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Poultry For Market

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No ïowl over two years oiü, says tne American Agrioulturist, should be kept in the poultry yard, except for some special reason. An extra good mother, or a finely feathered bird tliat is desirable as a breeder, may be preserved until ten years old with advanage, or at least so long as she is serviceable. But ordinary hens and cocks should be fattened at the end of the second ycar for market. Feeding for this purpose may be begun now. When there is a room or shed tliat can be closed, the fowls may be conti ned there. The tloor should be covered with two or three inches of line sawdust, dry earth, sifted coal ashes or clean sand. The food should be given four times a day, and clean water be always before the fowls. A dozen or more fowls may be put at once in this apartment, so that there need not be too many ready to sell at one time. The best food for rapid fattening, for producing well-tlavored flesh and rich fat, is buckwheat meal mixed with sweet skimmed milk, into a thick niush. A teaspoonful of salt should be stirred in the food for a dozen fowls. Two weeks feeding is sufflcient to fatten the fowls, when they should be shipped for sale without delay, and another lot put up for feeding. If the shed is kept dark and cool, as it should be, the fowls will fatten all tbequicker for it.


Old News
Michigan Argus