Real Estate Transfers
WAllllANTY. Riohard E. Buttorworth to Geo. H. Rhodes. Aim Arbor city property. Cousidsration $100. Stephen M. Merrithew to David Wieland. 4 acres in Sbaron. Consideration $220. Leander Stilos to Geo. W. Havens. Lot six in normal school addition, Ypsilanti. Consideration $100. Louisa J. Drury to Ella J. Olcott. Ten acres in Augusta. Considoration $200. Herbert J. Adarus to Adam Deckert. Dexter villago lot. Consideration $30. Densmore Cramer to David Mowerson. Land in Aun Arbor town. Con&idoration $i,üOO. Phebe Easton to Mary A. Dancer. 40 aura l.i 6to ö:ti„u Í2J0Q. Michael Rehfus to Godfrey iieüfus. 39 acres in Scio for $1,000. Mary Ann Arinstrong to Albert M. Clark, guardián. Salino village-lot for $800. Christian Egeler to ï'rederick Egeler. Land in Sylvan for $750. John H. Praushky to John Nauinann. jand in Lima for $725. Michael Bersuder to Joseph Bersuder. 81 acresin Dexter. Consideration $3,000. Hiram S. Huil to George Nisley. Xen acres in Saline for $000. Ellen Morse to Johannah and Mary Jagney. Aun Arbor city property for 52,400. A. C. Tonoy to John B. Gilman. Manhester village lot for $900. ' CiUlT-CLAIM. Edward Pacey, Jr., to Elizabeth Phelps. Dexter village property. Conideration $1 and carry out settlement f estáte. John S. Pacey and Althea, uit-claimed their interest in saine to ame. Althea Pacey to Edward Pacey, Jr. Ier interest in 280 acres in Scio for 1,300. John S. Pacejrto Edward Pacey, Jr. nterest in Scio land for $1. Elizabeth Phelps to Edward Pacey, r. Interest in Scio land for $1. Hannab Pacey to Edward Pacey, Jr. nterest in 280 acres in Scio. Consideration, proper raaintainance. Elizabeth Phelps to John S. Pacey. Interest in Dexter viilage lot for $1. Hannah Pacey to John S. Pacey. 120 acres in Scio and Dexter village for support and maintainance. Althea Pacey to John S. Pacey. Her claim to interest in Scio lauds and Dexter property for $1.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Michigan Argus
Richard E. Butterworth
George H. Rhodes
Stephen M. Merrithew
David Wieland
Leander Stiles
George W. Havens
Louisa J. Drury
Ella J. Olcott
Herbert J. Adams
Adam Deckert
Densmore Cramer
David Mowerson
Phebe Easton
Mary A. Dancer
Michael Rehfus
Godfrey Rehfus
Mary Ann Armstrong
Albert M. Clark
Christian Egeler
Frederick Egeler
John H. Praushky
John Naumann
Michael Bersuder
Joseph Bersuder
Hiram S. Hull
Ellen Morse
Johannah Cagney
Mary Cagney
A. C. Toney
John B. Gillman
Edward Pacey Jr.
Elizabeth Phelps
John S. Pacey
Althea Pacey
Edward Pacey
Hannah Pacey