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Stearns' Drug Store 81 WOODWARD AVENUE, DETBOIT. We keep in stock the largest variety of Medical Merchandize gathered under one roof ín America. ■ar Visitor are cordially invited to onr Store hen iu Detroit. PHYSICIAïiS, SURGEONS, STUIENTS, and DEAIKRS are invited to examine our large and complete assortuient of Snrgicallnstruments and %U kindred 'gooda before making their selec tions elsewhere, as we will make it to their advantage to obtain their supplies of us. FREDERICK STEARNS. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GÖODS ! And prices LOWER THAH JSVEK. I have purchased in New York, for cuh, ana I urn now daily receiving one of the larest and most select stocks of Oroceries in Washtenaw County, consistinï of a full and well selected LINE OF TEAS, AU of the new erop - including Guupowders, Imperiale, Young II j - ons, Hysons, Japans, Oolongs, lormosas, urifous, Soucbongs, and Twaukayi, Together with a full line of COFFEKS, consisting of the followingr brands: MOCHA, OLD GOV'T JAVA, MAKACAIBO, LAGUAYRE,8ANTO8 and RIO, both roasted and ground ; a full and well selected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line cf Pure Spices, Canned fruits, and Vegetables. We have a full and completo line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. AIso, a choice assortment of Ludies' and Gentlemen' Underwear. Cali and examine Good and l'rions and we will insure satisfaction. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynard'e Block,' cor. Main and Aun streets Ann Arbor, Mich. K7"Highest cash priee paid foz all farm produce.'TB RAILROAD8. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Sunday March 23, 1879. OOINQJiOnTH. OOISO SOUTH. Mix.;iüp.iüxp.i FExp.Exp. lift A. Mt.M. P.M.i A.M. P.M. P.M 6501040 600 TOLEDO 9 29 260!fl25 C 53:10 42 8 02 Norlh Toledo 9 27 2 48(9 22 7 07 10 90! 6 U Detroit Junction 9 19 2 39 9 04 7 2010 58 6 20 Hawtliorn .9 11 2 31 8 47 7 33(1106:6 28 Samarla ; 9 03 2 23 8 30 7 42111111 6 34 Seola i 8 58 2 18 819 7 65,1118 6 42 Lulu i 8 49 2 10 8 02 803(11 23 6 47 Monroe Junctiou! 842 2 0S 7 51 835,1132 667 Dundee 8 35 1 56 7 32 8 461137 7 0'ï Macon 8 30! 150 7 21 8 58 1142,7 10' Azalia 8 241144 7 10 9 25 1154 7 23 Noran 8 11! 132 6 37 9 S8Í12 00 729 Uraa !805 126 6 25 9 52 12 06 7 36 Milnia 7 581 120 6 13 1O1S112 15 7 46! Ypsilanti June. 7 48 110 5 54 10 40J12 28 8 00 ANN ARBOR 7 3512 585 30 The 7.36 a. m. expresa south makes close connections at Monroe Junction for Adrián and Monroe and for points on the Lake Shore ; at Toledo with Columbus & Toledo and the Wabash. The 12.58 p. m. express south connects at Toledo with the 3 o'clock train east on the Pennsylvania Road thro' to New York. All trains run by Columbus time- 7 minutes faster than Ann Arbor time. J. M. ASHLEY, Jr., Superintendent. MICHIGAN CENTRAL 1CA1LROAI). MAY 25, 1879. aOINO WKBT. .1 ij.i1il.u-. r ' om ■ A.M. A.M r.M. p. M. P.M. p.M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 35! 5 551 3 55' 8 10 9 5c G. T. Junction, 7 15 10 00 6 10! 4 10 1 8 26 10 10 Wayne Junction 7 52 10 28 6 42 4 36 Í 8 57 '10 42 Ypailanti, : 8 2010 45 7 OS i 4 55h9 22 11 04 Geddes, ; 8 30 7 20 [ I Ann Arbor, ; 8 4011 00 7 351 5 2o! 9 38!11 20 Delhi, ! 8 53 7 46! 1 1 Deiter, ' 9 04' 7 66 ! 5 37 1 9 59 , Chelsea, , 9 22 8 11 5 5010 15 Grasa Lftke, 9 50 8 35 6 10 10 38 P. M 1 I A.M. Jackson, ! 10 20Í12 15 9 00' 6 30 11 15 12 46 Albion, 11 04 12 60 á i 7 36 11 59 1 20 Marshall, 11 50 1 30 o 8 03 12 26 1 40 r.M. m S 'a. m. ' BattleCreek, 12 19 1 55 "■ 8 32 12 50, 2 02 Galesburg, 12 52 - - 9 05 1 20 A. M. Kulumuzoo, ' 1 16 2 37; 5 00 9 25 1 38 2 43 Lawton, 1 63 5 81 2 13 Decatur, ' 2 10 i 50 2 31 Dowagiac, 2 35 6 12 2 57 Niles, ! 