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Common Council--special Election Ordered

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At Monday eveniug's session of (he Couucil a resolutioii was adoptecl that there shall bo raised $1 2,0.;i l'or the city at large ; and the following amounts for the wards; Fint, Í600. Seoond, $1,000. Third, $1,000. Fourth, $1,000. Fifth, $300. Sixth, $1,000. Total $4,900. Au adjournment was ordered to Wednesday evening. At the special meeting the subjoined resoluticns were adoj)ted : Whekeas, Tho Fire Department of this city has requested the Coumion Council to i'urnish its merubers bettor tacilities for putting out, one of the engines and a portion of tlie hose having becuuie worthfess. And WlIEREAS, There are no funds in the City Treasury which can be spared to parchase the articlcs necessary to make the Fire Department eiüuiuut in time of nued. Therefore Hesohed, That the Jtayor be aud he is hcr.-by Mjthorizdd nd directed fo cali a moetiug of the ptopetty tax paying electors of the city of Aun Arbcr, to bu held at Fireiuens' Hall in suid city, on Moüday, the twcntieih dayof Ottober, 187Í), commencing at uine o'clock in the foronoon, and olosing at tour o'cloek in the afternoon, of that day, to determine whetuer tlicy vvill vote to autborize Ihti Common Councü to raise by general tax. the suin of ïiireo Thou-and and Fifty Dollars, to be expended by or unJcr the direction of the Coromon Counoil as follows: The snol Fifteen Uundred Dollars for the purchuse of oub Stearu i'ire Engine for ihe use of' tbc Fue Departmeut of said city of Ann Arbor. The suin of Twclve Hundred Dollars for tlio purohae of hose for the use of said Fins Department ; $100 of whicb is to re-imburse the contingent i'und för money already used to pure base 500 feet of hose and $750 to be uted to putehase new hose. Thfi sutn of One Hundred and Pifty Dollars for the purchuse of a Hose Cart for tbe use of said Fire Dtpartiueiit, and the 8U111 of Two Hundred Dollars to be expended in building an lüngine House in the Cth Ward of said city. And that the Mayor cause noticie to be given oí' such meeting, as required by the Charter, and that the Resol ution to be subruitted to euch propeity tax paying eleetors at such meeting be as follows : Resolved, That the propeity tax payers of the city of Ann Arbor hereby au tharize the Common Oouncil to asaess. levy and collect by tax on the real and personal estáte taxable in said city, the sum of Three Thousanil and Fifty Dol!a s in additiou to theamount, otlierwise autliorized by law, to be expended as follows : $1,500 to pnrehase one Steam Fire Engine; $1,200 to purchase new Hoge; #180 to purchase a Hose Cart; $200 to build an Engine House in tbe Of h AVard of said city, all of whieh expenditures are to be for tho use of tho Fire Department of said city. Tbo form of bailóte tp be voted at said meeting shall be - " For the tax for lire purposes - Yes." " For the tax for fire purposes - No." Those votinp - " For the tax for fire purposes- Yes," sballbedeemed to have voted for the Resol ution so subinitted. Those voting - "For the tax for fire pur poses - No," shall be deeuied to have voted againsttho Kesolutious so submittod.


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