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Advance On Farm Lauds

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The price of farm land has advanced materially in IllinoiH during the past 1 three or four rnonths; in Champaign EOunty, v. e hear of sales at an advance ; ' 3 f .$( to $8 per acie, and the wheat erop just harvested has saved many a "armer from bankruptcy. A story is goiiig the rounds of the yards of a man down in Christian county, Illinois, who thought he owned 040 acres of good land, bat the same was covered a foot thick with mortgages, and last winter the owner made up his mind to put ; 3 about 600 acres of spring wheat, which could be harvested and marketed bef ore the mortgage would close him out; he followed out his plan, and when he came to thresh he found he couli not only pay all his debts, but have -several thousand dollars left, made him a rich and an honest man all at one time. Numerous other instances are related of farmers that for the flrst time in many years put in 40 to 00 acres of wheat, the yield of which has paid off their long accumulated dobts and p'aced them in a properous condition. Many an Illinois and Indiana farmer who in the spring looked with gloomy forebodings on the future now thinks this a pretty good world af ter all said and done, and this happy frame of mind is due to the good crops of wheat in the United States, and the poor crops in the United Kingdom. - Drover's Journal.


Old News
Michigan Argus