8 05 4 07 6 r5 S 30 4 15 Buchanan, ' 3 19 : 7 07 3 45 Three Oaks 3 49 7 32 New Buffalo, 4 03 4 57 7 45 4 27 - Michigan City, 4 30 5 20! 8 10 4 55 6 30 Lake, ; 5 13 6 02J 8 53 5 45; 6 19 Kensington, li 00 S 50 9 10 6 40 7 10 Chicago, arrive, 6 50 7 40 ia 30 7 30 8 00 aomo eadt. A.M. A. M. P. M. P.M. P.M Chicago, lenve, 700900400 5 15 9 10 Kenitinglon, 7 50' 9 50 4 50 6 05 10 00 Lake, 8 S8 10 30 6 42 6 50 10 43 Michigan City, 9 25 11 13 6 35 7 40 11 30 NewButfalo, 9 47 1130 6 65! 1162 Three Oaks, 10 02 7 08 a. m. Buchanan, 10 32! 735 ! Niles, 10 45 12 15 8 05 9 00 12 48 Dowagiac, ,1113, 8 33j 110 Decatur, 11 39 8 57! : 1 40 Lawton, 11 57 i 9 10 a. m. , 1 57 Kalamazoo, Í12 33 140 9 50 6 60 10 28 2 28 Galesburg, 12 3 . 7 OS Battle Creek, 1 28j 2 IS M L 7 10 11 10 3 18 Marshall, 2 25 3 00 8 08 il S7 3 46 A.M. ; Albion, 2 52 3 21 A.M. 8 35,1159 4 12 a'ckson, 3 45 4 05 7 15 9 30 12 50 5 00 GraesLake, 4 10 7 38 9 50 6 25 Chelsea 4 40 ! 8 02 10 07 5 60 Deiter, 5 00 8 16 10 19 6 05 ' Delhi, 5 10 8 25 Ann Arbor 5 20 5 10 8 45 10 35 2 06 6 25 Geddes 6 3v) 8 50, Ypsilanti. 5 37 6 24 9 Ofi 10 48 2 20 6 41 ' Wayne June, ti 01 5 45 9 23 11 08 2 44 7 05 G.T. June, ' 6 33 6 15 9 55 11 88 3 20 7 45 1 )etroit, Ar., j 6 48, C 30 lll 10 11 50; 3 35 8 p0 Sundnysexceptedr ;8aturday and Hunday exepted. tDuily. H B. LKDYARD, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Wentwobth, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. PANADA SOUTHERN R'Y I.INES. ■J The Ouly American Route Through Canada Traina leave M. C. R. R. Depot, Detroit, city time, as follows: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. 111., Wagner car to oston. Kast Day Express, daily, 12 noou, Wagner car - o New York and Boston. Liprhtning Express, daily except Sunday, 11 10 r. I ., WaRuer car to Buftalo and Rochester. Toledo trains leave 7 50 a. ni. exenpt Sunday ; 3 10 I . in. daily ; 6 50 p. m. except Sunday, For Fayette 6 30 p. m. except Sunday. For information and tickets apply to H. W ayes, ageut M. C. R. R., Ann Arbor. M. C. ROACH, Pass. Agent, Detroit. FRANK E. SNOW, Gen. Pas, and Ticket Agt I DstroitJ l'ju ' I T DÍSEY & SEABOLT'S Bakery, Crocery, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constautly on huod BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c, For Wholesale mi) Ketail Trade. We shall also keep a supply of ÜZELHII FLOT7E, J. M. Swift & Co's Best Wliite Wheat Flour, Kye Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, &c, &c, &c. At wbolesalc and retall. A general stock of GEOCEEIES AND ROVISIONS constantly on hand, wliich will be sold on as reaeonabie terms as at any othcr house in the city, 45 Cash paid for Butler, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. J9SS" Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1879. Now Come to Time! I do not mean wool time nor harveet time, I say quicktime! The time is now up that I wan to have my pay and I must nave it immediately. My creditors stare me in the face as thougb they were g-oine; through me body and breeches; they scare me fearfully and I must appeaHe their wrath by paying them. Now 1 aak all good men that owe me to come right up and do it. It is for our mutual benefit that these accounts be closed up; I don't say some future time, I mean this present time. There is a clasa of customers that I wish to get rid ofj'tisthoae lousy rascáis that conipel me to pay their debts af ter signing their notes to accommodate them. 8uch men haveïived too long in this world. I only wish I had the power to remove them to the lower regions. I would clean them out about as fast nu I could throw potatoes out of a wagon with a scoop shovel. Tl. ROGERS. Ann Arbor, Sept. 1, 1879. 36m2 Prices of Lime Reduced ! Kelly Island Lime, 25 et, per bub. tlonroe I.Iinc, 25 cents per busbel. 