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Detroit In Brief

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The body of a drowned man was found as Wyandotte Wednesday, and was identiüed to that of Wm. Blater, of Northville, an old man who is thought to have tallen into the river at Detroit daring the Htate irair. In thesecond mixed wrestling match Thursday night between Hubert Wright, of Detroit, and Andrs Christol, the Frenen athlete, the former won twi falls the latter one. liradley H. Thompson, an old and wellknown citizen, died on Wednesday evening lifter a lingering iüness of over a year. The decoased was born in Trumanboro, N. Y., in 1818. and carne to Detroit with his father Mrl Daniel Thompson one of the firBt sheriffs of the county, in l!-24. The famous "All English Eleven" cricket club arrived in Detroit and commenced a game with the Peninsular Club Thursday. A new medical college is soon to be established in this city with a faculty composed of rifteen well-known physicians. The faculty has not yet been organized but will be spee:iüy. The Hotel Hesse. at the junction of Gratiot aveuue and Catharine and Antoine streets has been selected and will, be transtormed into a medical cellege. The price paid for the building is $15,000. It originally oost $20,000. At the meeting of the Comroon Council Friday evening, the Controller reported that the bond for thepurchase of Bell Isle had bMn nold and dlivrd. Th amount realized from Ihe sale of the bonds, including principal prf xniutn and accrued interest, wa $200,816, which had been paid to the city treasurer. The controller alao reported that he had formerly taken possession of the island in the nszne of the city. At the same meeting a bilí was presented of $524 tor the reception of President Hayes and other guesta of the city. The local inspectora have made their report on the explosión of the steam chimney of the steamer Alafka on the 5th inst., by which accident three men were drowned and several scalded. The inspectors hold the deceased engineer responsible for the disaster. The Detroit aldermen went to Cieveland and played a game of base ball with the officials of that city on öaturday. Detroit won by a score of 17 to 8. The new Michigan Central elevator commenced receiving grain on Monday. The Detroit Broom Factory, corner of Jerforson and McDougal avenue, was destroyed by tire Saturday evening; loss about $5,000. The cunty jail now has 40 inmateB. Although Bradtord Smith's resignation of the poeition of State agent fci the care of juvenile offenders for Wayne connty was made to take effect September 30, he has promised the Governor not to withdraw from the work until his successor has been selected. The Young Men'a Christian Association has completed arrangement for the opening of classes in Oerman, free handwriting, Latin, French, mnsic, elementary English studies, history, mechanical drawing, penmanship and New Testament Greek. Alexander Chapoton, the contractor, has commenced laying the foundation walls of the new building on the site of the rotunda. He expecta to have the roof on and the building enclosed before winter. It will be the tinest building in the city, six st oríes high, with mansard roof. There will be twenty thousand dollars worth of cut stone in the Griswold and Lamed street fronts.


Old News
Michigan Argus