Ann Arbor City Markets
Ann Aebor, Oct. 9. Beans- Wanted at 75a$l. CalfsKins- 9o. Kip 7c. Corn- -Shelled 40c ; Bar 20c. Hides- 5Vc green ; cured 6a7. Oats- 23c. Lambskins 30a40c. Shearlings 15a25o. New Potatoes - 3óc. ïiETAIL RATES. Beans- 5c per quart. Bran - (iOcts per hundred. Butter- 16o. Uheese - 10c. Coru - 25c ear ; shelled öOc. Corn Meal- Coarse $1 ; SI. 75 bolted. Eggs- 16c. Flour- $3n5.80. Patent $8 peí barrel. (iround Fond- $1 per bundred or }lb per ton. Hams- Sugar cured lic. Horainy - 4c por lb. ïïoney- 18c. Lard- 8c. Oiils- 30c. OaTmeal - 4c. Potatoos- 50. Pork- frcsh 6a8c; salt 8a10c. Balt- Onondaga$1.40, Saginaw $1.35. Shouldei's - 7c. strong upwanl movement in the prioe of wheat at a season when the crops are the fullest, is d auoraoly. It is reasoned that if there is a legitímate cause for the present rapid advauce, higher prices must rule as the end of the stock is reached. Trendwell & Oaborne paid SI. 10 on 8aturday andMouday, il. 18 on Tuesday, S1.12 on Wedneaday. and SI. 17 vestonliiv.
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