Creeping Up The Stairs
In the softly-fallina twilight Of a weary, weary day, With a quiet step I entered Where the children were at play; 1 was brooding o'er some trouble, ïhat had met me unawares, When a little voice carne ringing, "Me is creepin' upa atairs !" Ahüt touched the tenderest heartBtring With a breath and forcé divine, And such melodies awakened As mere words can ne'er define ;4 And 1 turned to see your darling, All forgetful of iny cares, When I saw the little creature Slowly creeping up the stairs. Step by step she bravely olambered Uu her little hands and knees, Keeping up a constant chatteriug Like a magpie in the trees, Till at last she reached the topmost, When o'er all her world's affairs She, delighted stood a victor, After creeping up the stairs . Fainting heart behold an image Of man's briof and struggllng UCv, Whose best prizes must be captured With a noble, earnest Btrife; Onward, upward reaching ever, Bending to the weight of cares, Hoping, fearing, still expecting. We go creeping up the stairs . On their steps may be no carpet, By their side may be no rail; Hands and kneen may otter pain us And the heart may almost f ail ; Still above there is the glory Which no sinf ulness impairs, With its rest and joy forever, Afti?i' nreenine ud the stairs. ■
Old News
Michigan Argus