'Imuu Unie, 23 cents per busbel. FOR SALE. Calcined Piaster, Water Lime, Cement, Plastering Hair, and Land Piaster, at m y Lime-Kiln near Central Depot. 16tf JACOB VOLLAND, A GROCERY! AT16EA81 HU RON STREET, CASPAR RINSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, compi sing everything in the line at bottom prieee - and purchased exclusively for cash. From a long experience in the trade, retail and wholesale, he believea he can sell goods as cheap as the cheapest. CALL AND SEE HIS PRICES! All Goods Wananted First-Class. Farmers produce wauted for which the highest cash price will be paid. ïéiF Eemember the place, 16 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. and UPHOLSTERY! .+. A.MUEHLIG 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Annonnces to the publio that lie is botter iliaiiever prepared to show them a complete stook of Furniture, comprising BED ROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, SOFAS, TETES, CHAIRS, &c, &c, At prices wonderful ! j Ion. ÏL& Cali and see our stock. I SELL, AIL GRADES OP TOBACCOS & GIGARS At Wholesale and Retail. TRY MY FIVE CENT CIGARS ! I KEEP CLEA1T BTH TI7BS And the BEST Tonsoi ial ArIUti In the city. 1" Short hair cutting done with Clark s patent Clippera. It cuta the hair ranch nicer than with sheara. No. fiNorth Main Street, Ann Arbor. G. C. SCHUTT. EVEEYBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. Fourth Street, East of Court House, lst floor. jyTANHOOl: Hok Lost, Huw ■uil Ml II l}. #Just publiühed.a new edition of Db. Culvehweli.'b Celebkated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) ol Spebmatorrhxea or Seminal Weakuess, Involuntary Semiual Losses, Impotekcv, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedimentsto Marriage, etc; also, Consümitiox, Epilf.psy and Fixs, indueed by' self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, &c. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' luccessful practice, that the alarming consequences of selfabuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of interual medicine or the applicatlon of theknife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and elfertual, by means of which every sufierer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply privately, and radicalhi. 4Lï ThisLecturo should be in the hands oí' every youth and every man in the land. Sent f ree, underseaL in a plain envelop, to any address. Address the Fublishers. The Culverwell Medical Co., 41 Asn St., New Yoek; Post Office Box, 4586. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK.ïhe Great Kn. TRADEMABK. f 3r -Sr yáSlLflkk eilses that follow áB ■D„r.„ T„u; 8elt Abuse; as - SS" Uetore TakingLoes of Memory, After Taiiug. C7niveral Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Oíd Age, and many other t w that lead to lnsanity, ConBamption and a J nature Grave. Full particulars in our pampblets, which we I lesire to send free by mail to every one. The Specifíc Medicine is sold by all Drugijists at I 61 per paekafte, or six packages for $5, or will be lent by mail on receipt of the money by addressine THE URAY MEDICINE CO.. No 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit Mich. SBoldin Ann Ailior by all Druggists, and by I Iruggists every where . WULIAM REIPr T3t3TTBI (Or the late flmi of ItciJ Sc I ÍÁ Mmt: SjVA 1 UI HilU. Successono ld flrm M8ffVHBiHpVHBiB ju Ginaii and Lead Business.) i A 1 B Q H O il Wholesale & Retnil 'nVria ■ mJ M MUtm KliOriUiMERIUS fl IJ KW Mm Glass' Plate [las:' ■ ■ 1 VI I Rtbbed and Kough Pinte for hlaaJLlUiBBSa Sk-V LiihH, Cut and EnainlTTTYTrX5myDl l'l Olasi, Silver Plated JjlMMJJpJ i Sash Bara, Fremh and I ■1 min Looking Olans Plate% kwJ I TiJ i tl Lead and 011, Colors, Pultj, ïib 14 Congre St. East, Detroit, Mich. To Nervou Sufferers-The Great European