The Underground Route To New York
tunnel under the Hudson river, connecting JSiew York city with New Jorsey 8bore, has been begun at Jersey City by the sinlung of a vertical shaft, and the work will now be vipcorously pushed. The tunnel is to cost $10,000,000. Ita length .will be, with the approaches, 12,000 feet, and the greatest deptb of water it will pass under is 60 feet. It is said to be the largest of moafrrn sirnnar entorprises. - C. S. Giegory.hns purchased tbe interest of G. II. Coleiaan in the Duxter Peninsular milis. Big 8tock of cheap School Books, onv and seoond hand, at S. V. Audrewa'. Cook'sBUck.
Old News
Michigan Argus