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Ottawa County: For The Signal Of Liberty

Ottawa County: For The Signal Of Liberty image
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Letter to the Editor
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Ala. T. Fotek : - At a meeiin? oí the friends of Liberty held in (he iown of Tallmadjje, Ang. ?7ih, the followmg amongothers rcsolu.ions were passed. Resolved. Thot all legislwive acts, having for iheir objact the benefit of particular individuals or classes at ihe expense of otbefs, or the promotion of any particular branches of industry to the detriment of othere - or the creation of monopolies to burden the peoplo - or the grntirtg of exclusivo privileges to nny; are partial in their nnture, and beyond tho loitimato province of lesislntion, and opposed to the firtt principies of the Liberty party. Resolved, Thot the Milltnry Academy at West Point is in every form and feature, contrary to tho íudamcntal principies of uur Govcrn ment, it is a perfect incubus upon our country and ought to be dircontinued. Resolved, That whilst wc would disipprove of a nigcnrdly or parsimonïous course in regard to ihe compeneotiop of public servnnte, yet retrenchmont in varioua branches of eor Slato andNationu Government, haa become absoluiely nect8sary, and we believe it to be the onljr meoni ia the power of tho people, of gaving ihe country from the grievousand increaaing evils of excessive legislation and executiveinfluence.