Remedy- Dr. J. B. SlmpuoiiH Speciflc Medicine. IL isa positive cure for ípermatorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Impotency, aud all diseases rtsultim, froni Helf-Abuse, as " KtoRE. Mental Anxiety, after. -Sfr i JL, Loss of Memory, iïi'C'-.'ii'"'' I'alns in Back or dm&i ïffi ré"rk 8ide' aud diseases PpÉ ll'IK Tlgil that lead to 7TL 'Y5' MXj sumption , insanity & S ■fcSJKV and an early grave, jfll V PiS cine is being usPdjjHÍ"3"'' wilh wonderful anccess. Pauiplilets sent freetoall Write for them and get full particular. Price, Speciflc, $1.00 per package, or six packagm for $5.00. Address all orders to J. B. SIMPLÓN MEDICINE CO., Nos. 104 and 106 Main Street, Búllalo, N. Y. For sale in Ann Arbor by Eberbach & Son, aun by all driiggists everywhere. noticbT The undersigned has purchased the Interest of üoerge H. Winslow in the frame and picture .busi. ness, No. 30 East Huron Street, and will continue the business at the same place, giving prompt attention to all orders for frames, etc. A flne Btock of Chroinos, Engravings, and Photograplis on haoi and for sale cheap. All debts due the late firni of Winslow & McMU. lan are payable to the underaigned, and any ebu contracted during hls connection witii the Unu will be paid by him. Ann Arbor, Oct. 14, 1878. 1710tf D. McMILLAN. Abstracts of Titles. All partiea who are desirous of ascerttiining the condition of the title to their lands, or parties who wisk to loan money on real estáte will do well to eall at the Register' oiflce and consult a Compared Bet of Abstract Books. Said books are so lar advanced that the Kegistir can furmsh on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title of any parcel of and in Wushtenaw ('ounty u sliown by the original recoids. C. H. HANLY, Kegister. IDOIïT"T PUIL To tr-y the M lii BEFORE YOU BUY. It is Simply Wonderful IT IS SOLD AT J. P. SCHÜH'S Hardware Store. ETN A. 1NIKANDB CÖMPANÏ. Capital, - - $:-{-.u)o,kx4 A83ets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losaes Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includiig Ee-In8urance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, includiog Re-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK) Ageut Anu Arbur. GET Y0UE PR0PERTY INSUEED BY O.H. KILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN ARBOR, - MICH. The oldest agency in the city. Establisheii a quarter of a century ago. Represeuting the following tirat class copipaniec Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Assets over {6,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Assets orer $3,000,000 Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Assets 1,442, Girard oí Pa., Assets over $1,000,001! Oriënt of Hartford, Assets $700,000 Rates low. Losse liberally adjuated and promptly paid. C. H. MILLEN. pREA'f WESTERN HAILWAÏVJ Depots foot of Tliird and Brush streetJ. Detroit time. Detroit timeIiave. Arriïe. Atlantic Expiess, U.00 a. m. 110.00 p. Day Express, '8.35 a. m. C.3O p. mNew York and Boston Express, 7.00p. m. t9.46a. raDetroit Express, 1'2.45 p. m. Steamboat Express, 7.00 a. m JDaily. DailyexceptSunday. rExcept Monday4- For intbrmution and tickets apply to H. W Hayes, Agent M. C. U. R., Ann Arbor. V. H. FIRTH, WM. EDGAR, Western Pasar Ag't. General Pass'r Agen'M [Sarsaparillal lliacknwledfrd to be tb beet ana mottl ! reliablepreparationnowprepareafo I ILIVER COMPLAINT J I - And for Purifying the Slggd. # I ■Tbis preparatlon i compounded witb grestH ■ care, from the bett aelectcd ■Honduras Sarsaparilla, Yellovl Doek, Stillingia Dandelioa, Wild Cherry, and other Valuable Komedies. Prepared only b w. josjsrsioif & coM Cbemistf & Druggists, ■161 Jeflsrson Are., Detroit, Mich'B Bold by all Druggitt.


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Michigan Argus