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MILÁN, Sept. 30. - D. Henning s buyiug apples at the railroad depot here. -James Doyle, Esq. of this place has gone eastto visit relatives. - Earnest ïhroop is employed by N. C. Putnam & Co. as clerk. - Mr. C. Arinington went to Columbus, Ühio, on the 2Gth to attend the funeral of bis eister. - Miss Arzelia Green has returned to Milán and resumed business in her millinery store. - Mr. Corelias Throop and Mrs. Phelps were married on the 24th of September. - The farmers generally in tbis seotion had their corn OQt and shocked before the frost damaged tho fodder. - Parties in Ann Arbor contémplate building a brick block in Milán for business purposes. -The apple erop in this vicinity is much heavier than had been anticipated duriug the summer months. -Mr. B. W. Marble Jstarted on the 2Gth for Onondaga county N. T., on a visit to friends in that vieinity. - Misa Jeunie "Whitney is afflicted with the erysipelas in one of her feet, supposed to bo the result of a burn received a short time ago. - William Eanney, Esq., of York, has an office in the village of Milan, where he frequently enforces the provisions of the 8tatutes. - Byron Hobbs of this plaoo started on the 25th inst. for Grand Tnwerse, with a span oí' horses belonging to his son Herchall Hobbs, who resides near the above locality. - The firm of N. C. Putnam & Co. have enlarged the capaoity of their store by building an addition at the east end of their building, and also added largely to their stock of goods. -Mr. Smith of this place, while chewing sonie wheat about the first of August last, thrust a beard of wheat as he supposed in his cheek ; his face swolled considerably at times and be caine very painful especially whila eating. About the 2Oth of September his face where the wound appeared to be became much inflamed, and forming sort of protuberance, and on the 25tl inst. the object worked its way out fol lowed by a large quantity of pus, bu iii8tead of a wheat beard, it proved to be a kernel of chen, whjch had become sprouted while lying in the flesh. Elmira P. Howe has on record a no tice, in the Registers office cautioning the public aeainst the purchasing o land on Washington street, deeded bi hor to Thomas H. Geer ; for, as presentec by her, the same was obtained byfraud deceit and inisrepresentation, and she intends filing a bilí in chancery to have the deed set aside. - Ann Arbor Courier Upon further Information acquirec since the publication of the abovo notice I am led to believe that the statement in said notioe that Thomas H. Geer obtained the deed therein mentioned from me by "fraud, deceit and misrepresentation" is unfonnded in fact and not true. Dated Sept. 23, 1879. Elmira P. Howe.


Old News
Michigan Argus