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Candidates For Congress

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The nominations by all parties are) ::omplc,ted. A remark or two on the se lections may bc seasonable and proper, if made with candor and truth. In the First District, the Democrats have re nominated Mr. McClelland. We artí not acquainted with hirn personally, but lie has the reputation of being a man of moderate abilitics, and a clever fellow. But a Congressman needs 1o have othca qualities besides cleverness. He should aot be clever enough to vote forty millions a year for carrying on proslavery wars, just because Mr. Polk wishes him to do so : nor should he vote for the annexation of a foreign natíon, giving forcigners three or four times asmuch politcal power in Congress as his own constituents possess, and giving them, bosides, a represen tat ion for pro perty. Bul his acts are pretty wcll known to oar readers, and we will not go into them here. Wewill merely remark, thatsofar as we have seen he has not shown any sympathy with reforms of any kind, and may rightly be set down as decidedly pro-slavery and thoroughly conservative in his political course and unworthy of the support of any friend of antislavery or geneal reform.His VVliig opponent, Mr. Lawrence, of this village, is a Lawyer by profession. - de is not at all identified with the reform part of the community, but sustains rather a neutral position. We doubt whether the pay of Gongressmen or of )ublic officers would be reduced by his election. As to antislavery, we never lieard that he was guilty of an antislavery sentiment or action or speech, until after bis nomination for Congress two years since. Of course, as a Whig, he would not refuse to vote for a VVhig slaveholder for President, in 1848. Mr. Stewart, the Liberty candidate, is so well known to our readers through the District, and the State, that we need say but little respectin' him. The many thousands who have heard him know him to be a ready nnd accornplished speaker, well educated and thoroughly conversant with facts, a gentleman, and a prompt and energetic bu$iness man. In qualificaion3 for the station he will compare with advantage with either of his competitors, wbile of his antislavery zeal and fidelity there can be no question. He is, besides, a thorough friend of reform. In the Second District, the Dcmocrats have nominated Edward Bradley, a Baltimore Slavery and Texas Convention man of 1844 - a member of a body that unanimously denounced "all eflbrts of abolitionists or others" - whether by petitions or othervvise - uto induce Congress to interfere with questions of Slavery" -whether in the District, on the Seas, or clsewhere - or "taking incipient steps in relation thereto" - as being dangerous t& the Union, and which. "ought not to be countenanccd by anyfricnd to our political instiiulions. From all we have learned ofhimwe judge he will make about such a member as was John Norvell - pro-slavery to any extent that the party may culi for - amere politician. Mr. Gordon, of Marshall, the Whig candidate, claims to be a little of a Northern rights man, but seems to go the wholfr for prosecuting Mr. Polk's war to the death. In a letter accepting his nomination, he tells the people of his district that he relers to the conduct of the VVhigs who voted.thewar supplies "witii pride. - Uf course he could be proicd to do thesame things, if not greater, although the taxes of each of his constituents be thereby increased from 20 bushels of wheat a year to forty or fifty. Mr. Gordon, of course, will support a Whig Slaveholder for next Presidentsshould he be the choice of the party.Mr. Hussey the Liberty candidate, ís a merchant ofBattle Creek - a ready business man, of good practical knowledge general information, and sound good sense. We believe him to beworthyof the support of every Liberty man and friend of reform. With the threecandidates ín theThird District, we are personally unacquaintedk Mr. Bingham is an experienced lawyer and politician of some abilityr but is not tho man to be trusted or voted íbr by antU slavery men. Mr. Wisner, the VVhig candidato, is a lawyer of Pontiac, welt" khown by name to most of our readers.. Unless their impressions rcspecting him have been very different from ours, hí is the last peraon a Liberty man wouM select to represent him at Washington.. In Mr. Canfield, the Liberty men of of that district have a candidate unexceptionable in character and principie, and worthy of their confidence and support. All who may be led away by Wisner's antislavery -professions, will find,. in the end, that they have "thrown away their votes." The Liberty men have good candjdates in the field : they will never regret giving them, on this oooasion, a hearty aad. unanimous support,