ago on a $50 check, which was also a forgery. Ho lives at Adams, Mass., and came here to attend the Univorsity. - Probate Judge Harriman set out sonie time ago to procure a portrait of all the gentlemen who havo occupied the position he now filis, dating from the organization of the county, with which to adorn the walls of the Probate office. He has met with partial success. Dr. Ftrrand of Detroit, kiudly con tributes a large sized portrait of his fc ther, Bethuel Parrand, who held the office in 1827, the year the county was organized. A portrait of Judge Kingsluy, the suoeessor of Mr. Parrand, and who held the position ten years, has been obtaiued. That of E.H. Wilson, a citizeu liighly esteeuied by those remembering alsoexpeoted to grace the walls of the room. Getn-ge tSedgwick followed from 1841 to 1845.- His portrait Judge Harriman has prncured. Those that fullow will, either through themselves or friends be earnestly solicitad to present the county with a portrait, that the line of Probate Judgus who have honored us and our people may bo seon by any person visiting the office. - For four nights, commencing next Monday, Prof. E. Warren Clark, late of the Imperial Univeisity of Japan, will give his illustrated lectures and oriental entertainments at the Opera House. The subjects on which he will lecture are given hi our advertising columns. Prof. Warren is very highly spoken cf by the Detroit press, in which city he has just completed a series of leotures Which have boen largeïy atteuded. The followiug is i'roin the Free Press: The fifth andelosinglecturoof thedolightful series by Prof. E. Warren Clark, of the Imperial Univerisity of Japan, was giveu lastevening at Whitney's. Thelectures were all well attended, aud they wero, without exoeption, fascinating to a dogree rarely experienced in entertaiuments of their general charaeter Both the subject matter, and the numerous and beautiful illustrationg with ivhioh the topics were enriched, were wortby of the lecturer'H reputation, and iaey will be long and pleasantly retaembered." - Louise Pomeroy at the Opera IIousb Friday evening, as Nanoy in "ülivor Twist," and Baturday evening aa Kosalind in " As You Like It." - In case of people vs. Louis Knapp of this city charged with assaulting his wife while druuk, was arraigned before Justioo Grangar an f eed, which with costs amount to $1. Pai. - Louiso Poineroy will appear at the Opera House Friday and Saturday evenings, supported by the popular tragedian, W. H. Leake, and her own strong New York oompany. Go both nights. -Prof. E. Warren Clark, who will give a series of illustratedlectures at the Opera House next week, is very highly endorsed by Prof. Guyot, of Princeton College, Rev. Dr. Theo. L. Cuylerofthe STew York Evangelist, and others. - Profs. B. 1 Cooker, E. Olney, and R. E. Frazer are announced to speak at the grand temperauoe revival to be held at the Opera House, Sunday even ing next, under tho auspices of the union school temporáneo association. - In oase of Peter Jones, a bewildered nigger who carne from Chatham, and a dangerous man who drew a knife upon Arthur Millard the expressboy, tried by jury beforo Justico Grranger, was found guilty. Senteuoe suspended upon conditiou he leave at ouca for Canada, his home. - Our citizens as well as students should witness Prof. Starr's JMicroscopic Menagerie of living animáis, repoated by request at the High School Hall Fridiiy (this) eveuing commencing at 8 o'clock. ïhe feeding of his Water Tiger on living creatures is said to be worth the 25 cents, the price of adinission. It is fun and scienceas recreation. - Jane Anu Van Woriner of Londoii towuship has caused her husband to be arrested for larceny alleging that ho took $1,000 in bank bilis, her own separate property f rom between the stravv and featherbed and took it to the woods where he secreted it. Examination was held before John H. Owen, justice at Dundee. Cramer, Prueauff and Corbin for the prosecution.


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