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The Oakland Gazette

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We like to see evcry ship sail under s own colors ; nnd thcrcforc announce o our readers that the Oakland Gazcttc, vhicli has made such strong antislavery rofessions at different times, is out disnctly forthe election of Slaveholder Clay forthe next President; for other laveholders hercaftcr on the "rotation" lan ; makes no pretensions to "proelaim ie cmancipation of theslaves" ; and aims t nothing more than to" stand by Northrn Rights against all encroachments." But as some of our readers may wish o sce the views of the Editor, w?. give ïem in his own language. The ltalics re ours.uThc Sigval of Liberty wishes to know 'vh;U whig slaveholdcr we intend to vote - r for President in 18 18." None, j ly, unless II. Clcuj siould, as 7ie ought '■ o bc callcd for by the general voice of hc American pcnplc. Withthis one exepiion, we proposo to vote lor n northrn man for the first office in 1848 ; not )cc;iusc we would not under any circumtances votes for n sliivelioldcr but bccause ve believo in a fair "rotation" in these nat tors. "We will not then bjindly refuse fo ote for aslaveholder, if he will advance ie great and good moasures which wc lavo at heart. We do not expect to ilcase or satisfy the Si n ', bat we are Vve to avow our position, honestly taken and candidly maintained."-We do not wago a sectional warupon he South; we do not seck to break the j .ututional compact by making the abolition of slavery an object of party politics n the free States. We do notdenounce and slander aman simply because heli vos in the South, or has not light enough to sec all the moral and social evils of this instifution. We are. willing to go along cordially and cvenly with our Southern brcthren in National politics. As a political party, we do not proclaim the emancip;ition of the sluves, because it is not within the bounds of our political power. But' as Northern men - as W'higs - as patriots, wedodenouncc the assumption of a certain pretty largo portion of the South who strive by all the moans of bruvado and narty management to rrdtance Soutlieri, i iteiests inopposition to those of the North. The legislation of the Union should be for common good."Attlic same time, we fcel ndegreeof contempt for those whom the Northern people have thought worthy to represent them in the counuils ef tlie North, vvho have lent themselvesas instrumenlsto tlie advancoment of a Southern suprcmacy. Wo believe upon tlicse suhjects there is no f tal variance hcLwecn the Whigs of thc North and the Whigs of the South. - Whilc they are willing to sharc the influence, the benefits and the emoluments of Government fairly with us, we are willing to concede to them the compromises of the Constitution. Thus far, as politicians, - as organs of a party - os f ree men, we are at all times willing and ready to Int the South and the North know our views of slavery. We are ready to stand by Northern rights against all encroachments. 'J'his is our position, and this it has ever been, both before and after election." We consider this a fair, candid exposition of the proslavery position of the Editor. To show how much practical antislarery feeling is evinced by some of these Whig Abolition papers, we will give a sentence or hvo f rom a leader in the Gazette, a little more than a year ago."ABOLITÏONISM. " Again the people of Pontiac have been fed on the exquisite droppings of that thicklipped Ethiopian, wlio passes himself oíT as "Mr. Ribb," a fugitive from justice - or a fugitive slave from the South. II ow vory picasant it is to listen to abolition sentiments, especially when coming í'rom such a sooty source ; and how gratifying to know that the cause has some supporters still. Wc believe he lectures for the ostensible of obtaing means to libérate his wifc, who is now held in Slavery. Well, this motive is commendable enough in CuflTec. lf he has a wife, it is the duty of the Liberty party (who in connexion with their Locofoco allies, have done wlmt nevcr canbeundone towards rivelingherchains) to assist him, and we hope he will succeed in his undertaking. No doubt the Liberty pa-ty feel a deep interest in the nigger's welfare," Sec. &c. Do friends of the slave use language like tliis ? Wc havo thus at length exposed the proslavcry character of several Whig papers of this State, because thcy are ever throwing out antislavery representations ; and we fear there is a class of Abolitionists who are just simple enough lo be deceived by them. The true doctrine is, to have no political fellowahip with any man who votes for a slaveholder, or for a supporter of slaveholdcrs.