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plIBLISHED EVKBY FRIDAY MOBNLNG In the third story of the brick block corner of Main and Huron streets, ANN AKBOR, - - MICHIGAN. Entrance on Huron street, opposite the Gregory House. JOHN N. BAILEY, EDITOR AND PÜBLISHER. Term, 93.00 a year, or W1.5O in advance. BATES OF ADVERTISINO. ""Bpace. 1 w. I 2 ir. i 3 w. li w. ; 3 in. 6 Bi. : 1 year i'smiare $ 75 SI 25 $1 50!$2 50 S3 5n'$5 00 $8 00 2 squares 1 50' 2 00 2 50 3 50 6 00: 8 00 12 00 3 squares 2 00 2 50 3 50 5 00 7 50 10 50 15 00 1-icol'n 3 50 4 "" 4 SO1 6 00 10 00 15 00 25 00 lcol'mn 4 00 5 Od 6 00: 8 00 12 00 20 00 80 00 Ucol'mn i 5 Oo! 7 00 8 00 10 00 15 00:24 00j 38 00 ücol'mn ! 7 00 10 0 12 00 15 00 20 00 80 00' 55 00 1 col'iun 10 0015 00 18 06:22 00 35 00,60 00100 00 Twelve lines or lees consldered a square. Cards in Directory, $1 .00 a line per year. Business or special notiees 10 cents a line for the flrst lnsertion, and 5 cents for each subsequent inertion. Yearly advertisers have the privilege of chanjring theiradvertisements quarterly. Additional chang]ng will be charged for. Advertiseiuente unaccompanied by written or yerbal dlrections will be publisbcd three months, and cbarged accordingly. Legal advertising, first insertion, 70 cents per folio; 35 cents per folio for each subsequent iusertion. When a postponement is added to an advertisement, tbc whole will be charged the same as the first insertion. ; JOB lilIsrTIIÑra-. Pamphlets, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Ball Tickets, Labels, Blanks, Bill-Heads and other larieties of Plain and Fancy Job Printing executed Tvith promptness, and in the best possible style. BUSINESS DIRECTOR!. - . ] DB. TAÏXOR, ATTOENEY AT LAW, Chelsea, Mich. DONAIiD MACf-EAÏV, BI ., Physician and Surgcon. Office and residence, 71 Haron 1 atreet, AimArbor. Office hours from 8 to 9 i. m. ana from 1 to 8 p. M. I BS. SOPHIA VO1.I-ANB, BI. D., Pbysician and Surgeon. Office at residence, 44 Ann street. Will attend to all professional calis promptly, day and night. ! Ïl7 JACKSOK, Dentist. Office corucv Main and Washington streets, over Bach & Abel's store, Ann Arbor, Mich. Anestheties administered ifdesired. CSCHAEBERI.E, Teacher of the Piano forte. Pupils attain the desired skill in pianO-playing by a systematic course of instruciion. For terms, apply at residence, No. 12 West Liberty street, Ann Arbor. Prompt attention paid to pianotuning. __ CRAMER, FRUEAUFE & CORBIN, Attorneys at Law, E. K. FRUEAUFF, Justice of the Peace. All basiness promptly attended to. Office No. 8 East Washington street, Rinsey and Seabolt's block. HBNRY R. HILL, 'Attorney at La-w, Dealer in Real Estáte and Insurance Agent. Office, No. 3 Opera Houxe Block. ANN ARBOR. IREDERÏCK KRAÜSE, ATTCTIOITEBB, Will attend to all sales, on Bhort notice, at reasonble charges. For further particulars cali at the Abüus Office. J-1OODRICH HOUSE, SALINE, MICH. Il Best Hotel in town. First-class in every respect. A spacious sample room. Guests conveyed to and from Railroad free. A. H. öoonKioH, Prop'r. -piUROI-EAN HOTEL, Ypsilanti, Mich. New House, First-Class Table, Clean Beds, Low Prices. W. H. Lkwis, Proprietor J. H. NICKELS, DEALER IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Hains, Sausages, Lard, etc, STATE STREET, OPPOSITE NORTHWEST CORNER OF UNIVERSITY CAMPUS. Orders proiuptly fllled. FarmerB having meats to e!l give him a cali. THE ANN ARBOR SAVIITGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Capital paid In - - - 8 50,000.00 Capital security - - - 100.000.00 Transacts a general Banking Business; buys and sells Exchanges on New York, Detroit and Chicago; aells Sight Drafts on all the principal cities of Europe ; also, sells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, London and Glasgow, via the Anchor Line of Steamships, wuose rates are lower than most other firstclass lines. This Bank, already having a large business, invite merchants and others to open accounts with them, ■with the assurance of most liberal dealing consisnt with safe banking. In theSavings Department interest is paid semiannually, on the flrst days of January and July, on all ums that were deposited three months previous to those days, thus aBording the people of this city and county a perfectly safe depository for their fuuds, together with a fair return in interst for the same. Money to Loan on Approved Securities. Directobs- ChristianMack, W. W. Wines, W. D. Harriman. Daniel Hiscock, R. A. Beul, Wra Deubel, and Willard B. Smith. OFFICER8 : CHRISTIAN MACK, W. W. WINES, President. Vice President CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. EMANUEL MANN, Druggist and Pharmacisi, 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR, ha8 on hand a well selected stock of PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, Toilet Arlicles.ShoulderBraces, Trunes, Ac, which he offers for sale at prices to Buit the times. t 13" Physicians' Prescriptions carefully prepared at all hours. EBERBACH & SON, Druggists and Pharmacists, Vf - 12 South Main St., Have on hand a large and well seleeted stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFES, Artists and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet ArticI 8, T russen, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, Special attention paid to the furnishinti of Phy■icians, Chemiste, Schools, etc., with Philosophical nd Chemical Apparatus, Bohcmian Chemical Glasairare, Porcelain Ware, Pure Reaaenta, etc. Physiciaiu1 prescriptions caiViully propared at pil hftun.


Old News
Michigan Argus