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State Agency. APPOINTMKSTS OT MKS3HS. PI.DMB AND HOÜCH OF ÓTICA, N. r. Mr. Pr.üMB. KALAMAZOO COUNTY. Mondny, September 28, at Augtuta. Tuesday, " 29, at Galesburgh. Wednesday, 30, at Comstock. Thurjday, October 1 at Gull Prairie. Friday, 2 at K.lamazoo. ALLEGAN COUNTY. Satnrday, Octobcr 3 at Oísogik. Monday, ' 5 at Allegan i Tueiday, " 6 Wednesday, " 7 Thursday, 8 ET Frienda in Allegan will ppoint iheir own laces. BARRY COUNTY. Fridar, October 9 at Middlcville. Saturday, 10 at Hastingd. Rr.v. L. C. íIoüoh. CALHOUN COUNTY. Monday, September 28 at Leroy. KALAMAZOO COUNTY. Tueiday, Septembr 29 at Climax. Wedneiday, i 20 at Scboolcraft. Thursday, October 1, tobe appointed by Dr. liornas. Friday, " 2 at Kalaroazoo. VAN BUREN COUNTY. Saturday, October 3 at Puw Paw. Monday, " 5 Tuesday, 6 Wednesday, " 7 Thursday, " 8 ttj" Al8uch places as friendnray appoint suitable to thcmselvcs. BARRY COUNTY. Friday, October 9 at Prairieville. Salurday, ♦' 10 at Hasting. At Hastings, Meisrs. Plumb ?md Hough wil unite, and puruo the rest of their tour in con nection, unless they end fricndson the spotdeeu t best that they should separnte occasionnlly. The will fill the following nppointmern : ION1A COUNTY. Wednesday, October 14 at Portland. Thursday, " 15 at Lyons. On the 1 Gth and 17th atsuch places as may be appointed, by friendi at Lyons. CLINTON COUNTY. They will spend in this County thfi weel; commencing on Monday the I9th ai De Witt o Saturday evening the 2ith. De Witt friend will make the necessary appointments.SHIAWASSEE COUNTY. They will spcnd in Shiawassee tlic following vaek, cemmencingon Monday the'?Gth at Owas so. and onding on Saturday evening the 3lst. Lacli appoininient will be at early candlclight except at the Mass Convcntions at Kalsmazoo Paw Paw, and Do Wilt, in connection wiil Messrs. Bibb and Trendwell. These will coin menee at 10 o'clock A. M. (See appointment ofB. &T.) We again commend these Yisitors t the care and hospitality of friends, and request the latte to forward them on their route. Messrs. Pliimb and Ilough, are also authorized to receive contributions to the Staie fund. We have to throw ourselves on friend to sustain on efiort, and we sul cit frotn each his contribiuion, no matter how small. Every conlribution is regularly published in tho Signal. with or wi;hout the donor's name, according to circums'.ances. - Jt is probable howover that som part of the collections made by these gentlemen cannot be ubliahed Utuil their return to Detroit. C. H. STEWAUT, Cha'n. St. Cen. Com. Detroit. Sept. 21, 1846.