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MOOREVILLE, Uct. (3, 1879. - Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Conde a boy. - The reform club is dead and ought to bo buiied. - The old Smith stand is closed up waiting tor an oocupant, - Win. Gorton has moved to Hilan where ho works in the dry house. - S. V. Hitchcock's now house is inclosed and the roof and iloors lain. - Dan Tanner left town last week in a hurry for fear of being arrested for alleged adultery. - The band of hope still continue their meetings with but light attendance. Old Hujtdred. Milán, Oct. 6. - Tho wife of Mr. George Hinier was attacked with erysipolas in her face last week ; quite a severe case, - 0. H. Kelsey & Co., are buying po3 for parties iu Toledo ; 30 cents pet bushol was paid last week. -Mr. K. B;tiley has moved his house nearer the road, and built a celler under it, and also is uiakiug thorough repairs upon it. --Miner Engle is building a new baru on his farm, to be 32 by 60 feet. Mr. Engle owns one of the best farms in the township of Milan. - A wheelbarrow was stolen from Whaley's milis, ono night last week, by some one who will find it a burden upon his hands if he kceps it. - The Leonard Fruit Co., are extending the capacity of their factory by putting in another evaporator. Fruit drying by the company is carried on upon a large scale this seasou. -Tho business in rnerchandise is steadily improving in Milan ; noticoable in trado of people living a greater distance from this place, who formerly di 1 business ut larger towns. - Mr. Win. Whaley bas commenced manufacturing eider in his mili. Mr. Whaley is also luauufacturing oil barrel headings from bolts, in large quantities, for Mr. Meado, who is doing business here in tho and stave trade. Tho best and cheapest in the world. Dr. Buli's Cough Syrup costs you only 25 cents, and if it does not euro your Cough you eau get your uioney back. Who gains wisdom ? He who is willing to receive inatruetion from all sources. Then go to Baeh & Abel's and be instructod in regard tu the price of 1 Dry Goode. M.E. Causen PtrLPiT PbovidedFor. - The eü'orts of seveial metuberi of tke M. E. church of this city, to obtain the services of Kev. John Altibaster, pastor the past two ycars ot tho ürst II. E. ohurch of Auburn, N. Y., havo been suoce8sful. ïho Kev. gentleman is one of the rising meu iu his denornination, an easy and graceful speaker, and especiaüy afftible. [Ie has lately returncd from Europe, where he went to secure rest from a protracted revival through which about ono hundred and fifty wero added to the mouiborship roll of Ma churoh. The society is very fortunato in securing him, us he has been tendered a large salary to go to St. Louis, and while eftbrts were rnaking hero, similar efforts were mada to secure him for tho First M. E. church of Detroit. Hia early youth was spent in Geneva, N. Y.