' - Unfortunate iecuuiseh - shebasgot to bo Pinafore !. - A m.v journalist ie venture theGrass Lake Neioa, is ree i ved: - John Seheflfel "f Grass Lakc paid $25 for selling liquot1 to minors - A new pastofiice in Ionin county has been givuu the name of' Cbandler. - Jaokaon Iris a neW brass band coraposed of about eqvial nuiubers of the sexes. - Wnrd's elevator at Port Ilnron disoharged 325.500 busbels of' wheatiu SejtooibeT. - Intemporanco and domestio unhaji pines8 induced Mathew Shearer of near Fiat Eock to kill hiiuself. - Bria;bt lighta in the Cold water salooua Suudny niiï'it ma!;e the peopk' think that spuntaneous combustión 18 going on. - Two men aaved seven cents toll at Birmingliain, and jiaid if.'Jo to suttle the aotion brought agaiust thein tbr dodging the gnto keeper. - Mrs. Service, of Adrián, loadeil ap with too much laudanum and then caliing a hackman sho drovo to a duotor's ind was puraped out. - The Mason County Record snys timl a girl 11 years old is doing t'all plowing 'or whciit, been use her parepts are too avaricious to liire a man. - The angels kit a baby at the house of Daniol McOauloy, of Jacksou, on Ihursdy night of last. week Xlluïbrougbt it i a basket and l tht ■ - üjuauso bor huaband attended a party wilh anothur woraau, Mrs.Nettie Frederick ot' Matteson, (lied frooi-a dose of Btrycbnine. Sho had been married only fout days. - Adrián young ladies have orgaaizi d a, cooking dub, and will meet vveekly, - Well versed in oulinary matters they will be more apt to get husbands - and tlioy seem to know it. - Thera was a sulpburio srael'. about the atinosphere surrounding Mr. Sparrow of Grosvenoi, wben ho learned his daugbter Mary had eloped to Bli ■, where Rev. Mr. Prazer transformul her into iNlrs. Jouoa. - The Port Huron aldermanic sqi.abble is to be submitted to J. B Eidriclge, of Macoinb county, and Artbur Brovn, of Kulamazoo, thoy to hoar aiid deudo and thu judgR of the St. Clair circuit to accept their fiuding the Biime as if tried by him. - Lucy C. Chase, a Lenawec courr.y school teacher, has been arrested for " assaulting" a scholar. That Í3, she whipped a girl v!io was saucy and hnper'.iDent. The trustees havo examined inio the oase and sa y " tho punishment was not too severe." - On Satuvday of last week, James Lindsley, of near Saline, carne to Clinton to get a load of lumber. He loaded hi.s wagon at the lumber yard, and lcft the horses unhitched wliile he went to the back part of the yards. The tea:i became frightened at something and started off toward Chicago street, where they broko into a run, throwing the lxx and back axie to the side of the road ld running on with tliH front whaels toward bom. - A bout a mile east of town t'üey ov; . a bnggy belonn;ÍTif to Isaac Alien, in which were Mrs. Allen, another lady whose name we did not learn and ft young man by the name of Van Geisor,, who was driving. Van (ieison drova to one sido of the road to get out of tht way of the runaway team, but they followed and npset the buirgy, badly demolishing it, but fortunately doing no sphdus iujury to the occupants. - Clinton -Vc '■"'■
Old News
Michigan Argus