J EÍOBT OF THE CONDITION OF THK First ITational Bank OF ASJI A KIK) IC, Át Anii Arbor. in the Stilte of Mii-bigan, ut tha clusu ui' business Oetober 2d, 1879. 8 ESO URCES.' Loans and discounta, - $203 838 19 Overdralts, - - . - - . sd'.sg lT. S. Bonds to secure circulation, - 100,000 00 U.S. Bonds on hand (iucluding680 Re' ,, fundinii certiliraren), - RG.08f03 Otberstncfcg, bonda and mortgages, e.,,oo.oo Due frora approved it.s, 49'47ñ'.76 Duo from !;ite liiinks and lïanker?, 9'206 91 Kealeslate, lurniture, and üx tures, 18'.VH'no Current expeusea and taxes paid, l'l96'97 Premiums paid, ' i-jg'an Checbs mid ot her cash items, - - 3"030J BiJU of other National Banke and U. S. DOteB (nnassorted), - I5,?41.00 FraLtional ciurtmey (ncluding nickels) 60.51 Specie (including gold Ireasurjr notes) ,704.1 Legul-tonder notetj, - 24 775)0 Redemption fund with V. S. Treusurér ' (6 per cent of circulution), - - 4,500.00 Total, $47'J,0S9jn MAIiJT.ITlES. Capital stock paid in, - - - ïloo éoO.OO Surplus fund - - - - - 40,000.00 Otuer undivided profita, - - 5 925.70 Nal innal Bank notea outstanding, - 8)'4nn 00 pividendsunpaia, .... 3CC.oó Individual deposita subject to check, 223.4T4.4S Demaiidcertificatesuf denosit, - - 19,892 91 Tot1. S479,O59.0Í Statbof Michioají, Tonnfy of Washtenaw- . I, J. V. Knijrht, Caahier of the aboTe nani4 hank, do solcmulv swear that tbe above statement ia true to the best of my knowlrdge and belief. J. W. KN1GHT, Cashier. Subscribea and swc.ra to before me this 9th dy of October, 1879. Louis D. Taylou, Notary Publlo. Conect-Attest: Pinr.TP BACH ) L' "'i-J T-; Director!. wm. mccrekryJ
Old News
Michigan Argus