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Detroit Markets

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Floto - City paatry brande 5 50@ 6 7Í otate branda 5 25g5 50 Patenta 6 CO@K 5C Low gradea 2 75@3 2E Rye 3 75@4 25 Wheat - Extra white 1 10@l lf No. 1 white 1 lOigl Vi Amber - 1 05R1 II Barley- 1 30@$ 1 40 per 100 Iba. (Joan- 38@45c per bush. Oats - 28;á;32c. per bu. Kye - 45@55c per bush. Seeds.- Clover, $4.30@4 40 per bu. Timothy 2 30@2 40 Beans - Unpicked, 70o. @1 00 per bush. Picked. $1 35@1 45. Peas- $1 50@2 65 per bu, ukEíWAX - 22 @25 per pound. Botteb -Prime quality, 12@14 Médium D 3 12o. üheese- 8@llc per Ib; half Bkim,3@7 cts. Apples- í$l 75@$2 25 per bbl. Deied Apples - 5@6ots per Ib, Dbikd Peaches- 12@14c. Geapes.- Concorda 3@4 per Ib. Delawari 6@ 7 cts. H0P8.- 20 e @25per Ib Eoos- Fresh 14@16c. Hat- $8 00@12 00 per ton; baled $18.@$ 15 Honey- 12@14c. per Ib Onions- Michigan $2@2 50. per bbl. Plums - $2 25@2 50 per bu. Peabs - él 25 @1 75per bu. Peaches- 1 25@1 50 per % bu. box. Siberian Cbab Apples.- f 1 00@l 25 pir bu Cabbaoes- $3 50@4 25 per 100. Tomatoeb - 50060 c per bu. Potatoes- $1 20 1 50 per bbl. Bales from Btore 35 @ 45c. per luah. Nctsieo Melons - $i 50 per 100. Winter Squashes - $1 00 per doz. Poultry - Live Spring cbickens, 30 c ptr pair; fowls, 40@45c per pair. Pbovisions - Pork Mess, $10 @2 oú; Lard, 6@6í; rimokedHams, 8@10o, Bhoulders, 5@6c; Baeon, 7%c, extra Mes' Beef, 810 00@10 50 per bbl. dried beef 11@12 e. Salt - Saginaw, $1 19@1 21 per bblj Onnnánu $1 22@1 25; Wood - Hickory, $5 per cord; maple, $5; beechand maple $4 00(2460; scft. $2 75. Detroit Stook Market. The receipts of live stook at the Michtfan Central Yards last veek were : Cattle, 785; hogs, 20,703; sheep, 3,723. Thecattle market was dull and prices for all descriptions of stock were not well sustained. Sales were as iollows: 9 stockers, av 800 lbs, at $3 per owt; 15 mixed butchers, av 887 lbs, at $2 80 per cwt; 3 butcbering cattle, av 853 lbs, at $2 60 per cwt; 14 coarse butchers, av 770 lbs, at $2 20 por cwt; 1 buil, 990 lbs, at $1 80 per c-.vt; 10 butchering head, av 863 lbs, at $2 55 per cwt; 41 stockers, av 756 lbs, at $2 25 por cwt; 10 butchering heart, av 749 lbs, at $2 30 per cwt; 1 buil, 936 lhs, at $s2 90 per cwt; 6 stockers, av825 Iba, at $2 35 per cwt; 4 good heifers, av 880 lbs, at $3 per cwt; 2 heifors, av 695 lbs, at f 25 percwt; 10 good steers and heifers, av 1,052 lbs, at $3 25 per cwt; 22 inixet butchering head, av 856 lbs, at $2 60 per cwt. The hog market was very active, witl prioes of the previous week sustained lm not advanced. Sales were as follows: 66 av 175 lbs, at 3 per cwt; 16, ay 246 lbs at 3 40 per cwt; 77, av 239 lbs, at $3 30 per cwt; 13, av 222 lbs, at Y3 45 per cwt 52, av 266 lbs, at ?3 45 per cwt; 27, ay 229 lbs, at f3 30 per cwt; 110, av 227 lbs, a f3 50 per cwt; 103, ar 211 lbs, at private terms; 50, av 217 lbs, at $3 40 per cwt; 50 av 242 lbs, at $3 55 per cwt; 48, av 181 lbs at $3 35 per cwt; 49, av 221 lbs, at f3 45 per cwt; 58, av 210 lbs, at $3 30 per cwt 61, av 221 lbs, at ?3 30 per cwt; 20, av203 lbs, at $3 40 per cwt. The sheep market was active but prices declined about 20c, unfayorable reports from the eastern markets having a discouraging effpct. Sales were as iollows 158 head, av 100 lbs, at f3 70 per cwt; 90 av 87 lbs, at $3 40 per cwt; 98, av 91 lbs at f3 25 per cwt; 94, av 92 lbs, at f3 30 per ewt; 183, av 85 lbs, at f3 35 per cwt 38, av 80 lbs, at f3 40 per cwt; 165, av 8 lbs, at $3 40 per cwt; 100, ay 89 lbs, a f3 30 per cwt.


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