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Warning To Girls Who Chew Gum

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One evening a short time ago, says the St. Louis News, an incident occurred on Fortland avenue that may serve as a warning to hundreds of young jiersons who have entered upon a oareer of wax-chewing. A girl named Lida Smith had been a chewer for nearly a year. She is about 11 years old, rather bright and intelligent, and cliewed abont the same quan1 tity of the material that was used by neighboring girls. She took the gum from her mouth, stuck it under the edge of the mantel until she could go to the kitchen and get a swallow of water, and on her return her parents were horified to see her jaw movino; ,-apidly. She was told to throw the ivax from her mouth, and on an invesligation it was found that she was not jhewing any thing ; still her jaws kept inoving at a rapid rate. The parents sent for a physician, who carne and atiempted to hold her jaw in proper position believins it to be only temporaïy, but he could not stop the regular novement. The child grew nervous, and the excitement only increased the action üt ner jaws. iue pnysician puu a bundage over her face and ttais particlly relieved the moveinent, but then Lle twitching of the muscles extended all over her face. As a last resort a moderate dose of morphine was administered, and the little girl kept im incoherent mutterings, accompani by a general disturbante of the murcies of the upper portion of the body durmgthe aarly portion of the night, and towarcl morning the little sufferer was restored to her normal condition. The pliysician says he never heard of such acase before, and thinks it was brouglit about by a spasmod.'c action of the muscles of the face, caused by overaction. The little girl, af ter erduring a night of suffering, is now restored, but nothing in the world could induce her to again chew wax.


Old News
Michigan Argus